Coming back to my desk after a very snowy Estonian holiday season, I’m feeling rested and ready for the year ahead. A year which, speaking to other founders at a recent founder meet-up, is expected to continue to be more of an uphill struggle than a steady climb.
Nothing influences consumer behaviour in the same way as an economic downturn. But how can shoppers and businesses adapt to changing environments as budgets tighten?
For founders, raising initial or subsequent venture capital funding is understandably a major milestone for their developing business. However, over the past year as economic challenges have mounted, securing capital has proven more challenging.
Working with unicorn founders, global CEOs and Private Equity partners, Alex Kergall, CEO and Performance Coach at Altior has come to understand a raw truth that supersedes balance sheets, leveraged buyouts and market strategies : to build profit, you need to first build people and teams.
No one can deny the significance of holding a sustainable environment in this business landscape. However, with its unprecedented accessibility and convenience, e-commerce has completely changed how we purchase in the current digital era. That being said, it is now essential for businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices in order to make a contribution to a greener future, given increasing concerns regarding environmental sustainability.
2024 marks the dawn of a new industrial revolution fuelled by converging digital and physical technologies. Deeptech barriers are crumbling, and startups are poised to lay the foundation for a more intuitive and accessible future.
In September last year, in the UK, sickness had hit the highest levels they have been for 10 years with mental health issues being within the top four causes of sick leave – and arguably contributing to the other top three. However, when we think of mental ill health or stress at work, ‘burnout’ naturally comes to mind.
Despite AI’s potential, in 2024 users will prioritise tech’s environment impact, the security and privacy of their own data and return to crucial technologies like web3 and blockchain.
AI will take over, the metaverse will run its course, Apple's headset will revive VR and AR; as we look towards 2024 we continue to see a tirade of news surrounding the latest technological shifts to come and the associated marketing impact.
Forget New Year’s resolutions, this year the in and out list has taken over and everyone from influencers to your local coffee shop has been curating what’s on their hotlist for the year ahead.
This article emphasises the importance of feeling good at work for better performance, advocating for attention management, delegation, mindfulness, and inclusion as key strategies to distinguish between being ‘positively stretched’ and stressed, for maintaining well-being and productivity in the workplace.
Anxiety can feel like a storm cloud swirling around you, clouding your mind with what ifs, self-doubt or worst-case scenarios and making your body feel jittery, tense or unsettled. The level of distraction can be so high that it is really hard to concentrate or bring your best self forward. Clearly this is not helpful before an important meeting.
2023 was an exceptional year for data center growth, and it looks like 2024 will be the same, but with new and more creative approaches to supply.
To get the year off to a great start, Antler partners from all around Europe share with us exclusive and impactful advice.