A must-have for our readers, this 'News' section covers the hot topics in the entrepreneurial ecosystem: financial and governmental announcements, acquisitions, movements, etc
Our selection All the News
Mobility E-Health 2022: Software République incubator tackling vehicle passenger health
Software République and its partners are incubating global innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups across Europe, and the World, and have recently launched a “Call for Projects” to develop health detection and diagnostic solutions for the benefit of conductors and passengers.
News by " Max Lunn
Mobility E-Health 2022: Software République incubator tackling vehicle passenger health
Black Girl Fest announces latest cohort to join its Launchpad programme
Black Girl Fest (BGF), the UK-based programme designed to empower Black women founders and non-binary people to succeed in entrepreneurship, has announced its latest cohort of Black female pioneers to join its prestigious Launchpad programme.
News by " Maddyness UK
Black Girl Fest announces the latest cohort of Black female pioneers to join its prestigious Launchpad programme
Welcome to Lille: Get to know incubator and accelerator EuraTechnologies
What could a France-based accelerator offer a UK startup? We spoke to Koussée Vaneecke, president at EuraTechnologies, to find out more.
News by " Maddyness, with EuraTechnologies
Welcome to Lille: Get to know incubator and accelerator EuraTechnologies
Experts reveal factors in the workplace that could be increasing staff turnover
There are many factors to consider when it comes to staff turnover – but while some may be inevitable, such as retirement, a change in career, or even moving away, others can be controlled.
News by " Maddyness UK
Experts reveal factors in the workplace that could be increasing staff turnover
18% of small businesses have considered closure in the past year
Prices rises, extension to business hours and energy savings top tactics to keep small firms afloat
News by " Maddyness UK
18% of small businesses consider closure
Musk is wrong. UK business leaders' clock off at 3pm and WFH, says new research
New research commissioned by Samsung, surveying 1,000 UK business executives, reveals that burning the midnight oil is no longer the norm: the average ‘clocking off time’ for business leaders is now 3.06pm.
News by " Maddyness UK
Musk is wrong. Business leaders clock off at 3 pm.
It’s time to get personal with your customers if you want to ride the current economic wave
Customers today demand empathetic, personalised and 24/7 instant support from every business they interact with. The companies who nail this customer experience will be the ones to succeed but the key is to not overcomplicating things.
News by " Maddyness, with Salesforce
It’s time to get personal with your customers if you want to ride the current economic wave
UK businesses talk less about sustainability commitments than their consumers
Research finds ‘climate justice’ and related terms are used ~29 times more by consumers than companies when talking about sustainability - suggesting a breakdown in communication between businesses and consumers when it comes to sustainability efforts.
News by " Maddyness UK
UK Businesses are talking less about sustainability commitments than their consumers
RAISE – The Female Founder’s Guide to Securing Investment
A new book on raising investment from a female perspective is a welcome addition to the literature, full of practical and motivational advice.
News by " Maddyness UK
RAISE – The Female Founder’s Guide to Securing Investment
A doctor-founded startup is identifying liver disease earlier using NHS data
The data exists, a simple system unlocks its power: meet Predictive Health Intelligence, who in partnership with the NHS is using data to identify those at risk of liver disease early.
News by " Tim Jobson
The startup identifying liver disease earlier with NHS data
Djaayz, Cathy Guetta's new entrepreneurial adventure
Cathy Guetta and Raphaël Aflalo have announced the launch of Djaayz, a DJ booking platform. In just a few weeks, the app has attracted 2,200 DJs in France. For Maddyness, Cathy Guetta looks back on this adventure.
News by " Etienne Portais
Djaayz, Cathy Guetta's new entrepreneurial adventure
Short term politics should not impact long term investment into R&D
As economic sentiment darkens around the world, with rapidly rising interest rates and double digit inflation, fund allocations are moving towards safety and away from risk. We have seen a number of U-turns on the UK Government’s fiscal plans (and prime ministers), but what does this mean for venture capital (VC)?
News by " Martin Glen
Short term politics should not impact long term investment into R&D
UK set to double investment into climate tech in 2022, bucking trend of overall UK tech investment downturn
In the midst of COP27, Tech Nation has published its Climate Tech Report 2022 to shed light on the state of UK climate tech
News by " Max Lunn
UK set to double investment into climate tech in 2022, bucking trend of overall UK tech investment downturn
Families fell even more in love with pets during the pandemic, but we’re still decades away from “peak pet” in Europe
Accelerated by Covid lockdowns, we’ve seen thousands of families welcoming new furry friends into their homes. Our own proprietary consumer research shows that the pet care market is worth as much as €80B in Western-Europe, across food, health, and other services such as insurance. And with workplaces adapting to flexible hours and even allowing animals into offices in a post-pandemic world – the “pet boom” is here to stay.
News by " Gilles Vanhouwe
Families fell even more in love with pets during the pandemic, but we’re still decades away from “peak pet” in Europe

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