Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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How to capitalise on the Olympics in your marketing strategy
With the launch of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, fans around the world have settled down in front of the TV to cheer on their country and its athletes. The Games create a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with their customers on a topic that resonates with so many – sport.
Opinion by " Jacqueline Bourke
How to capitalise on the Olympics your marketing
The Green Rush: how technology investment is key to combating climate change
The pandemic has brought renewed focus on the topic of sustainability. While the COVID-19 lockdowns resulted in a steep dip in greenhouse gas emissions, 2020 was still considered the worst year for climate-related disasters, with record-breaking temperatures around the globe, months of disastrous wildfires that engulfed most of California and Australia, and a record hurricane season in the Caribbean,
Opinion by " Benjamin Pring
The Green Rush: how technology investment is key to combating climate change
LSE Generate: Building resilience will fast track your business' success
The past year saw life as we know it change in many aspects, from our personal lives through to our professional ones. And as COVID-19 caused the UK to plunge into the deepest recession on record, data from the Office of National Statistics also found that more than 900,000 small businesses in the UK are at risk of failing due to the pandemic.
Opinion by " LJ Silverman
LSE Generate: Resilience is the key to making your business thrive
It’s time to restore data governance and security to the event tech agenda
When change happens at an extraordinary pace within business, unforeseen consequences are all but inevitable. And so, following the mass migration to virtual events platforms triggered by the start of the pandemic, it’s no surprise that the actual security ramifications are only now becoming clear.
Opinion by " Vanessa Lovatt
It’s time to restore data governance and security to the event tech agenda
Tackling the digital skills gap decimating businesses in a post-pandemic world
Young people have been some of the hardest hit by the pandemic, with individuals between 16-25 being the worst affected by job shortages. Salvatore Nigro CEO of JA Europe and Anna di Silverio, President of Europe for Avanade ask how businesses can tackle the digital skills gap and look at the importance of entrepreneurship programmes for youth employment.
Opinion by " Salvatore Nigro & Anna Di Silverio
Tackling the digital skills gap decimating businesses in a post-pandemic world
Why is the UK so good at creating cutting-edge biotech firms?
Earlier this year, the Bioindustry Association reported that the UK’s biotech companies are on track for a record-breaking year of fundraising, with over £830M flowing into the sector by the end of February. Compared to this time last year, the UK’s biotechs have raised more than double the amount of venture capital for new companies.
Opinion by " Dr Anne Lane
Why is the UK so good at generating cutting-edge biotech firms?
Hello? Why can’t you understand me: the challenge of tech pivoting to audio
The global pandemic has changed a lot of things about life - the most prominent being the huge reduction in face-to-face contact. We rushed to our Zoom quizzes, constant video calls, and online delivery services to try and keep our lives ticking along. In the process of this, something else changed: we switched to audio.
Opinion by " David Keene
Hello? Why can’t you understand me: the challenge of tech pivoting to audio
Why you shouldn’t call yourself a thought leader
So before I start slandering this thing we call thought leadership, let’s make one thing clear: it’s generally a concept I approve of. In fact, I think it’s great. I just don’t think you should call yourself one. By all means, apply the principles. Just call it something else. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet as Shakespeare’s Juliet would say.
Opinion by " Harry Prince
Why you shouldn’t call yourself a thought leader
Is ‘Headless Commerce’ what digital transformation might soon become?
If you’re not aware of headless commerce, you could be missing a trick. It’s quietly revolutionising the way brands can not just survive, but thrive, explains Alexander Graf, cofounder and Co-CEO of e-commerce marketplace software leader Spryker and co-author of The E-Commerce Book.
Opinion by " Alexander Graf
Is ‘Headless Commerce’ what digital transformation might soon become?
Is the future of the workplace hybrid?
It’s been said before, but I guess we’re going to say it again… sometimes it takes something as radical as a pandemic to really sort stuff out and understand what really works and what doesn’t.
Opinion by " Jill Farmer
Is the future of the workplace hybrid?
How can the gambling industry overcome online marketing limitations?
The gambling industry has made big moves to support its customer base with measures to help prevent gambling becoming problematic. But with huge limitations on marketing and advertising for such websites, the regulations make it difficult to create a new community of customers.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK, with Lottoland
How can the gambling industry overcome online marketing limitations?
Mental health stigma is still scarring lives: startups need to step up
Without a doubt, in Europe we are living through a mental health revolution. The past decade has seen previously unimaginable advances in awareness, acceptance and treatment of mental health conditions that were previously ignored and hidden.
Opinion by " Luisa Zettinig
Mental health stigma is still scarring lives: startups need to step up
When running a business today, online presence is everything
Google is about to turn everyone’s world upside down with a major Page Experience Algorithm Update, with its much-anticipated Core Web Vitals becoming ranking signals from mid-June. This won’t actually come into full force in search rankings until the end of August—so you have a little more time to get ready, but not much!
Opinion by " Tal Lev-Ami
When running a business today, online presence is everything
Why every startup founder needs a flexible business strategy
In high school, I had a brilliant philosophy teacher called Dr. Green. He was that teacher who everyone wanted to be in his class, and for good reason. We were discussing intelligence and how you sense whether someone is intelligent. Dr Green said “the most intelligent people are the ones who change their mind”, and as always, Dr. Green was right.
Opinion by " Sachin Raoul
Why every startup founder needs a flexible business strategy

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