Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
6 emerging trends to watch in workplace experience post-COVID
What trends are emerging in workplace experience? According to Hannah Lloyd-Jones of District Tech in the wake of COVID-19, there are many trends arising in workplace culture that you should be aware of.
Portfolio by " Hannah Lloyd-Jones
Sustainability, fintech, biotech... this week, startups raise over £125M
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness
COVID-19: Interview with David Haines, CEO of Glucose Republic
Glucose Republic is building a technology that can help with the management of glucose in the body with a tailored approach to understand and track what is eaten. Maddyness spoke with David Haines, Chief Executive of Glucose Republic to understand how the company has coped during the COVID-19 pandemic and what the future holds.
Portfolio by " David Haines
What drove Formula One champion Nico Rosberg to sustainable investing?
During a "myfirstminute" webinar Ex-Formula One driver Nico Rosberg shared how he is carving out a second career for himself as a sustainable entrepreneur and investor, with projects in everything from air taxiing to electrical vehicle racing.
Tools by " Simon Lovick
Telehealth drives a revolution in healthcare
“In tough times, telehealth is just what the doctor ordered”. Thus read a headline The Times ran with in 2012, in reference to growing waiting times in the NHS, and the demand for digitalisation to alleviate some of the strain.
Decoding by " Simon Lovick
Learning from Back to the Future 2 to build your winning almanac
In Back to the Future II, Doc and Marty get in their time machine once again, but this time, they head to the actual future. During their short stay, Marty has the inspired idea of buying a Sports Almanac, which would give him access to all the scores, results and winning teams of the last twenty years (or, when he returns to his present, the next 20). What if, as a CEO you could predict who to bet on, when to do it and how?
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
Snapchat and Headspace to tackle young users' mental health
The in-app meditation feature will provide Snapchatters with expert resources related to emotional and physical wellbeing while offering daily meditations and tools to help young users check-in with their friends and stay healthy.
Decoding by " Maddyness
How approaching burnout inspired my business
Recognising the signs of an imminent burnout in his career as a doctor led Dr Anas Nader, Co-founder and CEO of Patchwork, to identify clear problems in the rigid healthcare staffing model of the NHS and drove him to use innovation and technology to solve them. Patchwork now delivers empowerment, flexibility and a sustainable work-life balance for the doctors and medics on the frontline.
Tools by " Dr Anas Nader
COVID-19: Interview with Alasdair Scott, CEO of Staark
Lockdown has led to a real drive towards active-transport with people looking to avoid public transport, this gives great opportunities for Staark in their mission to make performance cycling clothing for people whatever their body type. Maddyness spoke with Alasdair Scott, CEO to understand how the company is coping during the COVID-19 pandemic and what the future holds.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Time to give back with Lawrence Leuschner
We hear so much about purpose and giving back, and it is sure that COVID-19 has led to many to re-think the way and the why we do things in life and in business. It is certain however that the world would benefit from more people like Lawrence Leuschner CO-Founder and CEO of TIER Mobility who has announced his way of giving back with impact.
Tools by " Lawrence Leuschner
Out of time or transforming the old with the new? Retail today
The bricks and mortar retail industry has, like many traditional industries, felt the hand of father time on its shoulder of late. The internet and new consumer devices have changed the way that we shop, so retailers have to change the way they engage, sell and support their customers. Tony Hughes looks at how some are adapting better than others.
Portfolio by " Tony Hughes
Eco-friendly detergent subscription service smol raises £8M
Smol, the detergent-to-your-door brand loved by more than a quarter of a million households, has raised £8M to continue its mission to shake up an industry that has barely innovated for a century. The Series A funding round was led by Balderton Capital with participation from JamJar Investments and is being announced fresh off the back of smol releasing its first ever fabric conditioner.
News by " Maddyness
How startups get out of survival mode and into growth mode
When should a startup begin planning for growth? The answer is now. The unconventional truth is that a startup should very rarely be acting out of survival and living from one sale to the next or from one month to the next.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Diversity and exclusion in the startup ecosystem
“Why aren’t we diverse?” Amir Kabel, Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Burberry, asked during a webinar about the same topic. “There’s a clear business case - profitability, retention of talent and higher innovation. We need to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable when we talk about race. We need to be honest that inequalities exist in societies.”
News by " Tal Imagor

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