Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
Privacy computing: why the best time to invest in the security and privacy of data in use is now
Privacy computing is an emerging technology that ensures data privacy and security while the data is being processed or used. In the current digital age, the amount of data being generated and processed is increasing exponentially. The need for privacy computing solutions is becoming more crucial than ever to ensure that sensitive information is protected from unauthorised access or misuse
Opinion by " Oleksandr Pukhalskyi
Privacy computing: why the best time to invest in the security and privacy of data in use is now 21.04
Keep calm and HR on: Supporting employee mental health in the workplace
According to research from the Mental Health Foundation, one in six people in the United Kingdom experience mental health problems in the workplace. The foundation’s research also revealed that 12.7% of all sickness absence days are a result of mental health conditions. Additionally, it was revealed that better mental health support in the workplace can save UK businesses as much as £8B every year.
Opinion by " Donna L. Jefferson
Keep calm and HR on: Supporting employee mental health in the workplace
Why sustainability should be a priority for startups and scaleups
Sustainability has become an increasingly important global issue in recent years. According to the European Commission, almost 60% of Europeans believe that it is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today.
Opinion by " Filippo Sanesi
Why sustainability should be a priority for startups and scaleups
How a neurodivergent workforce can boost a company’s resilience
It’s thought 15–20% of people are neurodiverse, an umbrella term taking in conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, social anxiety, ADHD, autism, dyscalculia, and Tourette’s syndrome.
Opinion by " Katy McGuinness
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
The AI revolution - could a robot take your job or is upskilling the answer
Sarah Gilchriest, President of Circus Street, looks at the impact the latest innovation step in generative AI could have on the future of training and upskilling, to make sure employees are ready to work with robots and not be rendered surplus by them.
Opinion by " Sarah Gilchriest
The AI revolution - could a robot take your job or is upskilling the answer
10 recruiting trends for 2023
In this post, we will look at several recruiting trends for 2023. By looking at the trends below we can see where recruiting is headed to in the next few years.
Opinion by " George Mathew
10 recruiting trends for 2023
Digitising wealth management: what can we learn from healthcare?
Over recent years, the healthcare sector has focused on transforming the patient experience and helping providers evolve and grow through digitisation. While some of these advances were already in the works, external influences also had an impact, forcing the industry to move faster than expected. Healthcare responded well to a new wave of digital demands, adapting and reimagining its offering to create positive change across the board.
Opinion by " Nuno Godinho
Digitising wealth management: what can we learn from healthcare?
“Remote washing” will only make your recruitment headache worse
You’re looking for talent. But here’s the paradox: despite the daily reports of layoffs, there still seems to be a dire shortage of the right people. One way employers are responding is to make their jobs more aligned with contemporary lifestyle choices by offering remote and flexible working options.
Opinion by " Arnaud Devigne
“Remote washing” will only make your recruitment headache worse
Enterprise Architecture: A critical element for sustainable business scaling and transformation
In today’s fast-paced business and investment world, scalability, adaptability, and transformation are critical factors for success. Investors actively seek clarity from prospective portfolio companies on their business capabilities, the technology architecture that enables them, and a value creation roadmap for implementation in order to realise growth potential.
Opinion by " Tobias Moeglich
Enterprise Architecture: A critical element for sustainable business scaling and transformation
Grade-AI student: How ChatGPT is shaking up education
Artificial though it may well be, ChatGPT sure is intelligent — some argue that we’re just a couple of updates away from the chatbot replacing the lot of us. Since its public release back in November of last year, anyone with an internet connection has been able to jump on and chew the fat with OpenAI’s intelligent language-processing model, which now enjoys the traffic of over 100 million active users.
Opinion by " Edward Coram-James
Grade-AI student: How ChatGPT is shaking up education
Blowing the myth of acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions are the only sure fire way I know to double the size of your business in an afternoon. By selling companies you can create meaningful wealth that gives you choices in life, that allows you to go where you want, with whom you want, and do the things you want.
Opinion by " Paul Seabridge
Blowing the myth of acquisitions
How workforce diversity can improve productivity
Do you want to improve your organisation’s productivity? Turns out the answer was staring us right in the face for so long. Improve workforce diversity.
Opinion by " George Mathew
How workforce diversity can improve productivity
How to navigate the legal landscape in digital assets
The legal regulation of the crypto world is still quite a topical issue that challenges the industry's rapid development. All the market leaders are discussing the outgoing path of blockchain technologies that influence the global crypto market. Kevin Plumpton, CEO of Kyrrex, reflects on the legal landscape in decentralised finances.
Opinion by " Kevin Plumpton
How to navigate the legal landscape in digital assets
Deep digitisation and destination shopping. Retail tech trends to watch in 2023
Retail tech trends since the pandemic have accelerated hugely - the way people shop has changed, as has what they are looking for, their budgets and what they want from an omnichannel experience. 
Opinion by " Wizz Selvey
Deep digitisation and destination shopping. Retail tech trends to watch in 2023

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