Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
Automation can drive the growth of your startup: Maddyness speaks to Virso
As more businesses become automated, having a reliable cloud solution to store and manage data is essential. Maddyness spoke to Gus Barrett, director at Virso, to find out how their tool, Cloud Activ8, helps companies automate and how participation in OVHcloud’s startup programme helped with this mission.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with OVHCloud
Starting up anywhere: why it's easier to grow a business outside London
Post-pandemic, will we see more startups flourishing outside London? Since most founders aim to raise money from investors, what are the best circumstances to make this happen if your business is well beyond the boundaries of Greater London?
Opinion by " Anthony Rose
Starting up anywhere: why it's easier to grow a business outside London
Eco-Anxiety and how the younger generation is carrying the world on their shoulders
Young people are feeling increasingly anxious about climate change and the effects a dying planet could have on their futures. Many feel helpless and feel there is nothing they can do to incite change that will make a global impact.
Opinion by " Daniel Groves
Eco-Anxiety and how the younger generation is carrying the world on their shoulders
Buzzwords are damaging real progress, let’s stop talking and start doing
The lack of funding and innovation in the North compared to the South is no secret to us by now, especially with it being considered a top priority on the government’s agenda. Question is, are they really making it at a priority, or is it just noise?
Opinion by " Michael Edwards
Buzzwords are damaging real progress, let’s stop talking and start doing
Digital identity is one of the 21st century's biggest challenges
As the classic New Yorker cartoon says, ‘on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog’. This image from as far back as 1993 outlines a key feature of (and some would say a major problem with) the internet: there is often no way to tell whether any digital identity is authentic. 
Opinion by " Malte Pollmann
Digital identity is one of the 21st century's biggest challenges
Regulation and infrastructure tech are key to constructing sustainable cities
The world is burning. Wildfires raging in Greece and Algeria have become commonplace in the last decade. The IPCC’s Special Report on global warming released in August is a sobering forecast for the coming decades if climate change is left unchecked. Action is needed now.
Opinion by " Christian Hernandez Gallardo
Regulation and infrastructure tech is key to constructing the sustainable cities of the future
Production knowledge is power. Where can we find it?
The internet was created by a visionary, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and that in itself is a great accolade to have on one’s LinkedIn. Berners-Lee is arguably the greatest connector of knowledge and information in history.
Opinion by " Jorrit Aafjes
Production knowledge is power. Where can we find it?
How your personal experience can drive business success
“Don’t take it personally,” and “It’s not personal, it’s just business,” are two of the most common phrases heard around the proverbial water cooler. But I think business should be personal. Because the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful startup is a founder’s ability to be passionate about, and committed to, their business’ success. Personal experience fuels this passion and commitment in a way that stats from market research just can’t.
Opinion by " Sachin Raoul
How your personal experience can drive business success
Net-zero is all the rage heading into COP26, but how are we going to get there?
In case you weren’t aware, government officials from around the world are heading to Glasgow to start two weeks of negotiations about the future of this planet.
Opinion by " Marc Height
Net-zero is all the rage heading into COP26, but how are we going to get there?
The NHS is in crisis and startups hold the key to rapid first-line treatment
Daily, the British public is being reminded that the NHS is in crisis. The most recent figures at the time of writing put the number of people on a waiting list for hospital treatment at 5.6 million. Many are expecting to wait 12 to 18 months to be seen, and whilst COVID-19 has had an impact, it has exacerbated an issue that already existed.
Opinion by " Asif Dewan
The NHS is in crisis and startups hold the key to rapid first-line treatment
Switching gears for your business: the journey from startup to scaleup
In the world of tech, the exact definitions of ‘startup’ and ‘scaleup’ are somewhat open to interpretation. But how do you go from one to the other?
Opinion by " Simon Wax
Switching gears from startup to scaleup
Introducing I, Founder: The Life of a Startup in 2026
We are all familiar with the struggles startups – and indeed, the entire business world – has faced since 2020. But have you taken the time to consider what the life of a startup might look like in five years’ time?
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
The challenge and opportunity of ESG reporting for SMEs
The issue of sustainability is in the spotlight like never before. 64% of respondents to a global survey carried out by the UN described climate change as an emergency; one that required decision-makers to step up on their ambitions. And with the UK due to host the COP26 summit in November, two thirds of the British public want the country to become a world leader on climate change.
Opinion by " Jessica Camus
Simple steps for SMEs starting in sustainability
What’s stifling startup growth?
We are currently experiencing a small business boom in the UK. The number of new small businesses registered in the third quarter of 2020 rose 30% compared with 2019 – the largest increase since 2012. On top of that, driven by the pandemic, e-commerce revenues across Europe jumped by 30% to a record $465B in 2021, a number which is expected to reach almost $570B by the end of 2025.
Opinion by " Asher Ismail
What’s stifling startup growth?

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