Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Where does wellness sit within the ESG movement?
I recently read an interview in the Financial Times with Harry Hyman of Primary Health Properties, who was asked the question ‘what is your basic business philosophy?’ His response was ‘to run a business with recurring profits and a positive social impact.’
Opinion by " Leanne Spencer
Where does wellness sit within the ESG movement?
Blitzscaling prioritised growth over quality for too long. It’s time to change that
At the peak of the dot-com boom, I managed a $200M venture fund. Though we didn’t have much experience as investors, we managed to get five exits from a portfolio of 27 early-stage businesses. I learned a lot of lessons. Here’s one of them.
Opinion by " Rob Bier
Rob Bier
Satellite Technology is transforming climate action
No one needs to be told that the climate crisis gets more serious by the day. Every year is hotter than the last one. Extreme weather events are becoming commonplace.
Opinion by " Bogdan Gogulan
Bogdan Gogulan
Recession and cost-of-living crises: A perfect time to start a business?
The COVID-19 pandemic, the fallout of Brexit, supply chain disruptions, spiralling inflation, geopolitical conflicts, rising fuel and energy prices, and a cost-of-living crisis are just some of the contributors to the UK’s widely documented economic downturn. Amidst all this external turmoil and uncertainty, the nation officially entered a recession, with the economy contracting since early 2022.
Opinion by " Dakota Murphey
How to help founders tap into crowd wisdom
What’s the hardest thing about creating a new product? It’s one of the many questions founders have. To gather some views, Adam recently posted a Twitter poll to his 140,000 followers. Twenty-four hours later, we had the results.
Opinion by " Emily Kucharski
How to help founders tap into crowd wisdom
The evolution of education - The future starts today
New technologies are arriving thick and fast in the education sector, switching up the conventional dynamic between student, teacher and classroom.
Opinion by " James McGowan
The evolution of education - The future starts today
Would you trust AI to speak to your customers? 5 ways AI could hurt your brand voice
Artificial Intelligence has made remarkable strides in recent years, revolutionising many sectors, particularly creative industries. These AI systems, fueled by deep learning on vast datasets, have demonstrated increasingly versatile and adaptable capabilities. However, they still primarily function as tools, providing outputs to narrowly defined human queries.
Opinion by " Nell Watson
Would you trust AI to speak to your customers? 5 ways AI could hurt your brand voice
Paving the way to AI-driven transformation in supply chain management with a smart data strategy
Supply chain organisations in the UK and Ireland are facing significant barriers to the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) owing to challenges with collecting and analysing data.
Opinion by " Mark Holmes
Mark Holmes
The psychology behind why we keep playing the lottery
Did you know we have better chances of getting hit by lightning or attacked by a bear than winning a lottery? Yet we find ourselves buying online lottery tickets or queuing at convenience stores hoping to win huge sums of money despite the odds being against us.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
The psychology behind why we keep playing the lottery
It's too early to judge African VC
Mathias Léopoldie is the co-founder of Julaya, an Ivory Coast-based startup that offers digital payment and lending accounts for African companies of all sizes. Julaya serves over 1,500 companies, processes $400M of transactions and has raised $10M in funding.
Opinion by " Mathias Léopoldie
REALISTIC OPTIMIST It's too early to judge African VC
Redefining finance: How embedded finance is set to help banks to resume their original mission — to the benefit of startups and SMEs
Europe is in a lending crunch, and SMEs are bearing the brunt of it. Although SMEs make up the backbone of the European economy, accounting for a staggering 64.4% of EU employment, 73% of SMEs say they can’t even secure a meeting with their bank and that a quarter of all SMEs say that lenders don’t understand their business. There’s really a quite simple explanation to this – the typical SME isn’t the ideal loan candidate for the typical high-street bank, and hasn’t been for a long time.
Opinion by " Olle Lundin
Redefining finance: How embedded finance is set to help banks to resume their original mission — to the benefit of startups and SMEs
Thinking of doing PoCs with big brands? Let's rethink that...
As a founder, there's a certain allure to landing big brands as early customers. It feels like a major validation that your product has mass appeal. Many founders, myself included, assume the natural path ‘in’ is through a pilot or proof of concept (PoC). Get your foot in, show them how fabulous you are and boom - banging the door down for more, am I right?
Opinion by " Dan Bowyer
Thinking of doing PoCs with big brands? Let's rethink that...
Why more SMEs are hiring a part-time CPO
Chief Product Officers aren’t just found in big businesses anymore. These experienced specialists lead innovation across a company’s entire portfolio of products and services. They guide and execute the product development strategy from idea to execution with a customer-centric approach delivering revenue and growth.
Opinion by " Sara Daw
Why more SMEs are hiring a part-time CPO
Climate Fintech’s scorecard: Germany goes top but Europe beating the US is the real story
Once a niche off-shoot of the fintech scene, climate fintech - simply understood as fintechs enabling decarbonisation - has emerged as an established and much-needed global sector. Attracting annual investments of $2.3B in 2023, climate fintechs are providing vital solutions businesses urgently need to support their climate transition
Opinion by " Paul Morgenthaler
Climate Fintech’s scorecard: Germany goes top but Europe beating the US is the real story

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