Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
Gamified learning: the next frontier of EdTech?
Gamification is a buzzword that most people in the education sector have likely heard thrown around at some point or another, especially as online and distance learning have become popular ways of achieving education continuity throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
Opinion by " Nikolas Kairinos
Gamified learning: the next frontier of EdTech?
How women become more data savvy and break the gender bias
In our increasingly digital world, being able to work with data is becoming unavoidable. In the technology industry specifically, the value of using data well is second to none. Yet when a recent report from TechNation revealed that only 26% of the industry’s workforce are women, it becomes evident that there is a barrier preventing women from entering the industry.
Opinion by " Edwina Dunn
How women become more data savvy and break the gender
The key to embedding ESG in your DNA
The fight against climate change is no longer only within the purview of environmental activists. As the deleterious effects on the environment become more apparent, more actors in the public and private sectors – including governments and businesses – are taking practical steps to protect the environment.
Opinion by " Morrison & Foerster
How can creativity fix a broken workforce in the new era of hybrid working?
We’re at a crossroads right now when it comes to working. Stressed-out employees are looking for new ways of working, creating a void that most companies are unsure how to fill.
Opinion by " Rich Westman
How can creativity fix a broken workforce in a new era of hybrid working?
Supporting an ally: What can the tech world do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
As Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in the early hours of February 24th, many in Britain started to think about how support could be lent to the Ukrainians. What has been done, what is being done, and what can be done by the tech sector to support Ukraine? 
Opinion by " Jamie Walker
Supporting an ally: What can the tech world do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
How can remote working help employees find their dream home?
The journey to work has always influenced people’s property-buying decisions. How many times have you viewed a property only to exclude it on the basis of an excessively long commute?
Opinion by " Richard Eagling
Can you get a mortgage as a new small business owner?
Why investment in the pharmaceutical supply chain has never been more important
The pandemic has shown us how intrinsic technology has become to both our professional and personal lives. Whether it be video conferencing tools, or grocery ordering apps, without the technology, lockdowns around the world would have been a very different story.
Opinion by " Richard Ettl
Why investment in the pharmaceutical supply chain has never been more important
Tech to save time - time for what?
Many of us are marketing the digitisation of data as a time-saving phenomenon, but why is saving time actually useful? Will automation steal our jobs? Should we be worried or excited?
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
Tech to save time - time for what?
The future of finance has to be fun… and social
Money should be exciting and rewarding, shouldn’t it? The emergence of neobanks can be thanked for the digitalisation of personal finance, the ease of banking from a click of a button and a transfer at the drop of a hat. They’ve helped us with financial budgeting, tracking and the management of money - anytime and almost anywhere. Yet it's a dread for many and a bore for most.
Opinion by " Michael Wilkinson
The future of finance has to be fun… and social
Why the cloud is a no-brainer for startups
Cloud computing has removed many barriers to entry when it comes to starting a business. As a result, it has helped startups the world over to bring their ideas to life, scale rapidly and thrive over the last decade.
Opinion by " David Roldan
Why the cloud is a no-brainer for startups
How are cloud providers the answer to the data woes of startups? Maddyness speaks to Yepic AI
AI hasn’t just altered our everyday lives. It’s having a profound effect on how developers and businesses think about their relationship with the cloud. Maddyness spoke to Aaron Jones, CEO of Yepic AI, about the challenges virtual services present for cutting-edge startups and how he’s turning them into opportunities via OVHcloud’s platform-as-a-service offering.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with OVHCloud
Sovereignty and security are key to any cloud solution: Maddyness UK speaks to OVHcloud
Assuring transparency in ESG reporting
In recent years, a growing awareness of sustainability and social responsibility has seen Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) truly enter the mainstream, becoming increasingly important to a business’ reputation and to investors’ decision-making.
Opinion by " Jessica Camus
Assuring transparency in ESG reporting
Three reasons why startups fail to grow
Having run my own startup and worked with over 100 different startups in a variety of capacities from founding team to consultant, I’ve identified 3 major reasons why startups fail to grow.
Opinion by " Tristan Gillen
3 Reasons why startups fail to grow
VCs invested $4.7B in gaming startups in the first year of the pandemic. Here's the trends in gaming investing for 2022
Predictions about venture capital diverged from reality during the first year of the pandemic, as PitchBook summarised last July. When the stock market crashed in April of 2020, most anticipated that funding activity would slow down amidst the uncertainty of lockdowns, social distancing, and strains on the healthcare system.
Opinion by " Laure Fischer
VCs invested $4.7B in gaming startups in the first year of the pandemic. Here's the trends in gaming investing for 2022

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