Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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Northern Lights: why founding your startup in Scandinavia is a shortcut to success
Norway might be a small country in terms of population, but when it comes to fostering innovation and creativity, it stands as a true powerhouse. You might think I'm biased due to my Norwegian roots, and you're probably right!
Opinion by " Alison Sundset
Northern Lights: why founding your startup in Scandinavia is a shortcut to success
Welcome to the age of digital acceleration
People have long talked about digital transformation as an end goal. Once businesses transform, they will realise their ambitions, achieve their goals and enjoy the rewards.
Opinion by " Ron Gidron
Welcome to the age of digital acceleration
How to approach redundancies empathetically and make exits matter
How you exit someone is an important part of your culture and it says a lot about you and the company. At some point, you are going to have to let someone go, and it won’t be easy. If it’s not working for you, it’s also not working for them, and it’s important to understand why, even once it’s over.
Opinion by " Sam Smith
How to approach redundancies empathetically and make exits matter
Exploring the impact of employee turnover on business resilience
High employee turnover is a sure sign that something is wrong with your business. While folks jump ship for all manner of reasons, a flurry of resignations indicates that folks are overworked, underpaid, or a combination of both.
Opinion by " Indiana Lee
Exploring the impact of employee turnover on business resilience
Embracing AI in the classroom will empower students and teachers
Over the last couple of months, you may have struggled to ignore the wave of innovative AI programs which have sparked both fear and optimism about the future of education. Programs such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard have the potential to save teachers time on repetitive tasks, helping reduce their overall workloads.
Opinion by " Jason Tomlinson
Embracing AI in the classroom will empower students and teachers
The Monergy Flow by John Hibbs
If you’re interested in making more money, being surrounded by people you love (and who love you back) and making the world a better place; then keep reading my friend. I believe we can have all three of the above, and I also believe that we know deep down how to achieve it…we’ve just had the answers knocked out of us by life.
Opinion by " John Hibbs
The Monergy Flow by John Hibbs
Skills for days: why now’s the time to optimise your tech teams for AI
Hywel Carver, cofounder and CEO of Skiller Whale, a live coaching platform for engineering teams, says AI tools can cause real damage in the wrong hands.
Opinion by " Hywel Carver
Skills for days: why now’s the time to optimise your tech teams for AI
Beyond climate change – We have much more to worry about than just the weather
For many businesses a singular focus on net-zero, climate change and the shift to renewable energy has largely blinded them from the reality that environmental issues are much wider than ‘just’ the weather. New businesses must seize the opportunity to embed a more holistic approach to sustainability from their inception.
Opinion by " Jonah Grunsell
Beyond climate change – We have much more to worry about than just the weather
3 Essential career conversations to have with your new graduate recruits
The transition from student life to a professional environment can be a bewildering journey for recent graduates. They are suddenly immersed in a world where expectations are markedly different, the stakes are higher, and the rules of engagement are complex.
Opinion by " Antoinette Oglethorpe
3 Essential career conversations to have with your new graduate recruits
Football - How AI can put match-fixing off-side
A veritable scourge in the world of football, with almost a thousand matches fixed every year, the detection of cheating has become essential to preserve fair play and fan confidence. Artificial intelligence has a major role to play in this battle.
Opinion by " Romain Girbal
Belonging is key: 4 personas for your belonging journey
When it comes to building a sense of belonging within your organisation, it’s important to know who you’re building it for. Today’s businesses have the potential to recruit from a huge range of mindsets, so the sooner they ditch the one-size-fits-all approach, the better.
Opinion by " Jessie Danyi
Belonging is key: 4 personas for your belonging journey
Handle with caution: ESG data is plagued with gaps and holes
In times gone by, the main problem with data on companies’ impact on the planet and its people, on their internal culture and governance, was that we didn’t really have any. For the first stint of the 21st century, intervention from up top was kept to a minimum and self-regulation and voluntary disclosure - also known as keeping a low profile – were the standard.
Opinion by " Marc Lepere
The mindset for sustainable business
When sustainability is implemented correctly, it often generates positive results for companies such as reduced costs, increased sales, higher customer loyalty, and attracting talent.
Opinion by " Jasper Steinhausen
Why is climate risk management rising up the agenda of investors?
A recent poll claimed that Britons spent around 6 months of their life talking about the weather. I’ll withhold comment around whether I’m surprised that the figure isn’t higher, but it’s safe to say 2023’s weather events already provided plenty of talking points.
Opinion by " Paul Morgenthaler
Why is climate risk management rising up the agenda of investors?

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