Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Why you should trust your employees to work more flexibly
Every single person at your company would benefit from the ability to work flexibly. Memories of the pandemic may have forged a connection between remote work and stress, but when implemented thoughtfully, it can be leveraged to everyone’s benefit.
Opinion by " Kayla Ihrig
Why you should trust your employees to work more flexibly
Want to LOVE your job? Take the quiz to find your ideal job partner
Are you ready to find your ideal job partner? You may think you know, but maybe you’re wrong? Or perhaps you’re unhappy with the job relationship you’re in? Or are you worried your job maybe be secretly interviewing other people? Whatever your situation, what’s the harm in playing along?
Portfolio by " Dr David Oxley and Dr Helmut Schuster
Dr David Oxley and Dr Helmut Schuster
Love and laptops: tips on conquering work, and romance, as a team
Relationships can be hard enough at the best of times, but add the additional dynamic of working together, and you have to balance two partnerships: the business and the relationship, which can sometimes seem impossible.
Opinion by " Hayley Knight
Hayley Knight
amicable, helping people separate in a kinder, better and more affordable way
As part of our quick founder questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Kate Daly, Co-Founder of amicable, about revolutionising divorce, user-friendly technology and passion.
Portfolio by " Kate Daly
Kate Daly
How the many faces of AI can improve B2B efficiency
Little over a year has passed since the introduction of ChatGPT changed the trajectory of AI, disrupting the entire tech space. With an increasing number of products and services set to adopt the technology, the global AI market is set to grow to $2T by 2030. But with all the excitement and sci-fi predictions, there is a tendency to overlook the practical impact that AI can have on businesses.
Opinion by " Ritam Gandhi
How the many faces of AI can improve B2B efficiency 14.02
Make your money make money with Chip
As part of our quick founder questions series - or QFQs - we spoke to Alex Latham, co-founder of Chip about making saving money easier, macro-trends and being one of Europe's most crowdfunded businesses.
Portfolio by " Maddyness, with Chip
Make your money make money with Chip
On the Rocks of Success: Boxbar launches world's first automated, self-serve drinks solution
Boxbar, the drinks technology business reinventing bars around the world, launches the world’s first ever automated self-serve, full-menu drinks solution.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Reshad Hossenally
How to make a business case for clocking off on time
The concept of working smarter, not harder is not new but thanks to recent research, we can now put a numerical value on it.
News by " Aoibhinn Mc Bride
Maddyness x Jobbio
How to tackle software pricing in 2024
2023 was another unpredictable year for the software landscape, forcing business leaders to focus not only on revenue growth, but also profitability. One of the key levers for achieving both is getting pricing right, which will not only deliver a good value proposition to customers, but also ensure good margin performance.
Opinion by " Griffin Parry
How to tackle software pricing in 2024
Social Engineering Attacks: protecting your small business from human manipulation
Thanks to modern technological advancements, small businesses can level the playing field with larger organisations. With access to data storage, analytics, and automation tools, small-business owners can effectively run their companies and reduce the amount of manual labour required.
Tools by " Indiana Lee
Social Engineering Attacks: protecting your small business from human manipulation
Backing legendary consumer founders, a profile of Origins
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Salomon Aiach, cofounder and General Partner at Origins.
Portfolio by " Salomon Aiach
Backing legendary consumer founders, a profile of Origins
New Dawn, New Director: The French Chamber of Great Britain welcomes François Landers
The French Chamber of Great Britain announces François Landers as the Managing Director, succeeding David Lutton PhD.
News by " Paul Ferretti
Francois Landers
Representing the voice of the next generation in the tech & VC ecosystem, a profile of GenZ VCs
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we speak to Meagan Loyst, CEO & Founder of GenZ VCs.
Portfolio by " Meagan Loyst
meagan loyst
How bosses can motivate an unmotivated team
As a startup, you know the importance of people, with each and every one having an important and pivotal role to play in helping your business thrive, grow and stand out from your competitors. But what do you do when one (or more) of them aren’t motivated, when they’ve lost their mojo?
Tools by " Debra Corey & Ken Corey
How bosses can motivate an unmotivated team

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