Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Are investors valuable board members?
Given the choice, I suspect most entrepreneurs wouldn’t opt to have an investor sitting on the board – investor directors (IDs) tend to just arrive with the money as part of the package. And it’s true that while some people make their way into VC from an operational background, many don’t (myself included). Being an investor is our career, and it makes sense that founders might have some suspicions around the expertise we have to offer, but IDs bring value, within some boundaries.
Opinion by " Will Gibbs
Are investors valuable board members?
Five features every successful investment shares
Growing businesses that haven’t worked with private equity before are often nervous about raising investment. They worry their new investors will want to take over, or to run the business solely to deliver a short-term return.
Opinion by " Rowan Grobler
Closing the digital skills gap amid the cost-of-living crisis
The shortage of available talent to keep pace with the growing number of roles that require digital skills was noticeable even before the pandemic. So, when businesses were forced to make the switch to digital in the face of distancing rules, many were left playing catch up.
Opinion by " Dr Julie Nugent
6 Break-the-Rules mindsets to help you change the world
Elon Musk didn’t have to worry about whether anyone would buy a Tesla. Before he and his partners started building the first Tesla Roadsters, they’d already sold 100 of them – at a cool $100K each – for cash up front. That $10M in cash – in revenue, not investment; and in three weeks, no less! – provided Tesla’s founding team with hard evidence that they might be onto something promising.
Opinion by " John Mullins
Three key benefits of having a diverse workforce
Following Pride Month and the criticism of businesses that changed their logo to the Pride flag without any meaningful action or diversity-led policies, it’s time for organisations to understand the importance of diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices. But if your business has never really focused on equality and diversity, what are those benefits?
Opinion by " Jessica Cooper
Three key benefits of having a diverse workforce
Is proximity bias undermining hybrid teams?
There is much to be admired about the new world of work. Not least the opportunity to make geography history in the sea change around where workers work. But, they say, the battle between good and evil runs through us all! Now, the new bad that has emerged in the hybrid world is proximity bias.
Opinion by " Jeremy Campbell
Navigating the global technology skills gap with AI-moderated upskilling
Work trends have rapidly changed across the world, post-pandemic. How and where people choose to work now or in the future is and will be radically different from how it used to be a few years ago. Labour markets across all sectors have undergone drastic shifts in terms of talent requirements and demands, as businesses across the board increasingly accelerate the adoption of automation and emerging technologies.
Opinion by " Rehan Haque
Scaling intelligently in the age of lay-offs and hyper-inflation
With continued slow growth in tech, investors will more readily scrutinise startups and deploy capital at a slower pace. Startups are therefore likely to curtail their growth, resulting in more layoffs and business consolidation.
Opinion by " Giovanni Luperti
Hiring intelligently
What we can expect from the UK EV industry in 2023
2022 was a year like no other for the EV industry. In the first half of the year global sales grew by 62%, setting into motion the massive sea change that McKinsey had forecast the year before. Despite widespread supply chain issues, investment in hardware installation has also seen a steady growth as demand grows for sustainable transport options.
Opinion by " Paul Routledge
The importance of learning new things as you age
Learning is the process that goes through the entire life. It doesn't stop when we finish school, graduate from college, and pass the training or course. The modern generation created a special term for this process that is named lifelong learning, and the title speaks for itself.
Opinion by " Frank Hamilton
The importance of learning new things as you age
Why partial e-procurement isn’t right for mid-market businesses
Procurement is an elementary function for all sizes of businesses. Every organisation, whether small or large, needs office supplies or collaboration with vendors to perform its operations. To streamline all these activities, digitisation plays an important role. While large organisations mainly opt for complete automation, mid-market businesses are more prone to adopt digitisation in bits and pieces.
Opinion by " Prasanna Rajendran
Why partial e-procurement isn’t right for mid-market businesses
Why today’s budding entrepreneurs may be the best chance we have for rebuilding our economy
As things stand, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to see positives amongst the gloom. Mass layoffs, falling stocks, strikes, and even the weather are convening to cast a large, and seemingly long shadow over 2023 and beyond. All forecasts suggest we’re heading towards a recession, but I want to explain why this worst-case scenario may be what’s needed to bring about the best-case future – and why the answer lies in entrepreneurship.
Opinion by " Jane Khedair
Why today’s budding entrepreneurs may be the best chance we have for rebuilding our economy
Why European corporates are investing $1B in industrial tech startups
2022 has seen a surge in corporate investment in European industrial tech startups, with the year’s total set to exceed $1B. This is triple the amount invested by corporates in 2020, and represents nearly 20% of the year’s total investment in Europe’s industrial tech ecosystem.
Opinion by " Marie-Helene Ametsreiter
Why European corporates are investing $1B in industrial tech startups
Why CEOs need good governance
CEOs are the key to a successful business – they set the standard that they and everyone else should follow to ensure company longevity and the ability to maintain a competitive edge. But for CEOs to operate a successful business, good company culture is essential.
Opinion by " Erika Eliasson-Norris

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