Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
How my startup crashed
Failure is part of being an entrepreneur. Remember Evan Williams? Before he co-founded Twitter he failed to make a success of his previous startup, Odeo? The reasons for failure must be analysed and lessons can always be learned. In this article, some founders have agreed to talk about how their ventures came to a sudden end.
Tools by " Céline Deluzarche
plane wreck
Tandem Bank raises £60M and prepares for Hong Kong expansion
Tandem Bank is one of a number of fintech pioneers coming out of the UK. Like Revolut and Starling Bank, these challenger banks are looking to gain market share from existing financial institutions by offering enhanced seamless digital services, and last week Tandem bank raised £60M.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
tandem bank screenshot
Cloud-based SEO platform DeepCrawl raises £14.9M
One of the biggest challenges for brands today is to continually enhance an online presence while providing high-quality user experiences and growing their market share. Google currently holds over 90% of the global search engine market share, but some startups are thinking outside the box to disrupt the SEO market. One such startup, DeepCrawl has just raised £14.9M.
News by " Maddyness
deepcrawl team photo
How startups grow fast without imploding
Joe Procopio explains how you can strike a balance between growth and profitability from the earliest stages of your company.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Apply now for the Financial Desktop Innovation Challenge
Barclays and OpenFin are committed to supporting all types of companies – from growing startups to established businesses that are shaping the future of financial services and are offering a unique opportunity that could take a startup business to the next level. If you are based in EU/UK and focused on building the next generation of financial desktop technology, you can apply now.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
MessageBird launches and enters the $350B Customer Service Market
As we adapt to working and communicating from home and potential self-isolation it is timely that MessageBird, the cloud communications platform company, should launch offering a seamless multi-platform communication experience wherever you find yourself.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Skyports raises £6M to establish drone infrastructure
Skyports, the urban air mobility infrastructure provider and drone delivery operator, received an additional £6M Series A funding to continue its ground-breaking development of cargo and passenger ready vertiports.
News by " Maddyness
duncan walker founder and ceo skyports
“Operating Partner? Is this really a job?”
“Operating Partner? Is this really a job?” This is the polite but slightly mocking question I used to get when presenting my Job at Serena 3 and a half years ago. I remembered this when more and more “young” Operating Partners approached me recently, as they were starting their jobs in different kinds of VCs. It reminded me of how unknown this position was when I started.
News by " Serena Operating
serena team photo
Online fraudsters are now exploiting Coronavirus. Why are emails so at risk?
The cyber risk level has also increased this week on the back of Coronavirus as criminals have launched email phishing attacks to steal private information. The US secret service stated criminals are posing as legitimate medical and health organisations to mass disseminate emails tricking individuals to install malware and gain access to logins.
Portfolio by " Laurent Guyot
10 startups to watch in Manchester
Manchester is leading the way once again as a Northern powerhouse and European hub for industry, but today it isn't manufacturing and textiles, but tech and startups leading the renaissance. #ManchesterDigital. From fintech to AI and machine-learning, here are 10 startups from Manchester driving this tech revolution in 2020.
Portfolio by " Audrey Langevin
Introducing the Crypto AM winners
Marking the end of London Blockchain Week, the Crypto AM Awards 2020 took place on Wednesday afternoon in Canary Wharf, and here you can find details of all the winners.
News by " Maddyness
Crypto AM Awards 2020
Pet food, proptech, vertiports and fintech; over £130M raised this week
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup scene. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness
goodlord team
Banks to give coronavirus relief, Hugo Boss the influencer and reforms to business rates
Maddyness provides you with a quick digest of three news items to keep you up to date with the startup scene, emerging trends and other noteworthy stories. Here's what's been happening in the news this week.
News by " Maddyness
Coronavirus V events
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week we look at major events that have been cancelled due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
News by " Maddyness

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