Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Flexible versus fixed working hours: what works best for businesses?
It’s no secret that the pandemic changed many businesses’ ways of working. But in a post-Covid-19 world, how can firms reevaluate what method is best for them?
Opinion by " Kirstie Pickering
Flexible versus fixed working hours: what works best for businesses?
ESG: Even Startups Greenwash
With numerous CleanTech startups launching every week in the UK, gaining the attention of a VC isn’t easy, so make sure that when you do secure a meeting, you’re investment ready.
Opinion by " Tom Hardy
ESG: Even Startups Greenwash
Credit reporting will level the playing field for Buy Now, Pay Later
From the consumer’s perspective, checkout finance and credit cards fulfil more-or-less the same function. They both allow the consumer to purchase an item through a short-term loan, which is repaid through monthly instalments.
Opinion by " Todd Latham
Credit reporting will level the playing field for Buy Now, Pay Later
What nuclear energy can learn from space technology advancement
The creation of new industries is always exciting. The entrepreneurial grit required for this degree of advancement is inspirational. It captures our imagination and inspires further growth.
Opinion by " Kurt Scherer
What nuclear energy can learn from space technology advancement
How to be a thought leader… with integrity
It’s been hard to avoid the word ‘leadership’ in recent months. From recent news of the Queen’s death - a figure that has truly embodied the idea of ‘leader’ for many of us over the course of a lifetime, to the appointment of new PM, Rishi Sunak, and prior to that, the downfalls of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.
Opinion by " Nicole Green
How to be a thought leader… with integrity
Kitt’s secret to long-term profitability and staff satisfaction
One of the biggest challenges you can face as a founder is relinquishing control. It’s especially hard to let go after you’ve been the sole decision maker as you had developed your company from the ground up; it’s a natural instinct to turn to your own experience for every important decision.
Opinion by " Steve Coulson
Kitt’s secret to long-term profitability and staff satisfaction
Don’t let the great ESG self-deception infect climate tech investing
The financial world is slowly waking up to the self-deception behind ESG ratings. Meanwhile, climate tech investors have been pouring more money into climate funds than ever before and are convinced that they are not in danger of making the same mistakes as asset allocators like Deutsche Bank’s asset allocator, DWS, which was raided by police and financial regulators earlier this year.
Opinion by " Arne Morteani
Don’t let the great ESG self-deception infect climate tech investing
The great PhD hunt - how talent recruitment in deeptech should expand its horizons
Companies are always looking for bright, new talent. The tech sector is no different, however the specific skill requirements needed to succeed in the industry can make recruitment a challenge.
Opinion by " David Field
TBC The great PhD hunt - how talent recruitment in deeptech should expand its horizons
Human progress relies on our ability to transform data into insights
Data transformation has become pertinent across all sectors. But what exactly does this process entail? Put simply, it’s about turning data into deeper insights, which are crucial for success.
Opinion by " Jonathan Bridges
Human progress relies on our ability to transform data into insights
Putting the best foot forward against fraud
The advent of digital communications has helped to bring people from across the world closer together. However, the same technologies used to propel this shift have also created new opportunities for fraudsters to exploit through so-called, ‘social engineering’ attacks.
Opinion by " Tamas Kadar
Putting the best foot forward against fraud
Productivity versus privacy – walking the employee tracking tight rope
As the remote working shift sees more businesses pivot to surveillance, what does it mean for privacy, and do companies run the risk of taking it too far? Here, Natalie Cramp, CEO of Profusion explores how to strike the right balance between technology and trust.
Opinion by " Natalie Cramp
Productivity versus privacy – walking the employee tracking tight rope
What kind of workplaces should startups build for new parents?
A poll showed that nearly 10 million working mothers in the U.S. suffer from burnout. They also feel employers aren’t doing enough to support them. At some point, they had to sacrifice their careers for their kids. This shows why employers need to support working mothers, young parents, or any employee who has to take care of a new child.
Opinion by " George Mathew
What kind of workplaces should startups build for new parents?
The rise of Healthtech and how it is improving mental health
With 1.54 million people being in contact with mental health services by the end of January 2022, health services need to embrace digital services to cater to as many people as possible. In 2020, the UK Government committed to a programme that would digitalise mental health service providers by 2024.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
The rise of Healthtech and how it is improving mental health
Collaboration is key to navigating the current economic storm – but it needs to go deeper and wider than ever before
If there’s one theme that has managed to persist throughout all the upheaval we’ve seen in recent years it’s collaboration; in the business sense of the word, which itself has boomed thanks to shifting workforces, as well as the collaboration between neighbours, communities, industries, and countries.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with OVHCloud

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