Maddyness opens its columns to gather advice and testimonials from the people leading the new economy. Learning from others, that's the ambition of this 'Opinion' section
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The impact of AI on the crypto industry - can neural networks be useful in trading?
The world of cryptocurrencies has witnessed significant growth and attention over the past decade, captivating the interest of investors, traders, and tech enthusiasts alike. Simultaneously, AI has emerged as a powerful tool in various industries, revolutionising processes and decision-making.
Opinion by " Kevin Plumpton
The impact of AI on the crypto industry - can neural networks be useful in trading?
Fostering strong entrepreneurship amidst tech sector funding shortages
Against the backdrop of today's swiftly evolving tech realm, characterised by economic challenges and funding uncertainties, the process of bringing a product to market carries a precarious balance between innovation and pragmatism. Negotiating this path, entrepreneurs must use their creative drive with the practical demands of sustainable business growth.
Opinion by " Ritam Gandhi
Fostering strong entrepreneurship amidst tech sector funding shortages
Against all odds: a resilient journey through the valley of startup funding
Every startup founder envisions a future where their dream soars to the skies, funded and supported by investors who believe in their mission. One morning, I found myself in a hotel room, nestled in the heart of London, overlooking the scenic Tower Bridge. My dream was about to take a significant detour. The 6:45 AM call that informed us of our anticipated funding (which was due that day) wouldn’t be coming through. It was a gut-punch, leaving me with a heavy heart like an elephant perched upon my chest.
Opinion by " Danny Brewster
Against all odds: a resilient journey through the valley of startup funding
Three of the biggest mistakes founders make when raising equity investment
Raising investment is time-consuming and a distraction from your real job of running and growing your business. Before you embark on raising equity investment you want to ensure your startup has reached a stage in its development cycle where it is ready to attract investment. You also want to be sure that you want to accept investment.
Opinion by " Hatty Fawcett
Beating the business "boys club": why there is still so much to be done
It’s 2023. The days of old school ties, business being done on the golf course, and back-slapping bravado in the boardroom are surely over. But are they?
Opinion by " Karen Powell & Lesley Heath
Beating the business
Automated web design: 3 ways generative AI is transforming web development
It’s no secret that the generative AI market continues to grow. On the back of ChatGPT’s success, generative AI is expected to be worth more than $51 billion in 2028, expanding by more than 35% every year.
Opinion by " Rebecca Barnatt-Smith
Automated web design: 3 ways generative AI is transforming web development
How should startups enter new markets — 4 tips from a Ukrainian CEO
Startups must grow fast. For that, they must scale and enter new markets. And according to McKinsey & Company, for 61% of scale-ups, geographic expansion is indeed the top priority. But it’s hard. The new market might be too expensive, too alien, or there’s simply no demand.
Opinion by " Anton Avrynskyi
How should startups enter new markets — 4 tips from a Ukrainian CEO
Schrodinger’s Generative AI: both game-changing and overhyped at the same time
Generative AI is the hot new thing in VC and just about the only technology sector that is still seeing plenty of FOMO from companies investing in startups. That’s no surprise; seeing a large language model (LLM) create an image or write an essay for the first time is almost magical.
Opinion by " Luke Smith
Schrodinger’s Generative AI: both game-changing and overhyped at the same time
Breakthroughs to businesses: turning great research into a commercial entity
FedEx, Google and Facebook all started as spinouts and latest numbers suggest that over $158B of equity finance has been raised by businesses jumping out of the lab and into the commercial world in the last 10 years. That being said, the current economic climate is challenging for all businesses with two-thirds citing concerns about future viability.
Opinion by " Stuart Grant
Breakthroughs to businesses: turning great research into a commercial entity
AI is revolutionising the HR world, but being aware of its pitfalls remains paramount
Almost every passing day brings with it a fresh new way for artificial intelligence (AI) to be used, particularly within the realm of business. Indeed, whether it’s a novel generative language AI or a program streamlining your inbox, AI is reshaping how we approach creation and productivity.
Opinion by " Chieu Cao
AI is revolutionising the HR world, but being aware of its pitfalls remains paramount
My own personal birth trauma inspired my business
Postpartum Plan is revolutionising post-birth care by offering a comprehensive program that addresses the emotional and physical needs of new parents. It brings together a team of experienced postpartum experts, including women's health physiotherapists, yoga and breath-work instructors, nutritionists, postpartum doulas, and more.
Opinion by " Meg Murray Jones
Beneath the hype: Underappreciated technologies changing smart homes
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hype of emerging technology. We love the promise and potential of the new and shiny gadgets that give good demo. But for design and business leaders it’s important to be able to see through the hype and analyse the wider implications and opportunities that may not always capture headlines.
Opinion by " Matthew Cockerill
Beneath the hype: Underappreciated technologies changing smart homes
World Entrepreneurs’ Day advice from world leading entrepreneurs
Every successful business started with a long-term vision and as entrepreneurs navigate countless obstacles, their determination kept them on track. That’s why for World Entrepreneurs’ Day, we’re celebrating those who made their dream a reality.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
World Entrepreneurs’ Day advice from world leading entrepreneurs
Embracing work flexibility: A catalyst for learning, entrepreneurship, family and community
As the UK Flexible Working Bill emerges on the horizon, it carries the promise of more than just a legislative shift; it heralds a transformation that will touch the very core of how we work and live.
Opinion by " Marcus Knight
Embracing work flexibility: A catalyst for learning, entrepreneurship, family and community

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