Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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How workplace relocation has been impacted by the pandemic
Over the past year, how we work has changed significantly. What has become blindingly obvious is that there has never been greater flexibility in how and where companies are allowing their employees to work.
Opinion by " Paul Bennett
How workplace relocation has been impacted by the pandemic
The future’s not just cashless – it’s cardless
Much has been said about the rise of the cashless society, and that was even before the pandemic. Over the course of 2020, cash has shifted from being just a passé mode of payment to becoming a breeding ground for a killer virus.
Opinion by " Anton Komukhin
The future’s not just cashless – it’s cardless
Mistakes businesses make on the way to digitalisation
The era of digitisation revolutionises the way businesses work and keep up with their growth. Hundreds of organisations worldwide ambitiously set off and begin their digital journey. This increasingly automated, even robotised way of cooperation is seen as our near future.
Opinion by " Mary Byrd
Visitors stuck in a maze
Pitching for healthtech investment - how to do it right
In the third quarter of 2020, European healthtech startups secured $2.3B of investment, according to research by Speedinvest and Dealroom. Of the 626 digital health companies currently active across Europe, 63% were founded in the past five years. It’s a space that’s expanding and diversifying at breakneck speed.
Opinion by " Lucanus Polagnoli
test tubes healthtech
How to make a comeback after becoming a millionaire founder and losing it all
Liverpool-based entrepreneur Paul Harrison is the cofounder of homeworking travel consultancy Not Just Travel and its recruitment arm, The Travel Franchise. Here, Paul discusses the ups and downs of entrepreneurial life and gives advice for those who want to break free and work for themselves.
Opinion by " Paul Harrison
How to make a comeback after becoming a millionaire founder and losing it all
A little less conversation, a little more action please
It is well known that for every £1 of VC funding, female-founded businesses receive just 1p. Worse than that, for the last 20 years only 10% of venture funding has gone towards businesses that even include a woman anywhere in the founding or leadership team. Investors must show more than just good intentions if we're to realise the full potential of female-founded startups.
Opinion by " Stephen Page
A little less conversation, a little more action please
The 5 Korean startups that could be the next unicorns
The number of unicorn startups is steadily growing in Korea and has now hit 13. In 2020, due to the pandemic, only one startup, Socar, a car sharing startup achieved unicorn status. In Korea, the government made considerable efforts to the birth of unicorns with financial subsidiaries. Many domestic investors expected to see more unicorns this year, here are 5 Korean startups expected to be the next unicorns.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with StartupRecipe
AI is changing photography, but there’s nothing to fear
Robot servants, automated factories and self-driving cars —these are some of the things that are highlighted whenever the concept of Artificial Intelligence is discussed. The technology is often painted as ‘futuristic’; something that will reshape human life years from now.
Opinion by " Evelyn Johnson
AI is changing photography, but there’s nothing to fear
What NFTs and Digital Assets mean for startups and entrepreneurs
Meme stocks are yesterday’s news. The hype machine on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is at full tilt. So is there something of value here for an opportunistic entrepreneur?
Opinion by " Joe Procopio
Joe Procopio Leaf Fronds black and white
Let’s talk about the climate impact of remote work
US startup Watershed has developed an online calculator enabling companies to estimate if remote working will reduce or increase their emissions and by how much. The firm’s model is based on New York City, San Francisco, Houston, Toronto and London, and offers a figure based on the number of staff, where they live, how they get to work and office size. Shopify and Stripe are among Watershed’s client base.
Opinion by " Fred Fullerton
remote work
What is the key to understanding and benefiting from failure?
Much has been written about the importance of learning to fail and fail well, which has become a mantra of almost every innovative startup around the world. But beyond the rallying cries, motivational slogans and glib Instagram posts, what does any of this really mean?
Opinion by " Ed Wells
What is the key to understanding and benefiting from failure?
Going for growth: getting closer to our customers to fuel global expansion
We made a big decision for our business last year. Having founded LawAdvisor in Melbourne and grown our business in Australia for a number of years, it was time to get serious about global growth – and for us that meant moving our headquarters and some of our top team to the UK.
Opinion by " Brennan Ong
An industry on the cusp of change? VCs, startups and the promise of diversity
Like many sectors, concerted efforts have helped improve venture capital’s diversity and that of the startups we invest in. Diversity VC’s ‘Diversity in Venture Capital 2019’ study reported that women now make up 30% of the VC workforce, up from 27% in 2017.
Opinion by " Lucy Rand
Water and Ice
AgeTech: How technology could drastically benefit an ageing society
Humans aren’t comfortable with the idea of ageing. Trying to slow down the natural body clock has been our obsession for centuries.
Opinion by " Simon Lovick

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