Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Future-proofing offices: How businesses can shield workplaces from energy costs in 2023 and beyond
Just when we all thought that working from home would become the norm, the cost-of-living crisis pushed many to return back to the office. Energy costs went through the roof, and employees saw the office comeback as an opportunity to save on their energy bills.
Opinion by " Chantel Scheepers
Future-proofing offices: How businesses can shield workplaces from energy costs in 2023 and beyond
Tuition changes: how Edtech startups affect state tech education
Today's realities are striking in their unpredictability. No sooner have people recovered from the coronavirus pandemic than a full-scale Russian attack occurs in Ukraine, and the entire civilised world is involved in the fight against terrorism.
Opinion by " Roman Apostol
Tuition changes: how Edtech startups affect state tech education
How fractional leadership and services such as managed ecommerce will take over for 2023 and beyond
Before the pandemic, there was a burgeoning notion of fractional leadership services, including part-time expertise being served by consultants and niche agencies brokering consultancy positions between companies and consultants.
Opinion by " Chris Raven
How businesses can fundraise in a recession
Many entrepreneurs look to funding programmes and grant-making institutions to raise capital for their businesses. Organisations in the cultural sector in particular often seek financial support from private philanthropy and public organisations such as Arts Council England (ACE), Heritage Lottery Fund and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. But with the current downturn in the economy and increasingly stretched state funding, businesses across the creative industries are now seeking alternative financial models to ensure long-term sustainability.
Opinion by " Patrick McCrae
How businesses can fundraise in a recession
Welcome to space 4.0, the infinite frontier
There I was, as a boy, my eyes riveted to the television my mind expanding by the second, and my imagination tingling, as music began over a starfield screen and William Shatner voiced those famous opening words, “Space, the final frontier…” So begins the introductory monologue to Star Trek, the original series, and so too did my obsession with the opportunity and possibility of humanity expanding beyond earth into space.
Opinion by " Zaheer Ali
The Infinite Frontier
Ledger’s Sebastien Badault: “We’re Entering Into The Revolutionary Era Of Digital Ownership.”
Sebastien Badault, Ledger VP of Metaverse & NFTs, a world-leading hardware wallet manufacturer, and co-founder of MetaCircle, a European Metaverse think-tank, argues that crypto and blockchain are ushering in an Internet of Value that will redefine the rules of digital ownership and reshape our virtual lives.
Opinion by " Sebastien Badault
Ledger’s Sebastien Badault: “We’re Entering Into The Revolutionary Era Of Digital Ownership.”
How visiting the office can benefit your employee’s mental health
Remote working has become the norm, with many jobs advertising this as a benefit. However, what about the benefits of working from the office? While the flexibility of working from home can be attractive to your employees from the outset, it can often have pitfalls further in. From the lack of socialising to simply struggling with online tech support, there are many reasons your employees might actually prefer and benefit from working in the office.
Opinion by " Jessica Cooper
How the power of the community can drive business growth
Work can be satisfying and fulfilling, but persistent inequalities prevent many people from achieving their full potential and enjoying the same benefits and opportunities as their peers.
Opinion by " Nat Whalley
How the power of the community can drive business growth
Gaming and cryptocurrencies — what future awaits us?
Like many industries, crypto - and by implication blockchain technology - were touted to revolutionise gaming. Whilst this disruptive potential has proved false for many areas of business, the coalescence of gaming and crypto is showing itself to be stronger than most.
Opinion by " Dmytro Prysiazhnyuk
Gaming and Crytpo
Why the office still has a purpose (especially for Gen Z)
With the rise of hybrid working post-pandemic, many employees are now enjoying the flexibility of a part office, part home set-up. Yet, despite the benefits of such an arrangement, it would be foolish to write off the importance of the office in the future.
Opinion by " Nick Winter
Why the office still has a purpose (especially for Gen Z)
Carbon offsetting cannot be the majority lever for the corporate world in the fight against climate change
In November 2021, 60% of the FTSE100 had pledged to eliminate their contribution to carbon emissions by 2050. This figure has since increased to over 80%. But while this presents itself as a positive trend, it is important for businesses to realise that the methods used achieve those targets have a seismic impact on how much change is actually implemented.
Opinion by " Mauro Cozzi
Why ultra-light urban vehicles like Luvly offer the only viable future for electric cars
Electric cars are getting smaller – a lot smaller. Although the majority of U.S. cars now sold (namely SUVs and pickups) are reportedly the same size as WW2 tanks, a legion of light, sustainable vehicle manufacturers are helping accelerate the great downsize.
Opinion by " Max Lunn
We need to revolutionise business studies in the national curriculum
Ryan Williams is the cofounder of multimillion-pound social media agency KOMI Group. His entrepreneurial journey began as a bit of fun, making parody accounts on Twitter and Facebook. He quickly learned how to monetise his accounts and before long he founded what became KOMI Group with two like-minded social media creators. Within six years, leading the content team, he helped build the business into the industry leader it is today, working with some of the world’s most recognisable brands.
Opinion by " Ryan Williams
AI isn't always bad news. Here's how to deploy it ethically.
It’s fair to say that AI gets a bad rep. It’s a powerful tool: and when used incorrectly or irresponsibly, can have far-reaching negative consequences. In the last few months alone, tech behemoths Microsoft and Meta have retracted AI models following legitimate safety and inaccuracy fears. But what if instead of simply retracting models because they are unsafe, these companies cleaned up their act and created ethical AI models from the get-go that could be used more safely?
Opinion by " Stefano Goria
AI isn't always bad news. Here's how to deploy it ethically.

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