Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Digital Learning Transformation for Remote employee engagement, performance, and retention
Across the UK tech space, few large organisations wanted to or have been able to continue with face-to-face onboarding and training during, or “since”, the pandemic. While most will have had a level of elearning already in place for the basics of company processes and compliance training, many then took the same principles to further L&D content moving forward for remote employees.
Opinion by " Anna Lemor
Digital Learning Transformation for Remote employee engagement, performance, and retention
Video security is a political animal
Technology does not exist in a vacuum and as much as it may exist as a tool for users, innovations will face scrutiny from outside parties. We have heard calls from groups such as Human Rights Watch and Big Brother Watch to ensure technology does not infringe upon people’s rights or exacerbate pre-existing inequalities between groups. These viewpoints inevitably clash with companies needing to maintain the security of their properties, creating a complex balance between privacy and protection.
Opinion by " Sam Lancia
Video security is a political animal
‘The world is one family’: the philosophy guiding India’s startup ecosystem
As the future of UK-India trade relations continues to hang in the balance, a delegation of over forty tech leaders from around the world travelled to South Asia, to learn and more closely understand India – and why it’s rapidly chasing the coattails of the US and China to take become a world-leading tech ecosystem.
Opinion by " Russ Shaw
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - ‘The world is one family’ philosophy that guides India’s startup ecosystem
Why carbon labels are the future
Is the annual COP conference driving the change we need? COP always generates plenty of headlines - and this year’s in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, was no different. But are these conferences really driving change? Headlines are great, but action is what we need.
Opinion by " Huib van Bockel
Why upskilling is a fundamental part of closing the diversity and skills gap
Richard Townsend, CEO and cofounder of Circus Street, discusses why some of the key hurdles to creating more diverse teams can be overcome through training programs
Opinion by " Richard Townsend
Why upskilling is a fundamental part of closing the diversity and skills gap
The casual sexism that women face when raising investment
As an investment specialist who helps women-led startups get the funding they deserve - and during my own time as a serial entrepreneur crafting my expertise by building and scaling successful startups, I understand only too well the stakes involved in securing investment and the challenges that come with getting the funding you deserve.
Opinion by " Julia Elliott Brown
The casual sexism that women face when raising investment
Financial trends in 2023 – 4 things every business leader should know
It is difficult to remember a more uncertain time in which to manage or run a business. Politics and economics are conspiring to make the job of the business leader even more challenging. It is however important, more than ever now, to remain optimistic as a business leader and ready to lead the business through what is shaping up to be a prolonged period of uncertainty.
Opinion by " Si Hussain
Financial trends in 2023 – 4 things every business leader should know
Why B Corp is still vital for startups
With COP 27 underway, it's time for the annual spike in conversation about sustainability. While it's good that attention is focused on such matters, it has obviously moved past discussion. It is now a situation that requires governments and businesses to take tangible action rather than talk.
Opinion by " Simon Hill
Why B Corp is still vital for startups
How urban planning policies can mitigate climate risks
In the largest climate survey to date, two-thirds of over 1.2 million people regarded climate change as a global emergency and supported comprehensive climate policies to tackle the crisis. This summer’s extreme temperatures highlighted just how tangible the effects already are.
Opinion by " Agathe Kuhn
How urban planning policies can mitigate climate risks
Why is social good the vital foundation block for future startups?
While I am not that old, I can still recall the time when Milton Friedman’s doctrine was the norm among economists and businesses, claiming that “the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits”.
Opinion by " Alexandre Mars
Why is social good the vital foundation block for future startups?
Is ‘quiet quitting’ real and should founders pay attention?
People from all walks of life now turn to ‘wellness’ as a significant factor when assessing their lifestyle, one that is separate to ‘health’. As a society, our understanding of wellness has also expanded to reflect a more holistic view, covering not only physical and mental factors but now our social and work lives.
Opinion by " Ifty Nasir
Is ‘quiet quitting’ real and should founders pay attention?
Tech companies have a duty to preserve cultures around the world
Technology dominates our lives. Making up 35% of the global market and employing over 12 million workers across the world, it’s hard to imagine our society existing without it. Tech companies have demonstrated pioneering innovation and continue to attract the world’s attention with aspirational ideas. It’s a sector that has delivered products and services that cater for everyone. Or do they?
Opinion by " John Hughes
Tech companies have a duty to preserve cultures around the world
Patrick Meisberger of CommerzVentures explains why it’s time for a relationship reset
When investors and founders consider the dark clouds that have fallen over large parts of the early stage startup community, the eye-catching valuation write-downs for some of the most well-known names in tech, the world today seems very different from the heyday of 2021.
Opinion by " Patrick Meisberger
It’s time for a relationship reset
World Water Week – what went on?
World Water Week, the leading conference on global water issues and a key date for the industry, recently took place in Stockholm. The theme this year was ‘Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water’ and is a perfect phrase to describe the current state of the industry.
Opinion by " Josh Gill
World Water Week – what went on?

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