Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Your competitors might just be your best friends in the fight against climate change
In a business world urgently focused on sustainability, organisations are discovering the limits of their ability to create meaningful progress alone. More than ever, senior leaders need to develop the vision, will, and skill to create radical collaborations – they need to start joining forces with their competitors.
Opinion by " Emrah Durusut
Your competitors might just be your best friends in the fight against climate change
Grow faster and go farther, a profile of Shilling
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Ricardo Jacinto, Managing Partner at Shilling.
Portfolio by " Ricardo Jacinto
Grow faster and go farther, a profile of Shilling
Why are Gen Z and Millennials descending the corporate ladder?
For decades, a desire to climb the ‘corporate ladder’ has driven employees to work hard and fight for promotion. But it seems this tradition is being replaced. Driven by Gen Zs and Millennials, organisations are finding that some junior employees are actively deprioritising their career growth for a more desirable work/life balance and even ‘descending the corporate ladder’.
Tools by " Dominic Ashley-Timms & Laura Ashley-Timms
Why are Gen Z and Millennials descending the corporate ladder?
From startup to full-scale business: 3 essential metrics to mark the transition
As any founder will tell you, understanding the stage your business is at is crucial, as it plays a fundamental part in guiding strategic decisions and resource allocation. And one of the most challenging aspects is determining when your company transitions from still being a startup to becoming a fully-established business.
Tools by " Greg Waisman
From startup to full-scale business: 3 essential metrics to mark the transition
A rare gem in a gold mine: Britain's Got Startups finale to take place on the 2nd of July
The finale of Britain's Got Startups, the national event series that spotlights the most promising startups and scaleups across the UK, will take place on the 2nd of July.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Britain's Got Startups
Electric vehicles chargers, biotech and health monitoring in this week's Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
How VoIP solutions can lead to better cost outcomes for businesses
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions have revolutionised how businesses communicate, offering a host of features that traditional phone systems can’t match. Implementing VoIP can significantly enhance your business operations, improve customer interactions, and drive growth.
Tools by " George Mathew
Leading as an LGBTQIA+ Member: Inclusivity versus tolerance, freedom of expression, and advice for the C-suite
The award-winning 2014 Pride in London #FreedomTo campaign was London Pride’s first-ever advertising campaign. The campaign prompted people to share their #FreedomTo messages on social media, with entries displayed on out-of-home screens across London, as well as on the side of buses as part of the London Pride event.
Decoding by " Andrew Newman & Neil McKenney
Leading as an LGBTQIA+ Member: Inclusivity versus tolerance, freedom of expression, and advice for the C-suite
The cost of stress: The case for open dialogue on mental health in the workplace
The only positive aspect of the increase in cases of stress during the past decade is that people are at least talking about them. Conversations about stress and mental health have moved out of the shadows and into the light. This is important progress as a greater understanding of cause and effect can lead to more meaningful conversations about where stress comes from and the different ways in which it can affect people.
Opinion by " Lesley Cooper
The cost of stress: The case for open dialogue on mental health in the workplace
Meet Qarbotech, making plants play a bigger role through photosynthesis
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Chor Chee Hoe, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Qarbotech, about photosynthesis, nanotechnology, and adaptability.
Portfolio by " Chor Chee Hoe
Chor Chee Hoe
How to set up and run a profitable ecommerce store
Starting an ecommerce store can be a rewarding venture, offering the potential for significant profit and flexibility. However, to achieve success, careful planning and execution are essential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up and run a profitable ecommerce store.
Tools by " George Mathew
How to set up and run a profitable ecommerce store
Building safe environments where founders can drop mental ballast and accelerate
Sometimes, to accelerate, it’s enough to take your foot off the brake pedal. This is equally applicable to both cars and startups, or more precisely, startup founders. Many business challenges arise from the fears and mental blocks that hinder entrepreneurs from effectively selling and pricing their products appropriately. That is why, upon joining an acceleration programme, startup founders may be surprised to find out that it is they who need a boost more, not a product.
Tools by " Daria Reutovich
Building safe environments where founders can drop mental ballast and accelerate
Meet, changing the rules of how AI interacts with artists
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Tonia Samsonova, Founder of, about the power of AI, the creative market and manageable steps.
Portfolio by " Tonia Samsonova
Tonia Samsonova
When it comes to companies using AI, more isn’t better
At the end of March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took action against two investment advisers for making false and misleading claims about their use of artificial intelligence.
Opinion by " Michaela Jeffery Morrison
Michaela Jeffery Morrison

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