Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Are you telling yourself a limiting or empowering career story?
What is your career story? When professionals come to me for career coaching, I ask them to tell me their career stories thus far in their own words. I ask them to be brief and only to let me know what got them to this point in their careers and how they see where their career stands at that moment.
Opinion by " Asad Husain
Are you telling yourself a limiting or empowering career story?
French startup Morfo wants to reforest the equivalent of the surface area of Germany and Spain by 2050
Two years after its creation, Morfo proves that it's possible to manage a deeptech startup differently; by having a very strong relationship with public research and by getting into the commercialisation phase immediately.
News by " Valentin Pringuay
Meet Voltaware, using electricity data to make homes more efficient, greener, reliable and secure
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Sergey Ogorodnov, CEO of Voltaware about energy insights, energy poverty, energy-efficient behaviour changes and the need for constant innovation and collaboration.
Portfolio by " Sergey Ogorodnov
use electricity data to make homes more efficient, greener, reliable and secure
SURI or the Elegant Revolution: An interview with Mark Rushmore and Gyve Safavi
Paul Ferretti spoke to Mark Rushmore and Gyve Safavi about the recent SURI event, revolutionising dental hygiene and building a better future.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Mark & Gyve
SME lending, battery energy storage and a sustainable inhaler in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
B2B startups' lack of buyer empathy can hinder their growth: but it’s not that hard to find
B2B startups are facing a stark reality, as competition increases and funding decreases, the traditional blend of technical and business jargon to promote the latest AI solution isn't cutting it anymore. Nearly half of the metrics that investors consider before investing are customer-centric, placing marketing and sales under the microscope first. On top of that, an overwhelming 60%+ of all raised investment often gets funnelled into marketing support – a huge gamble if it fails to hit the mark.
Opinion by " Martin Bailie, co-founder of Elysian Fields
B2B startups' lack of buyer empathy can hinder their growth: but it’s not that hard to find
Taking down the old tree: New study from Antler shows the scale of the challenge women face when fundraising
Female founders are facing gender bias when raising funding from European angels and VCs, according to new research released by Antler, the most active private early stage investor in Europe.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Climate tech is about much more than carbon
Despite increasingly challenging market conditions, climate tech remains one of the most popular areas of startup investment. The ongoing commitment to this vital area of innovation reflects the accelerating urgency of climate action, following a global rise in extreme weather events and fresh scrutiny on Net Zero ambitions. The complexity and diversity of the climate challenges that need to be addressed is vast, as are the range of solutions being built to help do this. But too often, the true scale and diversity of “climate tech” is overlooked and underestimated.
Opinion by " Taco Engelaar
Climate tech is about much more than carbon
Substance, impact, climate and AI, looking to Slush 2023
As founders, VCs, entrepreneurs and thinkers gather in Helsinki for Slush, we spoke to some leading European VCs to hear their thoughts, insights and expectations.
News by " Demi Odulana
Substance, impact, climate and AI, looking to Slush 2023
Meet Nory, the future of hospitality management
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Conor Sheridan, CEO and Founder of Nory about building a system for front line teams, cutting food waste and international expansion.
Portfolio by " Conor Sheridan
Meet Nory, the future of hospitality management
A world in constant movement: Digital Catapult's report on the early-stage investor ecosystem across Europe
The UK remains the epicentre of deeptech innovation in the eyes of European investors despite cost-of-living crisis, ongoing inflationary pressures, and geo-political upheaval.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Dr Jeremy Silver
Bidstack, enabling developers to monetise their games and empowering advertisers to engage gamers
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to James Draper, founder and CEO of Bidstack about disrupting home digital advertising, connecting brands with gamers and the importance of innovation and inclusivity.
Portfolio by " James Drape
Bidstack, enabling developers to monetise their games and empowering advertisers to engage gamers
Biden administration in shaping the future of AI
The Biden administration has unveiled a momentous milestone in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This announcement shows the Executive Order's pivotal role in shaping the future of AI, underscoring its significance within the AI community.
News by " Curt Doty
Biden administration in shaping the future of AI
Meet Caroline Franczia - revenue expert, author and business Falkor
No matter how good your product is, as Falkor from the Never-ending Story wrote: "Having a luck dragon with you is the only way to go on a quest." January Barnes spoke to Caroline Franczia, author of "Popcorn for the New CEO" and the newly published sequel "Popcorn for the New CEO II" - discover the business book that people are raving about in business school and wish it was on the curriculum! FROM PARLAYME
News by " Caroline Franczia
Meet Caroline Franczia - revenue expert, author and business Falkor

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