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What next for fintech?
Fintech, or financial technology, has been one of the fastest-growing areas in the startup ecosystem in recent years. However, we’re currently seeing a significant drop-off in funding across all startups, with the fintech sector suffering most of all – fintech funding dropped faster than any other sector in Q1 2023, down 83% from the same period in 2022.
Opinion by " Ritam Gandhi
How equity investors can better support underrepresented founders
Raising equity investment is a challenge for any business, but especially for underrepresented groups, the obstacles far outweigh the positive return they receive. In order for this to change there ought to be a recognition of these obstacles and a commitment from equity investors to make the change. Here equity expert and founder of Focused For Business Hatty Fawcett shares her tips for how equity investors can support underrepresented founders and close the gap.
Opinion by " Hatty Fawcett
How equity investors can better support underrepresented founders
How commission-free trading is shaking up the world of investment
The investment industry has experienced a significant shift in recent years, with the online retail brokerage platforms transforming the ways in which people invest their money.
Opinion by " Stavros Lambouris
How commission-free trading is shaking up the world of investment
London's continued appeal for high-growth business
Max Lunn talked to Laura Citron, CEO of London & Partners, about why London still rules the European roost when it comes to attracting high-growth businesses
Opinion by " Max Lunn
London's continued appeal for high-growth business
Goodwill over greed: How Gen Z is redefining what it means to be an entrepreneur
As a serial investor and entrepreneur, I’m constantly on the lookout for changes in the market. My brain is programmed to scan for exciting trends, innovative ideas and seismic shifts in how startups work.
Opinion by " Roei Samuel
Goodwill over greed: How Gen Z is redefining what it means to be an entrepreneur
The role leadership plays in relieving employee stress
Workplace stress in the U.K. is prevailing. According to Champion Health’s Workplace Health Report, “76% of employees report moderate-to-high or high levels of stress.” 73% say their workload is the top reason for their stress.
Opinion by " Indiana Lee
The role leadership plays in relieving employee stress
How the tech industry can get DEI right
Greenwashing. Pinkwashing. Bluewashing. In the last few years, a whole new glossary of terms describing shallow displays of corporate virtue that aren’t backed up by action has appeared in the business world. Dubious emissions reporting, a sudden zeal for queer allyship during Pride, soul-searching blog posts and promises of change – we’ve witnessed all this and more in response to growing public awareness and concern around social issues.
Opinion by " Monica McCoy
How the tech industry can get DEI right
Now is not the time for startups and businesses to compromise on purpose for profit
As the dust settles on our shrinking UK economy and growing global concerns, startups across the board are facing a well trodden fork in the road; why are we chasing profit, when we can, and should, shoot for purpose?
Opinion by " Abb-d Taiyo
Now is not the time for startups and businesses to compromise on purpose for profit
Why a solid support network is key to avoiding overwhelm
Research has shown that entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. Isolation was cited as one of the biggest entrepreneurial challenges in the Self-Employment Review carried out by Julie Deane, founder of the Cambridge Satchel Company. Although the majority of self-employed entrepreneurs reported that they would not go back into employment, 25% stated that they missed having colleagues.
Opinion by " Bethany Ainsley
Why a solid support network is key to avoiding overwhelm
5 steps for building your founder profile to attract investors
A founder’s journey starts with an idea. A problem to be solved. And an innovative way to make that idea a reality. In the early stages of a business, it is this pursuit of innovation that propels a company forward. However, when it comes to seeking investment, it is no longer enough just to have a solution.
Opinion by " Kate Baldwin
5 steps for building your founder profile to attract investors
How can businesses drive decarbonisation in their IT functions?
The impending climate crisis – combined with a healthy dose of investor, customer, and regulatory pressure – has catapulted sustainability to the top of the agenda for many decision-makers. As businesses seek to decarbonise operations, the IT function is an obvious place to start. After all, for many businesses that don’t manufacture or transport physical goods, IT is one of the biggest emitters of carbon.
Opinion by " Guy Long
Don't complain about AI, take advantage of it
Thomas Kriebernegg, Managing Director & Co-Founder at App Radar, explores how ChatGPT and Generative AI can boost app marketing strategies
Opinion by " Thomas Kriebernegg
Don't complain about AI - take advantage
Australia, a UK startup’s natural proving ground?
We hear all the time in the tech world about the importance of testing before entering new markets, getting to know your audience and user, product-market fit, the legalities of working in this new place, and all the other assorted details that go along with running a business.
Opinion by " Daniel Tjondronegoro
Australia, a UK startup’s natural proving ground?
Barriers to implementation: 4 Reasons why your CRO strategy testing must change
As businesses around the world face up to a cost of living crisis that’s set to impact consumer spending for the foreseeable future, attention will invariably turn to conversion rate optimisation and the pursuit of retaining revenue streams. But is your firm’s CRO strategy as watertight as you’re led to believe? This article will explore four common reasons why your strategy testing may need to change.
Opinion by " Rebecca Barnatt-Smith
Barriers to implementation: 4 Reasons why your CRO strategy testing must change

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