Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Our selection All the Decodings
From a dissertation to a life-changing business for children
3D-printing ExpHand Prosthetics was founded by Kate Walker after she realised her dissertation project could change the lives of millions of children in the UK and beyond. Maddyness shares insight on this brilliant initiative.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Recognising design-led and human-centred innovation
There's nothing more powerful than a face-to-face meeting to gain inspiration and free up creativity, drive change, learn best practice and build benchmarking opportunities. Johnson group creates innovative formats that fuel creative thinking, stimulate brain activity, strengthen engagement, all through the use of design thinking and storytelling.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Amazon launches smart health and wellness wristband tracker
Amazon will enter the digital health sector with a wellness device called Halo, a smart wristband that uses artificial intelligence to track a variety of personal health measurements such as sleep activity, physical exercise and mood. Additionally, the wristband is capable of monitoring body fat percentage through 3D scans, as well as the emotional state of its owner through voice-tone detection technology.
Decoding by " Katie Chan
What if healthcare wasn't a lottery, but about getting help when and where you need it?
Visionable is the first video collaboration platform designed for healthcare team’s adept at handling the differing advanced clinical needs of the healthcare profession. Visionable was founded by Alan Lowe and Lord Victor Adebowale, CBE in 2015.
Decoding by " Cleo McGee
Amica, the tool for female solo travellers
During lockdown Heeral Pattni designed an app to connect like-minded female solo travellers who have the wanderlust but don't necessarily have the confidence to travel alone.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
E-scooter brands roll out trials in the UK
Europe's e-scooter providers Voi and Lime will be running exclusive trials of e-scooters in UK cities to encourage workers to go back to the office in a safer and more environmentally friendly way.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Healthtech: 17 startups transforming healthcare
As witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous health and medical experts came up with efficient and innovative methods to support frontline workers in their work taking care of vulnerable patients. Talent can indeed shine amid a crisis and Maddyness has selected some incredible startups helping to advance healthcare and improve people's lives in the UK.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Will the rise of ecommerce hamper efforts to reduce food waste?
The newly created Coalition of Action on Food Waste will be joined by Kellogg's, Nestle, Sainsbury's, Tesco, and French cheese maker Bel Group, among others. Set up by the Consumer Goods Forum, the initiative features 14 retailers and food majors, all of which have committed to halving food waste within their operations by 2030 and adhering to United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goal 2 (Zero Hunger) which encompasses global food waste.
Decoding by " Nick Jardine
Why more people should aspire to be intrapreneurs
Every era is defined by innovations that transform our lives. Ground-breaking leaps forward are lauded, only to have their crown snatched away by a better, smarter version in the following years. Since the turn of the millennium, unfathomable levels of investment have poured into companies pushing boundaries in every field.
Decoding by " Dr Alex Young
15 startups transforming mobility in the UK
How are startups driving the future of mobility? From inclusive route-planning and Electric Vehicles to cycling accessories and a whole new way of thinking about addresses, Maddyness has selected 15 startups that are redesigning the way people move from A to B.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
9 Blockchain startups contributing to sustainable development
Blockchain technology is gathering momentum as one of the next transformative technologies. Its transparency and ability to decentralise control makes it the perfect tool for driving forward sustainable development across a number of sectors.
Decoding by " Simon Lovick
Proptech: 16 startups changing real estate in the UK
As a consequence of the pandemic, UK house prices have dropped by 7.5%. Looking to boost the market and update the current archaic systems, proptech startups are developing user-friendly concepts and platforms to provide landlords and tenants with transparency and financial clarity. Maddyness selected some of these proptech disruptors.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Schroders introduces permanent flexible working policy
Fund manager Schroders will formally integrate flexible working into its ongoing policy. Reports suggest the company is the first major London-based financial services firm to do so. Schroders, which has £526B in assets under management, said its London HQ remained open throughout lockdown, although more than 99% of its workforce worked remotely during this period.
Decoding by " Abir Qazilbash
12 beauty and wellness startups to enjoy in the UK
Staying at home this summer? Why not pamper treat yourself with a haircut or a manicure, or maybe a spa session or reflexology massage? Maddyness has selected the best user-friendly startups that are pioneering the wonderful world of beauty, cosmetics and wellness. Switching off from your daily routine is never more than a few clicks away.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin

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