A must-have for our readers, this 'News' section covers the hot topics in the entrepreneurial ecosystem: financial and governmental announcements, acquisitions, movements, etc
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Eco-friendly detergent subscription service smol raises £8M
Smol, the detergent-to-your-door brand loved by more than a quarter of a million households, has raised £8M to continue its mission to shake up an industry that has barely innovated for a century. The Series A funding round was led by Balderton Capital with participation from JamJar Investments and is being announced fresh off the back of smol releasing its first ever fabric conditioner.
News by " Maddyness
Diversity and exclusion in the startup ecosystem
“Why aren’t we diverse?” Amir Kabel, Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Burberry, asked during a webinar about the same topic. “There’s a clear business case - profitability, retention of talent and higher innovation. We need to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable when we talk about race. We need to be honest that inequalities exist in societies.”
News by " Tal Imagor
Preparing your team for the return to office life
Have you ventured into central London lately? It’s a far cry from the vibrant, bustling hub it was before lockdown. There are fewer tourists, fewer shoppers and, notably, fewer city workers as many workplaces remain closed and people continue to work from home. But for how long? In light of PM Boris Johnson's latest announcement, perhaps not very long at all.
News by " David Morel
Navigating the conflicting ideologies of brand activism
Marketers have always battled for consumer attention, but this has become overwhelming due to the sheer amount of content available online. Geri Ruci, a marketing analyst at Posito, looks at the challenges brands face when trying to do the right thing.
News by " Geri Ruci
Exclusively investing in businesses founded or cofounded by women
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Amir Kazmi, Director and CEO of Innvotec and discuss the Female Ventures Fund.
News by " Amir Kazmi
Backpack, fitness and wellness and a phone mount for cyclists; crowdfunding now
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
News by " Maddyness
Karma Kitchen and others raise over £350M this week
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness
The workspace experience: interview with Kursty Groves
With the rise of co-working, design-forward spaces are tantalising businesses with their plants, neon slogans, break-out spaces -- some of which more closely represent living rooms (billiard rooms, even, with their pool, fußball and ping pong tables) than they do the typical office. Workplace consultant, author and ‘Space Coach’, Kursty Groves explains more.
News by " Ella Bowman
Car subscription company Drover announces £20.5M in funding
Today Drover, the European leader in car subscriptions, announces a £20.5M investment. The investment has been co-led by new investors Target Global, RTP Global and Autotech Ventures. Additional new investors are Channel 4 Ventures and Rider Global. Existing investors Cherry Ventures, BP Ventures, Partech, Version One and Forward Partners also participated in the round. 
News by " Maddyness
Zing creates ‘Safe 2 Serve’ pub and restaurant app in just 24 hours
Since reopening, pubs and restaurants are now obliged to keep a record of customers and visitors for 21 days to assist the NHS Test and Trace application. To support this, a tech startup has created, in just24 hours, a quick and efficient app that can be used by pubs, restaurants and customers.
News by " Maddyness
£2B a year is lost to transactions wrongfully rejected as fraudulent
New research by fintech unicorn Checkout.com shows the UK is losing over $2B annually due to legitimate transactions being rejected as fraudulent, a fact that naturally causes frustration for customers who go buy elsewhere online. Recovery could be slowed down or delayed unless businesses plug an annual $20B hole in online transactions to tackle this massive issue.
News by " Maddyness
How the travel industry can use social media to stay relevant in and beyond a crisis
Social media is a tricky world to navigate for brands at the best of times, but especially hard during COVID-19. What makes social media the powerhouse that it can be for a brand? What are the rules that brands and startups should be following? We broke it down for you by speaking to an expert.
News by " Cleo McGee
Why solving a big problem isn’t enough to build a billion-dollar startup
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to find a big problem and solve it. But if you stop there, you might just wind up being the inventor of an amazing solution that no one ever uses. As Joe Procopio suggests, that is probably not your goal.
News by " Joe Procopio
10 bad habits of unsuccessful people
Instead of looking for traits to emulate, focus on ones to avoid. The first successful person I ever met — truly successful, with accomplishments I admired and ambition I strove to emulate — was an entrepreneur in his forties, a client of mine in the first real business I’d ever started. I was 24 and eager to learn; he was constantly cheerful and had more money than he could count.
News by " Darius Foroux

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