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Planning tomorrow: VC and Startup predictions for 2024
Ethics, Regulation, AI, Climate... VC and startups share their most exciting predictions for the year 2024, filled with promises and new challenges.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
Planning tomorrow: VC and Startup predictions for 2024
Career lessons from the top 7 Christmas movies of all time…
‘Tis the season… that time of year for reflection about the health of our careers. It can be a difficult task, an imponderable. Is my career where I want it to be? A little like that other seasonal tradition of debating the criteria for the best Christmas movies of all time.
Opinion by " Dr Helmut Schuster & Dr David Oxley
Career lessons from the top 7 Christmas movies of all time…
The struggle for old money locked away in Family Offices continues. Who may get it?
For family offices, startups, historically, have not been their preferred investment vehicle. During the last 10 years, they carefully tested the waters, mainly through investments in VC funds. But after a challenging 2022, their interest in new startup / VC allocations plummeted, since it started to exceed their 10-15% benchmark and they experienced sharp declines in startup valuations. Approaching family offices in 2022 with proposals to invest in venture capital was almost futile.
Opinion by " Alex Menn
The struggle for old money locked away in Family Offices continues. Who may get it?
Navigating the AI Landscape: ChatGPT's impact on startups, the opportunities that arise and the call for sound regulation
Celebrating its first birthday on November 30th, ChatGPT's 'research preview' has garnered widespread interest, extending beyond tech enthusiasts to a more mainstream audience.
Opinion by " Erik Wikander
Mastering the Hybrid Work Model: Strategies for Success
The landscape of work has evolved significantly over the past years. This year witnessed a puzzling decision from some CEOs who mandated their employees to return to the office, only to face the repercussions of dissatisfaction, refusal, and resignations from their workforce.
Opinion by " Elena Beloshapkova
Elena Beloshapkova
Businesses must take a human-centric approach to AI development
We stand at the precipice of an artificial intelligence revolution that promises not only to reshape business and society but also to enhance our lives in unprecedented ways. From finance to manufacturing to healthcare, AI's integration across industries automates routine tasks, generates valuable insights from data, and enhances decision-making. However, this powerful technology risks causing more harm than good without a human-centric approach to AI implementation.
Opinion by " Mark Minevich
How to create systems for success at work and in your personal life
In your personal and professional lives, having robust systems and processes brings clarity, calm and composure to how you do what you do.
Opinion by " John Roussot
Why is everyone now learning how to become a personal trainer?
About twenty years ago, something weird happened: being a personal trainer became sexy. The switch was unexpected. These professionals went from glorified plimsoll-wearing PE teachers for adults to some of the most desirable people on Earth.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with The Fitness Group
Why is everyone now learning how to become a personal trainer?
New technology regulations should be embraced as part of the new way of thinking for business
Technology regulations are often met with weariness from business leaders, perceiving that such stopgaps could potentially hold them back. But the pace of technological change must be accompanied by ever-faster and smarter regulatory changes, as the intent is not to slow down innovation.
Opinion by " Marga Hoek
New technology regulations should be embraced as part of the new way of thinking for business
How startups are revolutionising healthcare with medical technology?
In recent years, the healthcare industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation driven by a wave of pioneering startups. These innovative companies have leveraged cutting-edge technologies to address various healthcare challenges and improve patient outcomes.
Opinion by " Elis Enano
How startups are revolutionising healthcare with medical technology?
What will legalisation of cannabis in Germany mean for the European market?
Asif Dewan is the UK Managing Director of Montu, a leading medical cannabis company with operations in Asia-Pacific and Europe. Its UK clinic, Alternaleaf, is a digital clinic for prescribing and administering medical cannabis for patients across the UK.
Opinion by " Asif Dewan
Are you telling yourself a limiting or empowering career story?
What is your career story? When professionals come to me for career coaching, I ask them to tell me their career stories thus far in their own words. I ask them to be brief and only to let me know what got them to this point in their careers and how they see where their career stands at that moment.
Opinion by " Asad Husain
Are you telling yourself a limiting or empowering career story?
B2B startups' lack of buyer empathy can hinder their growth: but it’s not that hard to find
B2B startups are facing a stark reality, as competition increases and funding decreases, the traditional blend of technical and business jargon to promote the latest AI solution isn't cutting it anymore. Nearly half of the metrics that investors consider before investing are customer-centric, placing marketing and sales under the microscope first. On top of that, an overwhelming 60%+ of all raised investment often gets funnelled into marketing support – a huge gamble if it fails to hit the mark.
Opinion by " Martin Bailie, co-founder of Elysian Fields
B2B startups' lack of buyer empathy can hinder their growth: but it’s not that hard to find
Climate tech is about much more than carbon
Despite increasingly challenging market conditions, climate tech remains one of the most popular areas of startup investment. The ongoing commitment to this vital area of innovation reflects the accelerating urgency of climate action, following a global rise in extreme weather events and fresh scrutiny on Net Zero ambitions. The complexity and diversity of the climate challenges that need to be addressed is vast, as are the range of solutions being built to help do this. But too often, the true scale and diversity of “climate tech” is overlooked and underestimated.
Opinion by " Taco Engelaar
Climate tech is about much more than carbon

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