Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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CSOs need to receive real power for companies to avoid greenwashing
Public pressure and government regulation are turning sustainability into an organisational necessity. After a timid emergence over the past decade, job seekers are now refusing to work for companies without strong environmental policies.
Opinion by " Chantel Scheepers
CSOs need to receive real power for companies to avoid greenwashing
Right place, right time: a guide to knowing when to secure investment
The brightest ideas always come when you least expect them. We often bank them and bring them out when we think will receive the biggest possible impact. Founders, if you’re seeking investment, you should do the same.
Opinion by " Abbie Main
Right place, right time: a guide to knowing when to secure investment
What is the enterprise metaverse and why is it important?
Last year, Facebook became a trailblazer in supercharging metaverse discourse. Many organisations are becoming acutely aware of the opportunities virtual realities hold and over the next 12 months, we’ll likely see many deals and acquisitions being completed in the field.
Opinion by " Greg Roach
What should businesses consider when hybrid working in the metaverse?
The term ‘ESG’ fails to capture the impact of what a responsible business is – but that doesn’t mean we should ignore it
Although it seems ESG’s rise to the top of the news agenda was swift, focus on its fundamental elements – Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance – are nothing new. Previously understood through the term ‘CSR’ or corporate social responsibility, many agree that ESG is merely the newest edition in a constant rebrand of the same principles. And in extreme cases, it’s considered a deceptive way of boosting corporate reputation: a guise distracting the industry from a lack of action being taken.
Opinion by " Nicola Stopps
The term ‘ESG’ fails to capture the holistic impact of what a responsible business is – but that doesn’t mean we should be ignoring it
How can fintechs resonate with Gen Z?
The fintech landscape is booming, with investments coming in from all corners. To get ahead of the competition, it will be crucial for fintech companies to truly understand their major audiences such as the new-age generation.
Opinion by " Ammar Kutait
How can fintechs resonate with Gen Z?
Startups: we’re finally talking about female entrepreneurship – so where do we go from here?
At long last, gender diversity in tech and VC has finally reached the top of the agenda! This is thanks to the tireless efforts of inspiring individuals and fearless entrepreneurs leading the way around the world.
Opinion by " Stéphanie Hospital
Startups: we’re finally talking about female entrepreneurship – so where do we go from here?
The change in tech startups today versus eight years ago
The UK tech industry has grown remarkably in recent years. Even against the backdrop of a digital skills crisis, fierce global competition and major economic upheavals, the sector has soared to new heights.
Opinion by " Ritam Gandhi
How to build and maintain culture during hypergrowth
Composable commerce, the building blocks of successful commerce
What constitutes commerce success in 2022? It’s a seriously tough climate out there. In B2B and B2C, it's harder than ever to win and retain customers. There’s so much choice, and it's easy to switch suppliers, which means that customer experience has become the primary way of differentiation.
Opinion by " Alexander Graf
Composable commerce, the building blocks of successful commerce
Buy now pay later: the insidious societal debt cycle
Debt is not inherently bad, but it should come with a warning. The rise of the ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ movement as a means to afford everyday spending has evolved the world of credit – and while competition is good for customers, it weighs even more of the financial system towards credit.
Opinion by " Michael Wilkinson
The future’s not just cashless – it’s cardless
How is the Series A ecosystem faring in 2022?
Investor relations consultancy NOTWICS surveyed over 80 VCs and other professionals in the investment world about the key trends and changes happening at Series A stage this year. Here, Chris Lowe, CEO and founder at NOTWICS, details his findings.
Opinion by " Chris Lowe
Navigating the Seed stage trends for 2022
Buy now, pay later: yes, but at what cost?
The practice of split or deferred payment, known as Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), is becoming increasingly popular among consumers in the UK and worldwide. But not without its risks. To prevent excessive debt, which is the main danger of BNPL, methods exist. This is the case with credit scoring, a tool making it possible to measure the risk posed by the loan applicant. We take a closer look…
Opinion by " Maddyness, with Algoan
Buy now, pay later: yes, but at what cost?
What value can CCaaS provide customers?
SaaS – or software as a service – is a well known sector in the business world, but have you heard of Contact Centre as a Service, or CCaaS? CCaaS can provide significant benefits to both customers and agents alike, but what actually is it?
Opinion by " Maddyness, with Odigo
What value can CCaaS provide customers?
Ethical technology: Mission critical in the justice system
The Justice and Home Affairs Committee (JHAC) recently published a report into the use of technology in the justice system. It probably comes as no surprise that the Committee found that artificial intelligence (AI) is being used without effective oversight, reminiscent of the Post Office Scandal, in which the improper application of technology led to over 700 wrongful convictions.
Opinion by " Katy Wigdahl
Ethical technology: Mission critical in the justice system
Backing founders, not business plans: investing in smaller companies tapped for innovation
A word most closely associated with leaves on the line or another long commute to work, disruption is often a force for good and is frequently a key differentiator amongst the businesses that VCTs invest in – or what we like to call ‘innovative disruptors.’
Opinion by " Simon Porter
Backing founders and not business plans: investing in smaller companies tapped for innovation

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