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Top tech tips for hiring talent on the road to Net Zero
As the world transitions to green energy and renewables, businesses must now look at their hiring strategies to attract the green talent needed to drive the agenda on the road to net-zero. Workforce priorities are shifting and to remain an option for green talent, promises to commit simply can’t be empty.
Opinion by " Andrew Conway
Top tech tips for hiring talent on the road to Net Zero
In life, death and taxes are certain. In ESG, it’s standardisation and audit
To figure out what to do about ESG, start with the regulations that you have to report on – and then work out what’s material to your business or your portfolio. Not the other way round.
Opinion by " Marc Lepere
In life, death and taxes are certain. In ESG, it’s standardisation and audit
Synthetic media is exploding: can metadata help to keep the digital space transparent?
The last year has shown us that synthesised videos are becoming a new media reality. The alternative Christmas speech by Queen Elizabeth and deepfake Tom Cruise TikTok videos generated by artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are vivid examples that such technology has the potential for viral proliferation.
Opinion by " Anna Bulakh
Synthetic media is exploding: how Metadata can help to keep the digital space transparent?
The road to mass adoption: how PayPal fills the gap with its crypto services
Until recently, it was hard to imagine PayPal adopting cryptocurrencies. In addition to multiple reports of a crackdown against digital asset users, Bill Harris, the former CEO of the financial giant, called Bitcoin "the greatest scam in history."
Opinion by " Arina Kulackovska
The road to mass adoption: How PayPal fills the gap with its crypto services
Why are we so obsessed with tech unicorns? A bigger opportunity lies elsewhere
The UK has produced 105 unicorns, with 20 reaching a $1B+ valuation in the last 6 months according to Tech Nation and Dealroom. On top of this, VC investment in UK startups almost tripled at $18B in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period last year.
Opinion by " Simon Philips
Why are we so obsessed with tech unicorns? A bigger opportunity lies elsewhere
Why every startup founder needs a mentor
One of the things that we most commonly associate with the world of startups is youth. When we think of startup founders, the classic image that comes to mind is of a twenty-something-year-old in Silicon Valley, dropping out of university to start the next big tech firm. Think Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs, for example, who were 19 and 21 respectively when they started Facebook and Apple.
Opinion by " Georg Westin
Why every startup founder needs a mentor
Agile collaboration in the age of remote work
Never before have remote teams existed at the unprecedented scale seen today. This new reality of an entirely dispersed workforce threatens one of the most important principles of an Agile approach: collaboration.
Opinion by " Bryan Stallings
Agile collaboration in the age of remote work
Business has become faceless during the pandemic – how can organisations inject a personal touch?
There is no question that the world of work has changed immeasurably over the past 18 months or so. In the shift to remote working, organisations have taken on a plethora of new tools and processes to ensure the smooth running of their businesses.
Opinion by " Nikolas Kairinos
Business has become faceless during the pandemic – how can organisations inject a personal touch?
Facts and trends in the e-commerce furniture industry
Like every other industry, the furniture industry has changed with time. The current pandemic has driven a seismic shift in its mode of operations. As a result, retailers and manufacturers are now focusing their attention on growth in the ecommerce furniture industry.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
Facts and trends in the e-commerce furniture industry
Launch Mappers explore how companies reach hypergrowth with a new report
We're currently seeing a fundamental change in how early-stage businesses are reaching hypergrowth. In the past, most startups focused their marketing efforts on Search Ads and Paid Socials following their product launch phase. But today's unicorns are bucking that trend.
Opinion by " David Odier & Nour Hassaine
Launch Mappers explore how companies reach hypergrowth with a new report
Why the sea is an underappreciated test bed for innovation
Water covers some 71% of the surface of our planet, and more than 80% of it remains unexplored. We know so little about what lies on the sea bed and what our oceans actually contain. We’ve sent rovers to neighbouring planets and probes deep into space, and those missions have yielded not only fascinating scientific discoveries, but innovation and technology that has since been applied to more every day, commercial use cases. Our seas will spawn similar benefits.
Opinion by " Brian Allen
Why the sea is an underappreciated test bed for innovation
Smart cities need to embrace big data in order to thrive
The pandemic had a monumental impact on the way we travel and forced transport operators to rethink their business models. This includes evaluating digital developments in 5G, AI, big data, and so on; and the potential of such developments have only just begun to activate change within the transport sector.
Opinion by " Brian O’Rourke
Smart cities need to embrace big data in order to thrive
The challenges that come with scaling globally, and how to overcome them
Most founders want their startup to scale quickly and become profitable or go public. But rapid growth can be both a blessing and a curse, particularly if you’re scaling overseas. Fast growth means your business is heading in the right direction and your strategy is working. But when it happens at such a rate where it becomes difficult to manage or unsustainable, it can present a fresh set of challenges.
Opinion by " Deyan Dimitrov
The challenges that come with scaling globally, and how to overcome them
How to reach growth in digital health for seniors: 19 traction channels for healthcare startups
Despite the massive potential digital health solutions offer seniors, the adoption is slow. This article outlines how you can boost your growth performance for this group systematically with the renowned 19 traction channels framework.
Opinion by " Tim Bogdan & Sven Jungmann
How to reach growth in digital health for seniors: 19 traction channels for healthcare startups

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