Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
Why UK employees need a four-day work week more than we think
UK workers desperately need a productivity boost, and that boost could be a country-wide implementation of a four-day work week.
Opinion by " Artis Rozentals
How can peer-to-peer platforms provide freedom for freelance engineers?
5 reasons each student should try to work in a startup
Gravitating towards big-name companies when searching for a job as a student is only natural. I mean, who would not want to land an internship with Google, JP Morgan, or Apple? However, there is a lot to gain when you consider working in a startup as a student.
Opinion by " Frank Hamilton
The NHS’ Achilles’ heel is staff retention – here’s how tech can fix it
The NHS has a workforce crisis. More people are leaving than are joining, with the Guardian reporting last month that one in ten nursing posts, and one in 17 doctors’ posts, are currently unfilled.
Opinion by " Melissa Morris
The NHS’ Achilles’ heel is staff retention – here’s how tech can fix it
On the benefits and drawbacks of AI and IoT in different industries
AI and IoT are the two biggest technological components revolutionising every industry at present. AI is expected to reach a global market value of $267B by 2027 with its far-reaching benefits. Moreover, AI by 2030, is likely to contribute $15.7T to the global economy.
Opinion by " Evelyn Johnson
What should businesses consider when hybrid working in the metaverse?
What do Snoop Dogg, JP Morgan, and Samsung have in common? They’ve all bought ‘land’ in the metaverse, of course!
Opinion by " Jayson Darby
What should businesses consider when hybrid working in the metaverse?
The growing need for ESG expertise in an uncertain future
Growing concern around issues such as climate change has seen Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) continue to rise in importance. The recent announcement from Ernst & Young LLP, of a £100M investment in EY Carbon, its dedicated UK sustainability consulting business, only serves to highlight just how much of a priority ESG is for many organisations.
Opinion by " Jessica Camus
The growing need for ESG expertise in an uncertain future
Diversity in data is more than an intellectual challenge - it’s a very human one
Businesses rely on data to make decisions every day. Good data can be the difference between being guesswork and intelligence – it can drive strategy and help shape brands’ products and image. However, data is only useful in the context of the rules we create.
Opinion by " Matt Andrew
How we speak about diversity matters – we do unintended harm when we ignore this
Does crypto threaten or strengthen sport’s relationship with its fans?
The past decade has seen sport’s relationship with money come firmly under the spotlight. The $600B global sports market has drawn in vast swathes of investment from all corners of the globe. Football has attracted club acquisitions from Saudi royalty and Russian oligarchs, and now even tech billionaires.
Opinion by " Simon Lovick
Does crypto threaten or strengthen sport’s relationship with its fans?
Sponsored posts put influencers’ credibility at risk – but what's the alternative?
I grew my startup Grafomap to a £1.1M revenue with the help of influencer marketing. That was six years ago. Since then, influencer marketing has changed a lot – and not for the better.
Opinion by " Rihards Pīks
Sponsored posts put influencers’ credibility at risk – but what's the alternative?
It’s time to reflect on mental wellbeing in the workplace
It’s hard to believe that we are two years on from the first Covid-19 lockdowns. Everything changed seemingly overnight. What once felt unusual now feels commonplace - it’s easy to forget the turbulent change people have experienced.
Opinion by " Asim Amin
It’s time to reflect on mental wellbeing in the workplace
The importance of maintaining company culture when scaling
When starting a business, the culture you want to create is likely to be one of the first things you talk about; it’s an essential ingredient in building a team of people who hold the same principles and will work to achieve common goals. But it’s all too easy to let that culture slip down the priority list as your business grows.
Opinion by " Kristian Gjerding
The importance of maintaining company culture when scaling
What have we learned about management two years after the first lockdown?
Looking back two years ago, I think about managers who were, in an instant, shoved into leading teams and businesses from the isolated confines of their homes. Having to navigate lockdowns was stressful enough. Let’s not forget that it was on top of a global health pandemic, the end of which no one had sight.
Opinion by " Sathya Smith
The future of the office: How to maintain a sense of team in a hybrid environment
How is new innovation giving a much-needed boost to women’s health and wellness?
The women’s health and wellness industry has expanded exponentially over the last few years and it is expected that by 2027 it will be a $65B industry. Driving this growth are innovative companies focused on developing technology specifically aimed at addressing women’s health and wellbeing across a broad range of areas, including reproductive, sexual and mental health.
Opinion by " Sophie McGrath & Kesten Laverty
Innovation in women’s health and wellness
Why introducing PR too early could sabotage your startup
Startup land isn’t short of myths but one of the most pervasive is that the earlier you get PR, the better. There’s a continued belief that securing media attention in the early days of launching is the secret to sustained success.
Opinion by " David Johnson
Why introducing PR too early could sabotage your startup

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