Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
What does the surge of cross-border payments in Asia hold for its SMEs
In Asia, the backbone of the business landscape (about 97%) comprises of a multitude of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), forming the vast portion of economic activity. A common characteristic shared by many of these SMEs is a keen interest in adopting more convenient and efficient payment solutions, as these enterprises often operate on leaner resources compared to their larger counterparts.
Decoding by " Alex Axelrod
What does the surge of cross-border payments in Asia hold for its SMEs
The cost of inaction and the opportunities lost to the climate crisis
The climate crisis is a tragedy for people and planet, but with it falling down the list of priorities for certain businesses and politicians, it may help to consider the revenue potential lost and the inevitable and growing bill of doing nothing, argues Christian Hernandez, cofounder and partner at 2150.
Opinion by " Christian Hernandez Gallardo
The cost of inaction and the opportunities lost to the climate crisis
Meet Qured, answering public health needs with user friendly solutions
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Alex Templeton, Founder and CEO of Qured, about access to remote health screening, driving positive change in the industry and taking care of yourself.
Portfolio by " Alex Templeton
Alex Templeton
3 ways to make ESG more meaningful – with focus on the ‘S’ in ESG
Over the past ten years, the concept of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has become mainstream for businesses in many industries. While the environmental (especially climate change) and governance aspects were spearheading the ESG movement, the ‘S’ or social is now quickly catching up. The social aspect of ESG covers a range of factors related to the company’s interaction with society, employees, customers and other stakeholders.
Opinion by " Ildiko Almasi Simsic
3 ways to make ESG more meaningful – with focus on the ‘S’ in ESG
Emerging tech roundtable – fintech experts look ahead to 2024
In this insightful article, prominent figures at the cutting edge of financial technology offer their viewpoints on the dynamic progression of the fintech sector as we move into 2024. Our panel of experts explores the exciting technologies emerging in this field and underscores the significant impact these innovations are poised to have in the upcoming year.
News by " Maddyness UK
Emerging tech roundtable – fintech experts look ahead to 2024
Brighter days for Britan: two thirds of small business owners predict a better 2024
Virgin StartUp unveils its Founder Barometer, with British founders calling for more to be done to create an environment where start-up businesses can thrive.
Portfolio by " Paul Ferretti
Andy Fishburn
Meet Napier, delivering results for B2B technology clients in the UK, Europe and beyond
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Mike Maynard, Founder of Napier, about helping clients achieve their business goals, rewarding employees and "controlling the controllables".
Portfolio by " Mike Maynard
What if the Paris and London ecosystems united rather than diverged, even in the face of Brexit?
Paris and London are rival but complementary cities. According to Laura Citron, CEO of London & Partners, and Russell Stopford, CEO of Stadion, they have everything to gain by building more bridges between them.
Opinion by " Maxence Fabrion
What if the Paris and London ecosystems united rather than diverged, even in the face of Brexit?
Why coding isn’t necessary for a career in tech
We saw proof that tech facilitates many livelihoods during the Covid pandemic. The People and Skills Report 2022 from Tech Nation says, ‘During the uncertain times faced by most people over... the Covid pandemic, technology has been an enabler for individuals, companies and communities. It has facilitated new ways of working and kept the economy buoyant.’
Opinion by " Sonal Shah
Why coding isn’t necessary for a career in tech
The thistle and the rose: Edinburgh and New York CEOs Andrew Ward and Charles Ferraz join GBAM
Andrew Ward, CEO at the Edinburgh and London-based asset management boutique Aubrey Capital Management, and Charles Ferraz, CEO at the New York-based investment boutique Itaú USA Asset Management, have joined GBAM to share business perspectives.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Andrew Ward & Charles Ferraz
Leading the way: Hospitality businesses driving impactful change
With the cost of living crisis continuing to impact consumer disposable income, and with new immigration rules from government likely to exclude even more foreign workers from the hospitality sector, the pressure is likely to rise for good businesses before it falls.
News by " Andrea Rasca
Leading the way: Hospitality businesses driving impactful change
Tech firms that embrace construction will reap the rewards
Construction firms are under acute pressure from external market forces, with some only just keeping their heads above the water. As well as traditional market solutions, tech startups could provide a way to stay afloat.
Portfolio by " Haman Manak
Haman Manak
Maddymoney and cautious optimism for startups born in lean times
Maddyness has partnered with Focal, the platform that is reinventing the fundraising model for startups to bring investor sentiment to this week's Maddymoney.
News by " Maddyness, with Focal
MaddyMoney and cautious optimism for startups born in leaner times
Cause over cash: Employees prioritise working for ethical businesses over higher salaries, research finds
New research reveals that money isn’t always the biggest motivator when it comes to people looking for their dream jobs, with nearly half of adults (46%) saying that working for an ethical business is more important to them than getting a higher salary.
Portfolio by " Paul Ferretti
Clare Gamble

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