
Un must have pour nos lecteurs, cette rubrique "Actu" revient sur l’actualité chaude de l’écosystème entrepreneurial français : annonces financières et gouvernementales, rachats, mouvements etc.
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Maddyness launches in the UK
"Arrêtez la presse !" Leading French media site Maddyness is now live in the UK making its move to support the evolution of the British startup landscape. If you are reading this you are already on the adventure with us, welcome and bienvenue.
News par " David Johnson
Maddyness Live UK
Innovative period tech
As new tech attempts to solve every issue in our modern world, the problems that periods bring to the lives of women are no exception. There has been an influx of menstruation technology over the last few years including electronic devices that can stop period pains to period underwear. Here are some of the latest.
Decoding par " Tali Ramsey
Artful Tampons Swimming together
8 alternatives to Google
Google was founded in 1998 and has grown to become a global search engine responsible for over 70% of searches online and the company has 90.46% of the search engine market share worldwide. However, with growing concerns regarding search privacy, cookies and targeted advertising, people are seeking alternatives that they can use alongside their daily Google searches or websites that will replace their Google use altogether. Here are eight fantastic alternatives if you want to try life without Google.
Portfolio par " Tali Ramsey
A siren call of hope: tech for social change
However often we see the unanswered issues in the structure of society, be it homelessness; the plight of refugees seeking safety; providing support for those suffering from mental illness; connecting communities of those deemed less ‘able-bodied’ than the societal norm; even reigniting the hopes of the disenfranchised, it takes true visionaries to seek solutions. And smart solutions, too.
Portfolio par " Ella Bowman
Change Please Team
How to conduct useful market research
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: some recommendations for conducting viable and useful market research.
News par " Maddyness
13 inspirational business podcasts for startup founders
Learning from the best to flourish your startup is the key. Whether you have already decided to create your company or need some more time to think it through, podcasts can provide you with helpful information before moving forward. Here’s a selection of essential business podcasts to inspire you on your entrepreneurial adventure.
Tools par " Audrey Langevin
Microsoft going carbon negative, UK 5G Huawei deal & Nike's Vaporfly ban
Maddyness provides you with a quick digest of three news items to keep you up to date with the startup scene, emerging trends and other noteworthy stories. Here's what's going on at the back end of this week.
News par " Maddyness
Investments this week and a review of 2019
Every week, Maddyness brings you financial and investing highlights from the startup scene. This week, let's take a look at the early investments kicking off what already looks to be another record year for UK startups. This week we also share a recent report of the UK tech investment scene in 2019.
News par " Maddyness
3 stories to start your day: Megxit, CES20 & Foodtech
Maddyness provides you with a quick digest of three news items to keep you up to date with the startup scene, emerging trends and other noteworthy stories. Here's what's going on at the back end of this week.
News par " Maddyness
Space race 2020: is this the next big thing?
Humans first landed on the moon in 1969. Apollo 11's spaceflight was televised for audiences across the globe who saw Neil Armstrong become the first person to step foot on the moon. Now 50 years later, space is becoming an accessible arena for startup companies on earth, outside of NASA and a new race has begun.
Decoding par " Tali Ramsey
Are you a female founder struggling to receive funding? You’re not alone.
This past summer, the Google Campus in Shoreditch has launched a long-overdue venture, a Female Founders programme. Over a period of five months (which was extended from the original six weeks), the diverse group of entrepreneurs - from different ethnicities, countries and backgrounds - will learn everything they need to know to launch a successful company.
Tools par " Tal Imagor
The best of CES20
Every Friday, Maddyness picks some articles from other media outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we share some of the best reviews of things that debuted and things that happened in Las Vegas last week at CES20.
News par " Maddyness
How to choose a relevant name for your startup
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: a couple pieces of advice for choosing the best name possible for your gem of a startup.
Tools par " Maddyness
Why online learning was doomed from the start - and how to fix it
How to draft a shareholders' agreement
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: several recommendations to draft and finalise a shareholders' agreement efficiently.
Tools par " Maddyness
Singing a contract

Maddyness Factory

The Maddyness teams have been committed for over a decade to the most innovative companies in France and those closest to entrepreneurs. Every day, we are committed to promoting your operations, to creating the best content for you, in all its forms. Want to work with the favorite media of entrepreneurs? Us too.