Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
We have a broken global food system that is ravaging both the planet and our health. But technology can help us to change our ways
A food supply crisis lies behind the headlines this summer of record high temperatures, wild fires and water shortages. Farmers in the UK are seeing two-thirds of the rainfall they normally would in the driest summer since 1976 and Europe is baking. The way we currently feed ourselves isn’t just killing the planet, it’s killing us too and we only have ourselves to blame.
Opinion by " Daniel Waterhouse
We have a broken global food system that is ravaging both the planet and our health. But technology can help us to change our ways
Education is key to empowering retail traders
Cryptocurrency has a reputation for being a complex field that attracts younger, potentially more impulsive investors. With the likes of Bitcoin losing over 50% of its value in a matter of months, it is more important than ever that trading platforms use education to empower their users to navigate such a volatile market. 
Opinion by " Joe Jowett
Is a 4-day working week the opportunity to broaden your skills?
In huge news for students and workers across the UK, a four-day week is being trialled by a number of leading companies. Should it be successful, we may see many other businesses adopt it and it could eventually become the standard working week.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with Heriot-Watt University
Is a 4-day working week the opportunity to broaden your skills?
Why should teens be taught financial literacy?
Money is intricately entwined with almost every aspect of adulthood, from deciding on a career, a credit card, a car loan, a mortgage and investment options to starting a business, getting married, having kids and retiring comfortably.
Opinion by " Marilyn Pinto
Why should teens be taught financial literacy?
Buy Now Pay Later. What’s now and what’s later?
Buy now, pay later is a method of payment with instalments at a small or interest-free rate. The payment method sky-rocketed in 2020. But why? The COVID-19 pandemic. The global crisis created job insecurity, with people seeking alternative means to sourcing income. However, the paradox lies in the fact that people flooded to shopping online and relying on ecommerce because of closed brick and mortar establishments.
Opinion by " Alex Antonov
Buy Now Pay Later. What’s now and what’s later?
Is globalisation done or done very well?
Over the past few years doomsayers have pointed to state protectionism, the Covid pandemic and now the Ukraine conflict as signs that the post-cold war growth of globalisation is on the decline. More pointedly, in the digital realm, the fears are that the world is splintering into different versions of the internet with three dominant models of handling data – US corporate driven and two-tiered, Chinese state regulated and a European privacy led model.
Opinion by " Tony Hughes
Is globalisation done or done very well?
Why the answer to practicing good ESG does not lie in yet another standard
ESG standard setting and reporting are integral to the corporate world’s transition toward net zero: whether they encourage businesses to reflect and improve on their ESG practices, or sanction industry laggards.
Opinion by " Nicola Stopps
Why the answer to practicing good ESG does not lie in yet another standard
Unicorn hunters are chasing the wrong mythical beast
Every startup wants to be a unicorn. If you’re the founder of a new tech company, it’s easy to see the attraction of a $1B valuation. Unicorn status provides resources, opportunities and validation, but is it the best measure of success? Does it signify a company with a sustainable future, or just one that’s good at attracting investor interest?
Opinion by " Alex Ferrara
An autonomous approach, pattern matching and investing in outliers, a profile of Bessemer Venture Partners
Will Volt spark a neobanking crash?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past three months, you’ve probably noticed that the once sunny fintech economic climate has become increasingly foggy. There are certainly specialists who can speculate on why exactly this has happened, but as someone in the field, and as a founder myself, I’m well-placed to report on how it’s affecting the sector that I have called home for over thirty years.
Opinion by " Mark Hartley
Will Volt spark a neobanking crash?
Why flexible working is a must-have for startups
Starting your own business can take a lot of hard graft. Success doesn't simply come overnight, after all. Instead, it has to be incessantly worked towards, putting in the man-hours required to get your startup off the ground in the right way.
Opinion by " Daniel Groves
Why flexible working is a must-have for startups
Why it’s not all doom and gloom for fundraising startups
We get asked frequently at present about what the global downturn and current fundraising environment means for us, a growing company in the UK’s private Fintech/Regtech sector. Amidst high-profile down rounds and large-scale tech staff layoffs, there is still reason for optimism for early-stage startups looking to raise funding.
Opinion by " Steve Pomfret
Why it’s not all doom and gloom for fundraising startups
A founder’s guide to successful buy and build strategies
It’s hard to think of a more successful example of growth via strategic acquisition, or ‘buy-and-build’, than Berkshire Hathaway. Originally a textiles manufacturer, Warren Buffett spent eight decades turning the firm into a corporate behemoth with subsidiaries in everything from insurance to high-tech.
Opinion by " James Porter
A founder’s guide to successful buy and build strategies
Your success depends on your employees, it's time to treat them better
Employees are the point of contact for customers. They boost revenue, design products and services, stand behind your company's mission, and create a cohesive workflow for a well-oiled operation. Your employees are the backbone of your business.
Opinion by " Indiana Lee
Your success depends on your employees, it's time to treat them better
A letter from young people to big business
Young people around the world are taking a stand and making their voices heard. In this letter, three young finalists from last year’s Global Innovation Challenge give their view on how corporates can better support youth-led innovation.
Opinion by " Ken Ruto, Marta Vânia Uetela & Angela Busheska
A letter from young people to big business

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