Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
How phygital marketing can boost your brand: 4 key benefits
The world of marketing is constantly evolving, and so are the expectations of consumers. Today, customers want more than just a product or service; they want an immersive and engaging experience that connects them with the brand on a deeper level. This is where phygital marketing comes in.
Tools by " Svetlana Stotskaya
4 Misconceptions early-stage tech startups have about branding, and what's actually true
Meet Signa X, the venture building metaverse infrastructure for the next billion users
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Adhikar Naidu cofounder of Signa X about building 3D assets and experiences for the metaverse, empowering users and why building the metaverse is too big for one single technology company alone.
Portfolio by " Adhikar Naidu
Meet Signa X, the venture building metaverse infrastructure for the next billion users
As investors pull back, this is what startups should know about raising investment in difficult economic times
Getting investment for your startup can be daunting, even in good economic conditions, but as investors pull back amid a wave of uncertainty, tech layoffs, and recession fears, startup founders are prepping for the worst when it comes to securing any kind of investment.
Tools by " Hatty Fawcett
As investors pull back, this is what should startups know about raising investment in difficult economic times
How startups can support employees' mental health without "wellbeing washing"
In recent years, workers have been demanding more meaningful mental health and wellbeing support from their employers. Startups desperate to attract top talent have answered with a whole host of ‘workplace wellness’ initiatives and benefits. But ‘happiness officers’ and branded water bottles which aren’t backed up by the robust and professional mental health support (which teams so often really need) are signs of an increasing trend for “wellbeing washing” - where support is offered in public but not in practice.
Tools by " Sançar Sahin
How startups can support employees' mental health without
Is your tech brand lost in translation? How to know when you need a new name (and what to do next)
Not many founders can predict exactly where their startup will be in ten years’ time. Plans, products, people change, with plenty of growing pains along the way. But what if your name becomes part of that pain?
Opinion by " James Wall
Is your tech brand lost in translation? How to know when you need a new name (and what to do next)
How to replace a startup’s founder as CEO
It’s not uncommon for a startup’s founder to step down as CEO. Sometimes, the founder in question might simply feel that they’re ready to try something new. At other times, they might believe that they’ve taken the business as far as they can, and that someone else is better placed to move the needle forwards.
Tools by " Khyati Sundaram
How to replace a startup’s founder as CEO
Why you should add a “Scary Hour” to your morning routine
From Google docs to old school paper notebooks, there are many ways to approach to-do lists. But for those of us who find that no amount of shiny new stationary can put a stop to the perils of procrastination, productivity hacks are an essential tool to deploy when all else has failed.
Tools by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Morale matters: why Chief Happiness Officers are the newest trend in C-suite hires
Reducing the environmental impact of financial services must become a norm
Nearly three-quarters of customers are more likely to choose a bank with a positive social and environmental impact. What can’t be measured is often neglected. “On average, one person in Europe is responsible for the release of around 6 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.”
News by " Maddyness UK
Reducing the environmental impact of financial services must become a norm
Meet enferm, resolving staff shortages, retention, burnout and more
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Josh Sprigg, founder and CEO of enferm about the crisis in nursing, creating a way for healthcare workers to thrive and adopting of new technologies.
Portfolio by " Josh Sprigg
Meet enferm, resolving staff shortages, retention, burnout and more
VCs need Operators and Finance Experts: it’s a balance, not a choice
The debate on whether “ex-operators” make better or worse venture capital investors is tired and outdated. Instead, firms that recruit both types of candidates – those who have experience working in the tech and startup world (operators), and those from previous finance and investing backgrounds – can pull from a larger talent pool and build investment teams with a more varied set of skills. And as a bonus, that expanded talent pool itself is more diverse.
Opinion by " Ingrid Bonde Åkerlind
VCs need Operators and Finance Experts: it’s a balance, not a choice
How founders can use bootstrapping to build a software company
Pitching for VC funding is a well-trodden path that gets many startups from an idea with potential, to profitable business. It puts investment in the hands of entrepreneurs to grow teams, develop products and get them to market at speed. But VC funding is not the only option for startups looking to grow at pace.
Tools by " Karel Callens
How founders can use bootstrapping to build a software company
Meet BVNK, making payments as accessible and resilient as the internet
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jesse Hemson-Struthers, CEO and cofounder of BVNK about experimenting with crypto, rapid global expansion and a hunger for uncovering efficiency gains.
Portfolio by " Jesse Hemson-Struthers
Meet BVNK, making payments as accessible and resilient as the internet
7 stages of the cyber attack lifecycle
Cyber attacks on business infrastructure are growing in complexity, frequency and creativity. Cyber security teams are tasked with the unenviable duty of adapting to an array of constantly-evolving threats, detecting intrusions, suspicious activity and anomalies before any damage can be done.
Decoding by " Dakota Murphey
7 stages of the cyber attack lifecycle
Spend intelligence, a platform for angels and B Corp for Felix Capital in this week’s Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
Spend intelligence, a platform for angels and B Corp for Felix Capital in this week’s Maddymoney

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