Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Coronavirus Tech Handbook
Edward Saperia, Dean of Newspeak House in London, has compiled a Coronavirus Tech Handbook. This handbook is a "crowdsourced resource for technologists building things related to the coronavirus outbreak".
News by " Maddyness
coronavirus tech handbook
5 ways that robots will be part of British life
We may not have robots in our homes, making us dinner and running baths so that they’re ready for us as soon as we get in from work. However, many innovative startups across the country are slowly introducing robotics into our daily lives, prompting the big question, how will we live with robots in the future? Here are five ways that robots are already part of British life.
Decoding by " Tali Ramsey
15 Netflix shows to watch while self-isolating that could actually help your business
When self-isolating and working from home, it is essential to use this time to keep on polishing your knowledge with new interesting things related to society, experiments, business, and success. Maddyness has selected some TV programmes and documentaries currently available on Netflix to watch while staying at home during the Coronavirus outbreak.
News by " Audrey Langevin
business shows to watch on netflix
7 undiscovered careers that could be your job of the future
Automation and artificial intelligence are likely to impact every profession, from journalists and web developers to legal experts and accountants. But don’t panic: six out of ten professions that will be hiring in the future haven’t even been invented yet. Here's a selection of careers of the future that we've found for you.
Portfolio by " Céline Deluzarche
Discover these companies and their positive impact on the environment
Tech is amazingly innovative with unrealised potential to completely transform life on Earth for the better or worse and although it seems to have been predominantly for the worse, it is increasingly being positioned as our only hope of salvaging the habitat that we have left.
Decoding by " Tali Ramsey
Wind Farm
Manish Madhvani of GP Bullhound explores how to go from startup to scaleup
It has never been easier to start a business. Startup culture is developing internationally and nowadays people have more access to funding and a wider market base than ever before. However, starting a business and scaling one are two very different propositions, and it’s in the second stage when things can often go wrong.
Tools by " Manish Madhvani
Government support for businesses... but what about the self-employed?
The UK government is taking measures to financially support businesses across the country, so companies can retain their staff during the COVID-19 crisis.
News by " Maddyness
Used car marketplace Cazoo raises £100M
Cazoo, the startup that makes buying cars online car incredibly easy, have raises £100M in a funding round which will see them continue to redefine how people buy cars in the UK.
News by " Maddyness
cazoo raises £100m
The new ‘Normal' - innovating from home
Working from home has traditionally been an exceptions approach with a strong preference by company's to have meetings and events in person. Now, however, as the impact of COVID-19 is felt across the world, home working is becoming a necessity as businesses attempt to keep staff ‘signed in’ and well whilst keeping business momentum going and revenues protected. We learn more from, experts in corporate innovation.
News by " & Maddyness
How do you announce that your startup isn’t going well?
Financial problems, strategic errors, or the end of the adventure, it's sometimes hard for entrepreneurs to realise the weaknesses of their small business. However, being honest and transparent could be more valuable than we thought...
News by " Perrine Signoret
The latest advice for businesses
The Chancellor has set out a package of temporary, timely and targeted measures to support public services, people and businesses through this period of disruption caused by COVID-19. This information is being updated regularly.
News by " Maddyness
How to double or triple your development without a growth manager 
How can you double or triple your growth without necessarily using a growth manager? Gabriel Gourovitch, founder and host of the podcast Growth Makers, gives you the keys to an effective growth strategy,
News by " Gabriel Gourovitch
Why is the UK so good at generating cutting-edge biotech firms?
Marcel Gauchet talks about democracy and social media
French philosopher, historian, and intellectual Marcel Gauchet discusses to the role of innovation, new technologies, and social media in our current democracies to Maddyness.
Decoding by " Géraldine Russell
Why startups fall apart at 50 employees
Joe Procopio explores how best to coach your business from its teen phase to adulthood.
Tools by " Joe Procopio

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