Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
Social networks need to convert passive viewers into motivated creators
Digital media is a tricky phenomenon. It expands the growth of the economy, provides people with new forms of income, and fosters connection, but it can also facilitate bullying, harassment and cause mental health problems.
Opinion by " Anton Volovyk
How businesses can use live shopping to increase sales
The investor and startup relationship goes both ways – you must woo each other
Investors have traditionally been seen as intimidating entities who entrepreneurs must dance for, cap in hand, to raise funds. But times have changed rapidly.
Opinion by " Jeffrey Faustin
Low-code platforms are the flavour of the season – and they’re here to stay
The rise of deeptech investments speak to an industry brimming with possibility
The combined value of European-founded deeptech companies now exceeds $845B, and counting. Since 2010, the percentage of European venture capital being funnelled into deeptech companies has more than doubled, and 2020 saw investments into the sector surpass €10B.
Opinion by " David Grimm & Tanel Ozdemir
The rise of deeptech investments in recent years speak to an industry brimming with possibility
Why personal branding and reputation management need to be part of your professional toolkit
We are typing anything and everything into search engines and on social media. And with the rise in activism, quest for authenticity, social good, meaning and purpose, branding is getting personal.
Opinion by " Jonathan AJ Wilson
Why personal branding and reputation management need to be part of your professional toolkit
5 ways startups can power up their sustainability messaging
Companies of all sizes are realising that making are effort outside of the office is good for business and are embracing ESG (environmental, social and governance) or, as it’s more commonly known, sustainability.
Opinion by " Pete Martin
No need to whisper - 5 ways startups can power up their sustainability messaging
Practising undoing: three ways to free up time and headspace
Constant 'doing' comes at a price, and we become enslaved by our doings. They rule our business and home lives as if we have stepped onto a doing travelator with no end. There is pressure to do, deliver and – of course – delete from the to-do list.
Opinion by " Bridget Rooth
Practising undoing: three ways to free up time and headspace
Cookies are dead, and so are your targeting strategies. Now what?
Advertisers in the UK will have spent £27.7B on digital ads by the end of 2021. Globally, this number will reach a whopping $455B, which is a 20% increase compared to the year before according to the latest study by eMarketer.
Opinion by " Jekabs Endzins
Cookies are dead, and so are your targeting strategies. Now what?
Tech vacancies are booming – why now is the time to make a career change and tips for doing so
Of all the messages in the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget, one was particularly clear - we urgently need to address the UK’s digital skills gap. The announcement of a £3.8B investment in training and T-Level courses was welcome news for the tech sector and in the future will undoubtedly go some way to alleviating the crippling skills shortage our industry faces.
Opinion by " Steve Pinches
Tech vacancies are booming – why now is the time to make a career change and tips for doing so
Forms are dead and conversation is king for marketers generating new leads
Digital disruption has been a blessing for some in the marketing world and a curse for others. The distinction between the two has been how reactive, and willing marketers have been to evolve with the times.
Opinion by " Jiaqi Pan
Forms are dead and conversation is king for marketers
To spend or not to spend: how COVID-19 has stunted innovation for many businesses
Few have understood how the reverberations from COVID-19 have left markets wide open for major disruption by new entrants. By accelerating digitisation and innovation, this turbulent period dramatically lowered barriers to entry for new players while simultaneously stifling innovation spending among industry incumbents.
Opinion by " Mark Smith
To spend or not to spend: how COVID-19 has stunted innovation for many
How to build relationships with journalists from the beginning
For most startup founders, you’ll probably be introduced to your first journalists by your investors. Those introductions are worth their weight in gold, but to transfer that relationship you’ll need to have something newsworthy to write about or to spend some time with that person learning what you can bring to the table too.
Opinion by " Tom Lawrence
How to build relationships with journalists from the beginning
How to build and maintain culture during hypergrowth
For any company today, building and maintaining a good corporate culture is critical. In an employee-driven talent economy, culture can be a significant draw to or detractor from your business, and as such accelerate or hinder growth plans. For startups and scaleups who need to foster this positive, inclusive culture while building out their team, the task is much harder. And when that company is doubling in size year-on-year, it’s even harder still.
Opinion by " Kristen Tronsky
How to build and maintain culture during hypergrowth
Digital Equity: How businesses should think about the digital divide
As an owner of a digital marketing agency, I largely see the world from the perspective of the digital space. I see everything as being available online, but I am increasingly coming to see this as a perspective driven by a position of privilege.
Opinion by " Simon Dalley
Digital Equity: How businesses should think about the digital divide
5 tips for planning a cancel-proof and flexible work Christmas party
The emergence of the new COVID variant Omicron has thrown a curveball on Britain’s festive celebrations this year, once again creating a major pause for thought.
Opinion by " Matt Ephgrave
5 tips for creating a cancel-proof and flexible Christmas party

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