Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Why hiring freelancers will help your tech business grow
The gig economy is expected to go into overdrive on the back of higher employer demand, more opportunities and the potential for freelancers to earn more money. Freelancers and startups are a match made in heaven. 
Opinion by " Xenios Thrasyvoulou
Why hiring freelancers will help your tech business grow
The motorcoach makeover: Driving bus travel into the future
Buses may seem like an outdated form of travel, but they’re seeing a rebirth. The bus is still a very popular way of getting around in many geographies, especially in Europe. On an average day, more than 1.6 million people ride buses in Europe, three times that of people in the US.
Opinion by " Sean Simpson
The Motorcoach Makeover: Driving bus travel into the future
Building the talent you need for the future post-COVID
The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on all businesses. From companies having to shift their operations online, to workforces suddenly being made remote, all organisations and workers have been affected in one way or another. And these changes have had a significant knock on effect on workforce skills.
Opinion by " Dan Tesnjak
Building the talent you need for the future post-COVID
A year of tech innovation in a crisis: how the education sector adapted
Everything – from work to how children are educated – changed one year ago. As a business providing education technology to workplaces and schools, we witnessed this transition internally and externally at Texthelp, but here’s how tech companies can stay on track.
Opinion by " Patrick McGrath
A year of tech innovation in a crisis: how the education sector adapted
FOMO is the missing ingredient in your investment strategy
Pitching to investors is like Marmite – some founders love it, and some hate it. For me, there’s no better stage than in front of investors. I’ve pitched to hundreds of investors and still enjoy the excitement the process brings.
Opinion by " Tom Fairey
FOMO is the missing ingredient in your investment strategy
Trends, challenges and opportunities in UK’s healthcare sector in 2021
A decade ago, I remember reading about the warnings of stagnation. Great civilisations that last for millennia come to an end when they lose their drive to improve. It is not a foreign invader that destroys them but their own complacence.
Opinion by " Alex Miller
Trends, challenges and opportunities in UK’s healthcare sector in 2021
Closing the North/South divide takes more than good intentions
The North/South divide is never far from the political and economic agenda. Levelling up, the Northern Powerhouse, infrastructure spending, big bang investments: these are just a few of the ways it’s been talked about this year.
Opinion by " Michael Edwards
Closing the North/South divide takes more than good intentions
Low-code platforms are the flavour of the season – and they’re here to stay
It will surprise no-one to learn that the pandemic has radically altered the way business works in Britain. The most notable development is wide-scale digitalisation.
Opinion by " Ritam Gandhi
Low-code platforms are the flavour of the season – and they’re here to stay
The changing customer expectation: are businesses leaving themselves exposed to poison arrows?
We’re over a year on since the lockdown came into force and we’re now, again, in the process of unlocking the nation for more of the normality we used to know. But there’s a lot we should have learnt about operational tactics throughout this whirlwind 14-month period.
Opinion by " Alex Payne
The changing customer expectation: are businesses leaving themselves exposed to poison arrows?
7 ways to use recruitment automation in your hiring processes
The world of automation has completely revolutionised every single industry we know, and that includes the world of hiring and recruitment. In the past, recruitment has stood out as a part of the business model that is time consuming and often outsourced to other companies because of its all-consuming nature.
Opinion by " Elizabeth Hines
7 ways to use recruitment automation in your hiring processes
How corporations become carbon neutral
Last year, Jeff Bezos pledged that Amazon would be carbon neutral by 2040, while Starbucks aims to be resource positive by 2030 through the 50 percent reduction in carbon emissions, landfill waste, and water withdrawal.
Opinion by " Sinai
How corporations become carbon neutral
4 common mistakes tech for good startups make
In the last year - as the world around us changed - a growing number of startups have been pitching themselves as offering “tech for good”. This means they provide a product or service that exists to fix a particular issue for the good of society: be it environmental, economic or humanitarian.
Opinion by " Jason Ash
4 common mistakes techforgood startups make
It’s time to shelve gut feel when it comes to marketing decisions
Through 27 years of experience working in hospitality, I saw marketing decisions being made – often at very high level and involving thousands of pounds – that were based on a gut feeling or presumption.
Opinion by " Victoria Searl
It’s time to shelve gut feel when it comes to marketing decisions
Five consumer tech trends taking over in 2021
As venture capitalists, we are afforded insights into the challenges, opportunities, and new markets that today’s founders are tackling at the earliest possible opportunity. This gives VCs an unprecedented opportunity to witness innovative, market-defining technologies at their genesis.
Opinion by " Lea Bajc

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