Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Tackling testosterone deficiency with Ted’s Health
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to James Hurley, Cofounder at Ted’s Health about driving the conversation around testosterone deficiency, empowering men to overcome barriers and the challenges of tackling a silent epidemic.
Portfolio by " James Hurley
Tackling testosterone deficiency with Ted’s Health
How poor communication can foster toxic leadership
Culture in a workplace dictates the effectiveness of the work produced. Positive relationships between senior managers and employees are essential to a well functioning company. Poor communication can signify a company in decline; one that does not have the means or the confidence to rectify internal issues and create a happier workspace.
Tools by " Lucero Tagle & Joanna Mollo
How poor communication can foster toxic leadership
Three things recruiters wish you knew
Whether you’re a victim of the recent onslaught of tech layoffs or are looking for a new opportunity in your current field, looking for a new job can be a time-consuming and insecurity-inducing experience.
Tools by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
Tuition changes: how Edtech startups affect state tech education
Today's realities are striking in their unpredictability. No sooner have people recovered from the coronavirus pandemic than a full-scale Russian attack occurs in Ukraine, and the entire civilised world is involved in the fight against terrorism.
Opinion by " Roman Apostol
Tuition changes: how Edtech startups affect state tech education
Helping startups grow and outperform the market from Kyiv, London, and Warsaw, a profile of Flyer One ventures
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Vital Laptenok, General Partner at Flyer One Ventures.
Portfolio by " Vital Laptenok
Helping startups grow and outperform the market with offices in Kyiv, London, and Warsaw, a profile of Flyer One ventures
Meet Kabuto Noodles: the ‘Posh Pot Noodle’ getting slurped up on TikTok
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Crispin Busk, Founder of Kabuto Noodles about European expansion, the power of TikTok and always keeping the business planet-friendly.
Portfolio by " Crispin Busk
Meet Kabuto Noodles: the ‘Posh Pot Noodle’ getting slurped up on TikTok
Meet Bundant, the startup helping to manage your everyday necessities
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Ike Cooke, founder of Bundant about simplifying the lives of busy parents, reducing the production of waste and being part of Founders factory.
Portfolio by " Ike Cooke
Meet Bundant, the startup helping to manage your everyday necessities
How to effectively combat stress and pressure as an entrepreneur
Running your own successful business can be hugely rewarding, but it’s also often a lot of hard work, long hours, and a heavy load to bear. If you’re the boss, even if you have a fantastic team supporting you, at the end of the day the success of your business rests firmly on your shoulders.
Tools by " Daniel Groves
How to effectively combat stress and pressure as an entrepreneur
Tele-dermatology, Antler's splurge and crypto keys lead the way in this week's Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
How fractional leadership and services such as managed ecommerce will take over for 2023 and beyond
Before the pandemic, there was a burgeoning notion of fractional leadership services, including part-time expertise being served by consultants and niche agencies brokering consultancy positions between companies and consultants.
Opinion by " Chris Raven
How businesses can fundraise in a recession
Many entrepreneurs look to funding programmes and grant-making institutions to raise capital for their businesses. Organisations in the cultural sector in particular often seek financial support from private philanthropy and public organisations such as Arts Council England (ACE), Heritage Lottery Fund and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. But with the current downturn in the economy and increasingly stretched state funding, businesses across the creative industries are now seeking alternative financial models to ensure long-term sustainability.
Opinion by " Patrick McCrae
How businesses can fundraise in a recession
Welcome to space 4.0, the infinite frontier
There I was, as a boy, my eyes riveted to the television my mind expanding by the second, and my imagination tingling, as music began over a starfield screen and William Shatner voiced those famous opening words, “Space, the final frontier…” So begins the introductory monologue to Star Trek, the original series, and so too did my obsession with the opportunity and possibility of humanity expanding beyond earth into space.
Opinion by " Zaheer Ali
The Infinite Frontier
Meet Patch, the startup making transparent climate action accessible at scale
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Brennan Spellacy, cofounder and CEO of Patch about climate goals, carbon removal and building the foundation for the market for carbon credits.
Portfolio by " Brennan Spellacy
Meet Patch, the startup making transparent climate action accessible at scale
The time is now for the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Officer
At Maddyness, we have recently launched our job board to connect the right people with the right roles. As part of our commitment to shed some light on what these roles mean, we’re diving into the responsibilities, strategic importance and talent-profiles attached to them. This week, we look into the diversity, equality and inclusion officer.
Tools by " Max Lunn
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 2

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