Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Confidence is contagious – how to catch the bug and spread it to your employees
Do you have confidence? Or do you look at seemingly confident colleagues with a sense of envy? Perhaps you worry that a lack of confidence is holding you back at work and in your personal life? The good news is that confidence is contagious - you can catch (and spread) the confidence bug.
Opinion by " Julie Smith
Confidence is contagious – how to catch the bug and spread it to your employees
Making an impression: How packaging can signpost sustainability
90% of executives agree that sustainability is key to unlocking business success, playing an important role in engaging investors through strengthening ESG credentials, according to the World Economic Forum.
Opinion by " David MacDonald
Breaking the supply demand deadlock in the built environment
The built environment - which encompasses all homes, offices and public infrastructure - accounts for over a third of total global greenhouse gas emissions. To combat the negative impact this industry has on fragile ecosystems, deep systemic change is needed to transform the ways in which we build and manufacture.
Opinion by " Victoria Burrows
Breaking the supply demand deadlock in the built environment
The need for a (truly) global startup media
Timothy Motte is the founder of The Realistic Optimist. Pieces take the form of exclusive op-eds from startup founders, VCs and ecosystem operators around the world, giving an authentic and global voice for the globalised startup scene.
Opinion by " Timothy Motte
REALISTIC OPTIMIST The need for (truly) global startup media 03.04
How data management helps to structure your business – best approaches
The data control strategy should have a robust data quality management framework. Ihor Sheyko, Managing Partner of Digicode, insists that organised data is a critical component of this framework, representing a basis for in-depth analysis of data patterns and anomalies to identify potential problems. The advanced data management processes are a prerequisite for structuring all business assets.
Opinion by " Ihor Sheyko
Ihor Sheyko
Is diversity disappearing at the top - What needs to be done?
Recently, something rather remarkable has been happening, quietly, in the world of work. More women than ever before have made the choice to leave their jobs, on their own terms - a trend that researchers are calling the Great Break-up.
Opinion by " Sophie Williams
How to produce evergreen content
Employee ambassadors are transforming the face of brand communication, embodying the authentic voice that bridges companies with their audiences. Through their unique insights and personal stories, they're not just promoting a brand, but fostering genuine connections and trust within the marketplace on platforms such as LinkedIn. However, too often employee ambassadors are left without support or guidance on effective methods of content creation which hinders their potential impact.
Opinion by " Ivana Brutenič & Kristína Cichý Kováčiková
How to produce evergreen content
How to choose the right legal structure for your business
Choosing the right legal structure is a fundamental decision for any aspiring entrepreneur in the UK. It shapes how you run your business, manage finances, and interact with authorities.
Opinion by " John Carpenter
John Carpenter
Mental health and young people in the workplace: happy, productive and thriving
It’s fantastic that more people than ever are talking about mental health, but I am concerned about sweeping generalisations about the reasons for increased diagnosis of mental health conditions and how people are now being vocal when they experience poor mental health.
Opinion by " Sandi Wassmer
How to handle the cost of living conversation at your startup
It's been a tough couple of years for our household finances. Rising prices are the British public’s number one concern, 4 in 10 energy bill payers are struggling to afford payments at the moment and a third are finding it difficult to pay their mortgage.
Opinion by " Greg Marsh
Greg Marsh
AI chatbots vs. human agents: The customer support dilemma
In the rapidly evolving landscape of customer experience, the debate over the use of AI chatbots versus human support continues to intrigue and challenge customer experience leaders.
Opinion by " Charles Kergaravat
AI chatbots vs. human agents: The customer support dilemma
Robots are coming for our jobs: How Dyslexic Thinking could save us
Advanced technologies, like AI, are inherently changing how we work, live and interact. The rise of AI has been remarkable, but while it can certainly be a useful tool to move businesses forward, there is another tool out there that can innovate in a way that AI simply can’t: Dyslexic Thinking.
Opinion by " Kate Griggs
How to avoid crossing the ‘creepy line’ when personalising your marketing
For more than a decade, marketers have used the explosion in available customer data to build increasingly personalised and complex communication strategies. As marketing channels fragment and evolve, the creation of campaigns that reach someone at the right time, place, medium and message have become essential.
Opinion by " Daria Kepa-Green
How to avoid crossing the ‘creepy line’ when personalising your marketing
Beyond equity: How startups can leverage venture debt to fuel growth
Equity financing continues to be scarcer and more expensive than in prior years, so naturally founders are looking for alternatives to traditional venture capital.
Opinion by " Antony Baker
Beyond equity: How startups can leverage venture debt to fuel growth

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