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The 'Great Resentment' is coming - and it’s led by women
You’ve heard of the Great Resentment, the Great Reshuffle, and perhaps even speculation about the Great Regret. But I’ve got bad news for startup leaders: the worst is yet to come.
Opinion by " Molly Johnson-Jones
The 'Great Resentment' is coming - and it’s led by women
How the blended learning trend is shaking up workplace training
16th-21st of May marks Learning at Work Week across the UK, an annual event during which employers and employees are encouraged to embrace new ways of maximising the impact of internal training.
Opinion by " Ben McAuley
How the blended learning trend is shaking up workplace training
FemTech – A market on the rise
2021 was a banner year for the women’s health and wellness industry as global venture capital investment in FemTech companies surpassed $1B for the first time. This was attributable to a number of high value deals in the sector, including Elvie’s $97M Series C fundraise and Maven’s $110M Series D fundraise, which resulted in Maven becoming the first FemTech unicorn.
Opinion by " Sophie McGrath & Kesten Laverty
FemTech – A market on the rise
TCFD is more than a mandate, it’s a signal for the direction of travel
From April 2022, a key policy update will make reporting on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) mandatory by law in the UK, compelling over 1,300 UK companies to disclose information in alignment with the guidelines.
Opinion by " Olivia O’Brien
TCFD is more than a mandate, it’s a signal for the direction of travel
Early Metrics’ top 10 tech trends to watch in 2022
Early Metrics, a leading startup rating and research agency, has had its fingers on the pulse of the innovation ecosystem since 2014. Today it unveils its selection of tech trends to watch in Europe in 2022.
Opinion by " Anaïs Masetti
Early Metrics’ top 10 tech trends to watch in 2022
The hidden costs that loneliness could be having on your startup
At the peak of the pandemic, a survey found that one in four of us had feelings of loneliness and young people were among the most at risk. With offices and workplaces reopening, you might expect that this epidemic of loneliness would subside.
Opinion by " Beverley Flint
It’s time to reflect on mental wellbeing in the workplace
Social mobility: how entrepreneurship education can play a part
What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? Having a great idea – or several of them – is a useful starting point, but is rarely the defining factor in determining a person’s success.
Opinion by " Christina Taylor
The importance of building a strong employee experience
Why U.S. VCs investing in Europe need a physical presence on the continent
Incredible startups coming out of Europe are nothing new. Look no further than some of the continent’s newest unicorns including Oyster HR, Instabox, and Matillion (a Sapphire investment), as examples. But the rise of an ever increasing number of U.S. VC firms recognising the potential of Europe’s maturing ecosystem cannot have gone unnoticed as of late. It seems that rarely a month goes by without a VC group making the jump across the pond to open a new office.
Opinion by " Kevin Diestel
Why U.S. VCs investing in Europe need a physical presence on the continent
Stop being precious about building data infrastructure tools
Most startup founders will agree that having a first-mover's advantage by reducing time to market is an essential part of their long-term success strategy.
Opinion by " Ulrik Stig Hansen
Stop being precious about building data infrastructure tools
How can biophilic design bring employees back into the office?
Office working is back, yet people are still working remotely. In some instances, this can be more practical. But with 1 in 5 Brits wanting to work remotely full-time, have workers become too comfortable in their own homes?
Opinion by " Oliver Assonga
How can biophilic design bring employees back into the office?
How can startups change the menopause for good?
Menopause is a market ripe for innovation, and startups are beginning to chase this opportunity internally and externally. While there are significant challenges to tackling the issue, brands that choose to sideline menopause as a ‘women’s issue’ rather than a business issue will miss out.
Opinion by " Heather Jackson & Sam Simister
How can startups change the menopause for good?
5 Trends disrupting the payments industry
Payments are the backbone of a functioning global economy. A payments system can be defined as any system that can be used to settle a financial transaction by exchanging monetary value.
Opinion by " Michael Jaiyeola
5 Trends disrupting the payments industry
How the life longevity economy is creating a wealth of opportunities
In the grand scheme of the over 300,000-year history of humankind, living into your 70s and beyond is a very recent phenomenon. Thanks to improved standards of living, ranging from advancements in medicine to hygiene and unprecedented times of peace in large parts of the world, we are living far beyond what our ancestors could have ever dreamed of.
Opinion by " Daria Connolly
How the life longevity economy is creating a wealth of opportunities
How has technology changed sales and marketing?
Technology has revolutionised the worlds of sales and marketing. While each industry once relied on standing on street corners handing out fliers or endless cold phone calls that often led to nowhere, innovative tech has now helped sales and marketing evolve to new heights.
Opinion by " David Johnson
How has technology changed sales and marketing?

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