Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
3 Effective ways to handle redundancy survivor guilt
While those who have recently been made redundant might beg to differ, surviving company layoffs can be equally distressing.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 4
How businesses can boost customer and employee loyalty with tree planting
For the International Day of Forests, Maddyness spoke to the team at Treeapp to discover what our readers can do to help increase employee satisfaction, increase sales and tackle climate change. If you’d like to find out more about what Treeapp does, head to the bottom of this article!
News by " Maddyness UK
How businesses can boost customer and employee loyalty with tree planting
Leveraging comparative advantage in the consumer sector, a profile of Cleavemoor
With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Ewan Mitchell, founder of Cleavemoor Limited.
Portfolio by " Ewan Mitchell
Leveraging comparative advantage in the consumer sector, a profile of Cleavemoor
How a ‘sell first, pay suppliers later’ model can revolutionise international trade
Peter Beckman talks us through his company Treyd, who enable retail businesses to sell products before paying for the goods, allowing fast-growing companies to sell more goods, control cashflow, and free up capital for growth. The Swedish company launched in the UK last May.
Opinion by " Peter Beckman
5 ways startups can use employee benefits to support older workers
As the cost of living increases, the number of older workers looking to re-enter the workforce is also on the rise. So for startups considering ways to combat the growing skills shortage, attracting older workers, who bring a vast array of skills, knowledge and experience, can provide a welcome solution.
Tools by " Ally Fekaiki
5 ways startups can use employee benefits to support older workers
AI-powered chatbots: The next frontier in e-commerce customer service
The rise of e-commerce has led to the need for better customer service, as customers now demand instant gratification and personalised experiences. This has given rise to the adoption of AI-powered Chabots, which have become a game-changer in the e-commerce industry. The use of Chatbots has been shown to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, while also improving B2B lead generation.
Opinion by " Kelly Mason
Quanticore: Navigating the shifting tech realms
Looking for a rapid, easy dry cleaning solution? Meet LaundryHeap
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Deyan Dimitrov, CEO and founder of Laundryheap about the market for rapid dry cleaning services, an international working culture and the value of bootstrapping.
Portfolio by " Deyan Dimitrov
Looking for a rapid, easy dry cleaning solution? Meet LaundryHeap
ZOE, a digital identity app and therapy platform all deliver in this week's Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
The ultimate guide to writing a mission statement
A mission statement is one of the most important things every company should have. Though it isn’t a budget that you can spend on marketing or an office you can rent to have a space for your team to work, a mission statement has a very practical purpose.
Tools by " Frank Hamilton
The ultimate guide to writing a mission statement
UK Spring Budget: Quantum investment, R+D credits but no scale up funding
Did Hunt’s Spring Statement promise to end the woes for a beleaguered UK? We talked to founders, investors and professionals from the breadth and width of the UK innovation economy to find out.
News by " Max Lunn
Budget 2023
How to implement ChatGPT: a sober look at the opportunities and risks of a new tool with near limitless potential
Generative AI is an exciting new technology with seemingly endless applications, undoubtedly kicking off a race for forward-looking businesses to start using it. Dr Caroline Chibelushi, Artificial Intelligence expert at Innovate UK KTN, discusses how we should be approaching ChatGPT, exploring the opportunities and pitfalls of this AI chatbot so that businesses can use it to their benefit and with minimal risk.
Decoding by " Dr Caroline Chibelushi
How to implement ChatGPT: a sober look at the opportunities and risks of a new tool with near limitless potential
Untapping the potential of loyalty with Antavo
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Zsuzsa Kecsmar, Chief Strategy Officer and cofounder of Antavo about loyalty, the importance of innovation, and why thought leadership is vital when it comes to strategy.
Portfolio by " Zsuzsa Kecsmar
Fancy being a smart product engineer?
At Maddyness, we have recently launched our job board to connect the right people with the right roles. As part of our commitment to shed some light on what these roles mean, we’re talking to professionals at the coalface. This week, we talked to Octopus Energy smart product engineer Derya Robinson.
Decoding by " Max Lunn
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
‘Lost a big deal? How to work out what went wrong'
Whoever takes the call: The news will be shocking with burning questions popping up on the person’s inside: “Why did we lose? and even more scary: “How will I explain THAT to my management and peers?”
Opinion by " Gabriele Rehbock
‘Lost a big deal? How to work out what went wrong'

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