Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
Our selection All the Opinions
The transformative power of AI: enhancing human potential in the workplace
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long been regarded as a powerful force in the quest for improved productivity and efficiency in various industries. From automated processes to predictive analytics, AI has demonstrated its ability to revolutionise how we work and operate.
Opinion by " Asim Amin
The transformative power of AI: enhancing human potential in the workplace
Wealth management, why the time for fintechs is now
Fintech has changed how we transact, from digital payments and cross-border transfers to market-stall traders taking card, it has revolutionised the world in uncountable ways. Everything from proptech platforms to personal investment portals, they are all fintechs, they manage money - quickly, cheaply and efficiently.
Opinion by " Nuno Godinho
Digitising wealth management: what can we learn from healthcare?
How scale-ups can address the tech talent shortage
Attending the recent London Tech Week, two things struck me. Firstly, was just how prevalent tech startups and scale-ups are now. These companies are everywhere and nearly all of them are based around technology, with it absolutely fundamental to their propositions.
Opinion by " Andy Peddar
How scale-ups can address the tech talent shortage
How can startup leaders empower their teams so they can take a break this summer?
Running a startup is notoriously fast-paced, highly stressful and time consuming, with heavy workloads throughout the year for both you and your team. As chief decision-maker and captain of the ship, it’s difficult for startup leaders to fully step back from their responsibilities and hand over the reins to their teams so they can take a proper break over the summer months.
Opinion by " Dominic Ashley-Timms
How can startup leaders empower their teams so they can take a break this summer?
Human vs. Machine: The battle for authentic artistic expression in the age of AI
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to create images and texts, as well as videos, music, and other multimedia content. As AI continues to improve, it’s reasonable to assume that it will become even more challenging to identify which content has been created by humans, and which has been devised by the machine.
Opinion by " Doron Fagelson
Human vs. Machine: The battle for authentic artistic expression in the age of AI
The customisation conundrum: Are investing apps in need of a personal touch?
Customisation and personalisation have become the norm in many industries, but the same level of service is lacking in the retail investing space. Here, Daniel Gold, CEO and Founder of Stratiphy looks at the issue in more detail and gives his thoughts on what could be next for the broader sector.
Opinion by " Daniel Gold
The customisation conundrum: Are investing apps in need of a personal touch?
Why leaders need to lighten the mood
Everyone has a sense of humour. Some people just aren’t funny, surely? But I’m not talking about telling jokes - rather those impromptu moments, where we share our human frailty or laugh at life’s absurdities or see another perspective. Laughing with people is an ancient way to connect.
Opinion by " Neil Mullarkey
Misinformation, misogyny, and money: how community could be the key to unlock FemTech
Historically, women’s health has been an issue shrouded in misinformation and lack of understanding. We’ve all heard of the Freudian term 'hysteria', which the psychoanalyst used to describe women who he deemed to have suffered childhood sexual abuse or repression. But the term dates even further back.
Opinion by " Grace Tucker
Fintech Experts look at how AI is disrupting fintech
AI is taking over the spotlight. And unlike many fleeting hype trends, it will stay for long disrupting numerous industries and Fintech is no exception.
Opinion by " Andriy Bas
Fintech Experts look at how AI is disrupting fintech
How can we use generative AI ethically?
Alistair Dent, Chief Strategy Officer at data company Profusion, discusses how businesses can create safeguards to ensure they use generative AI applications like ChatGPT ethically.
Opinion by " Alistair Dent
How can we use generative AI ethically?
Competition v Collaboration: How leadership teams can find the right balance
Assembling an effective leadership team can feel like an exercise in managing paradoxes. To be deemed suitable for the leadership team, individuals need to be ambitious, highly confident, and strong individual performers.
Opinion by " Thomas Keil & Marianna Zangrillo
Competition v Collaboration: How leadership teams can find the right balance
How to control your SaaS spending and avoid spiralling costs
In yet another financial crisis, amongst what feels like never-ending tech layoffs, it's essential to adopt proactive strategies and keep that burn rate lower than a lizard’s belly.
Opinion by " Sam Perry
How to control your SaaS spending and avoid spiralling costs
The power of insights: Leveraging social data to overcome recession challenges
Businesses have to navigate a multitude of challenges in their daily operations. Sometimes, a socio-economic phenomenon like recession, with its far-reaching consequences comes along, making it even more challenging for businesses to survive and thrive. Given its implications on various facets of the economy, including employment levels, income distribution, consumer spending, and overall societal well-being, businesses are faced with complications on every front. This calls for proactive strategies needed to not only guard against undesirable outcomes but also triumph over adversity.
Opinion by " Jess Smith
Quanticore: Navigating the shifting tech realms
The human face of Venture Capital
Venture capital has long been a driving force behind innovation and entrepreneurial success, fuelling the growth of promising startups and small businesses. While the VC landscape is often associated with vast sums of money and high-stakes deals, it is crucial to recognise the human element that lies at the core of this industry.
Opinion by " Andrew Wolfson
The human face of Venture Capital

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