
Un must have pour nos lecteurs, cette rubrique "Actu" revient sur l’actualité chaude de l’écosystème entrepreneurial français : annonces financières et gouvernementales, rachats, mouvements etc.
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London-based fintech raises £6.15M, the London-based custodian for digital assets, has raised an $8M Series A to grow globally by expanding its commercial team and launching new products.
Portfolio par " Maddyness
Work life balance: “You have to decide, it’s either your job or me”
Is it necessary to sacrifice your relationship in order to manage your business? How can you find a work life balance and protect your mental health? Thibo Mc Fly was confronted with these questions and more during the course of his entrepreneurial adventure, and he didn’t come out unscathed. Here's his story.
Tools par " Thibo Mc Fly
feet at the edge of water
Women Talk Tech report: Gender doesn't matter, what you achieve matters
Organised and hosted by Early Metrics, the "EM Pitching" Event at Mindspace last week championed women that have forged incredible careers in tech and those that are redefining the future. If you weren't there, don't feel too bad, Maddyness is here to give you a recap with the key take-aways.
Tools par " Maddyness
Early Metrics
Quick tips to make your office more sustainable
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: some quick and easy tips about sustainability and how to make your office more sustainable and environmentally-friendly.
News par " Tali Ramsey
What is self-confidence? And how can you find it?
Self-confidence is believing in yourself and knowing that you are able to face whatever might come at you. It is the capacity to do something even if you have doubts.
Tools par " François THIBAULT
take the mic
Atomico V $820M fund for positive change across Europe
Atomico demonstrates the confidence in European tech and launches its fifth fund Atomico V with $820M to deploy across mission-driven European founders at Series A and beyond! The closure of this fund brings the firm’s total assets under management to $2.7B.
Decoding par " Maddyness
Atomico Partnership 2020
Unmind receives £8M investment to improve mental health in the workplace
Unmind, the digital platform that empowers employees to think about and work on their mental health and wellbeing just raised £8M, an investment made by Project A and Felix Capital.
News par " Maddyness
Unmind screen
Say hello to Ola, the latest taxis to hit the capital's streets
Every Friday, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we share some articles about the UK car-sharing market and the launch of Ola in London.
News par " Maddyness
ola london
How to manage your digital legacy after you die
Twitter recently announced that it would be deactivating accounts from the deceased to make room for more user accounts within the EU. People weren’t happy about having to wave Goodbye to the tweets of those that were close to them and had died or famous figures who they felt should have their Twitter words preserved.
Portfolio par " Tali Ramsey
Concrete Memorial
Huge scale transport transformation, N26 a victim of Brexit, and Snapchat is Here For You
Maddyness provides you with a quick digest of three news items to keep you up to date with the startup scene, emerging trends and other noteworthy stories. Here's what's been happening in the news this week.
News par " Maddyness
Snapchat image
£15.4M for traveltech Impala to revolutionise hotel API
Impala, a platform that serves up real-time data about hotel rooms, has raised £15.4M ($20 million) from investors Lakestar and Latitude Ventures, and aims to build on its already rapid expansion. 
News par " Maddyness
impala software
This week, 8 UK startups raised a combined total of £105.9M
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the startup scene. Here's a selection of this week's investments, with an impressive total of £105.9M raised by UK companies.
News par " Maddyness
cloud facade
Wearable tech company NURVV takes one step further with a £7M investment
Launched at CES 2020, NURVV, the revolutionary sportstech company led by husband and wife serial entrepreneurs Jason and Ulrica Roberts has closed a £7M venture funding round, led by Hiro Capital the new Sports technology, Games and Esports VC Fund.
News par " Maddyness
nurvv app
£60M from existing investors to help Starling Bank go global
Starling Bank, the UK-based bank founded by Anne Boden, has raised another £60 million from its existing investors Merian Global Investors and Harry McPike’s JTC.
Portfolio par " Maddyness
starling bank

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