Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
11 startups tackling cybersecurity in the UK
Maddyness has selected companies that are considerably strengthening cybersecurity systems by introducing new concepts. Here's a list of some of the most innovative startups in the UK cybersecurity sector.
Tools by " Audrey Langevin
When to believe in an entrepreneur and when to run away
Last week, one of the founders I’m advising landed a lucrative and potentially game-changing customer. This was a moment of truth in more ways than one. First of all, it staved off what had been a downward spiral of unfortunate events in the life of her company. But more importantly, it reestablished her faith in herself — faith that, by that point, seemingly no one else had. Joe Procopio tells us more about what makes an entrepreneur stand out.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Will humans ever be able to live forever?
Death remains a taboo subject; hard to discuss, understand and prepare for. But with constant breakthroughs in science and technology, a greater understanding of the human body it seems we are moving closer to a breakthrough and answer to the age-old question of can we live forever?
Decoding by " Tali Ramsey
Infinity Loop
Global cybersecurity trends to watch in 2020
With the number of cyber-incidents on the rise, there is a pressing need to be on top of IT security more than ever. In this article, we look at the new innovations and emerging technologies in 2020 that are helping organisations strengthen their security practices.
Decoding by " Maddyness
How to write a (good) business plan
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: the construction of a business plan from A to Z.
Tools by " Maddyness
News about Google data protection, visas and banking in the UK and more
Maddyness provides you with a quick digest of three news items to keep you up to date with the startup scene, emerging trends and other noteworthy stories. Here's what's been happening in the news this week.
News by " Maddyness
14 startups disrupting what we know about art and culture
Once upon a time, artists just needed a simple piece of paper and a pencil for their inspiration to come to life. In the last decade, the different ways that we conceive and enjoy art have evolved with the rampant changes in technologies. Artists are finding new ways to make art, new technologies are changing our perceptions and clever entrepreneurs are inventing new ways for us to experience it. Maddyness has compiled a list of some of the game-changing businesses in the world of art and culture.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Investments for 5 UK startups and new funds from Atomico and Sadiq Khan
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the startup scene. Risk management, retail tech, digital assets... Here's a selection of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness
Casper, from unicorn to financial catastrophe
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we look at what is going on with Casper.
News by " Maddyness
Insurtech space buoyant as Concirrus raises £15.3M
Concirrus, specialised in marine and automotive insurtech, has announced that it has received a $20M (£15.3M) Series B funding round to boost its international expansion.
News by " Maddyness
concirrus closes $20m series b
Changes on the horizon for UK Landlords
Adam Joseph is a serial entrepreneur and leading property industry ambassador. He successfully exited his first venture five years ago and decided to make the move to The Happy Tenant Company because he felt there was a real gap in the market for a property management firm that serviced the both part-time and professional landlords.
News by " Adam Joseph
block of flats
Top London business schools for entrepreneurship
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you'll find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article, you'll find some of the best business schools in London, one of the world’s leading cities when it comes to studying, setting up and working for a business.
Tools by " Tali Ramsey
London-based fintech raises £6.15M, the London-based custodian for digital assets, has raised an $8M Series A to grow globally by expanding its commercial team and launching new products.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Work life balance: “You have to decide, it’s either your job or me”
Is it necessary to sacrifice your relationship in order to manage your business? How can you find a work life balance and protect your mental health? Thibo Mc Fly was confronted with these questions and more during the course of his entrepreneurial adventure, and he didn’t come out unscathed. Here's his story.
Tools by " Thibo Mc Fly
feet at the edge of water

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