Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
IKEA & Space 10 redefine the home with digital experiments
IKEA and its research and design lab SPACE10 have launched a new online platform called "Everyday Experiments". With so much change happening around us, this latest project aims to challenge conventions and inspire action. But how can tomorrow’s technologies redefine the way we live at home?
Decoding by " Maddyness
How innovation can save the global economy
Innovation is and will continue to be critical to business success. SeedReady share the 5 ways innovation can grow your business and save the global economy.
News by " Maddyness
What are the opportunities for startups post-COVID?
In a recent webinar hosted by Microsoft for Startups and Aster Capital, Jerome Joaug and Amali de Alwis discussed opportunities, challenges and what the future economic landscape will look like for startups, innovators and investors.
Tools by " Simon Lovick
13 songs for the soundtrack of your startup life
Entrepreneurship is full of challenges: networking, finding your business model, raising money, and of course questioning your methods and yourself! There's nothing like music to boost your team and yourself even in the worst times. Maddyness has created a playlist to accompany you in the milestones of your entrepreneurial journey.
Tools by " Audrey Langevin
Crikle disrupts digital sales and rivals Zoom
Based in London, Crikle launches its new sales consultation and conversion platform to rival Zoom,, and Teams, with a slicker UI delivered by a secure browser-based application.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Inbound Capital and Arteia look to the future of art
Maddyness spoke with Claire Barbaret and Clemence Cachet-Fournier from Inbound Capital about Arteia, a London-based platform redefining the art sector and addressed to art collectors, artists and art professionals with offices in London, Brussels, Krakow and Zug, Switzerland. They talk us through how the startup coped amid COVID-19 and what the future holds for the art sector.
Decoding by " Audrey Langevin
Welcome to the next level of digital asset storage for investors
Since the inception of cryptocurrencies, we have seen opportunistic cybercriminals using ransomware to hold individuals and businesses hostage seeking payment in untraceable cryptocurrency. With money managers starting to increase their allocations across cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin it has spurred a number of boutique financial firms and some exchanges to assert dominance in this fledgeling market.
News by " Darren Rebeiro
Art&Co. launches the world’s largest online art auction
Only 3% of natural disasters are covered by Insurance and so funds raised from this online auction comprising more than 200 pieces, will support frontline charities and NGOs providing healthcare, food, medicines and guidance to those affected by COVID-19.
News by " Maddyness
COVID-19: Interview with Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, Founder of Colonna Coffee
Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood is an entrepreneur and a Champion barista. He is founder and MD of Colonna Coffee, an award-winning and innovative roastery and coffee business selling B2B and D2C. Maxwell invented and recently launched Peak Water, bringing cafe quality water filtration to your home. Maddyness caught up with Maxwell to discuss life and business in lockdown and the future.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Inherent bias is a bigger threat than privacy in facial recognition
The Black Lives Matter movement has pushed facial recognition technology into the spotlight once more, with privacy concerns being overshadowed by a remerged focus on its inherent bias. Nick Finegold, Founder & CEO of Curation explores the situation and the actions of tech giants.
Opinion by " Nick Finegold
Islington, the place to be for new UK startups?
Of the 2,871 areas in the UK, Islington comes out on top as the number one hotspot for new startups with 18,590 new businesses created there in the last year.
Tools by " Maddyness
Smart toilets, pollution data and quick-change bed sheets; crowdfunding now
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
News by " Maddyness
Storing memories in a digital scrapbook to fight loneliness
Founded by Charlotte McMillan, Storychest is a digital scrapbook app that allows people of all ages to record their unique and powerful personal stories by writing about what, is, and has, happened throughout their lives and their aspirations and dreams for the future.
Decoding by " Maddyness
The future of entrepreneurship, a Slush whitepaper
Slush and the European startup ecosystem have joined forces to redefine entrepreneurship. Based on Slush whitepaper’s findings, future European success stories will be driven by diverse teams, purpose-driven businesses, and revolutionary innovation through collaboration. Here's a recap of the whitepaper.
Tools by " Maddyness

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