Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
ZX Spectrum, online tutoring, and hybrid air vehicles; Crowdfunding now
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
News by " Maddyness
8 reasons why social media isn't the right place to hire creative freelancers
With over 3.96B people using social media worldwide as of July 2020, and many creatives promoting their work on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, to name a few, it’s not surprising that many of us use social media platforms to hire creative freelancers for their projects.
Tools by " Tiphaine Bruel
COVID-19: Interview with Jo Martin, Founder of ‘One of many’
One of Many is the fastest growing global leadership community for women. The company trains, coaches and supports women around the world, empowering them to step up and lead the change they want to see without burning out. Maddyness spoke with Jo Martin, Founder of One of Many to understand how the company is coping during the COVID-19 pandemic and what the future holds.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
This week Habito and other startups in biotech and fintech raised over £100M
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness
Crafting lifelong knowledge and skills with MakerClub
As the digital revolution displaces long-established norms around education, career paths and working life, how can we identify and teach the skills most needed in the future? Simon Riley, MakerClub Founder and CEO, outlines how we can, and must, develop lifelong, relevant learning.
Decoding by " Max Wood
Against the odds, the journey of a mumpreneur
Creating a business alone is hard, running a business as a parent of five is harder, add in chronic health conditions and surely it is time to reconsider your plans? Absolutely not, as Maddyness discovered when we spoke with Lucille Whiting, Lead Designer and Maker at Sophia Alexander Jewellery.
Portfolio by " Lucille Whiting
Start your own business after redundancy rather than joining an MLM scheme 
Anyone facing redundancy in the wake of COVID-19, who’s considering becoming an MLM rep, would be far better off creating a business of their own if they’re looking to make money as well as finding flexibility, freedom and job satisfaction. 
Tools by " Hannah Martin
Is your Adaptability Quotient high enough for you to be able to open Jurassic Park?
Dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together. How can we have the slightest idea of what to expect? Alan Grant, Jurassic Park.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
COVID-19: Interview with Jonathan Lewis, Chief Executive, TruLife Optics
The world is increasingly digital and contactless, so it was timely that Maddyness spoke with Jonathan Lewis, Chief Executive, to understand how the company is coping during the COVID-19 pandemic and what the future holds.
Portfolio by " Jonathan Lewis
Short film "Plastic Song" shows the catastrophic impact of plastic waste
Filmmaker Julian Hanford has launched a new conceptual short film called Plastic Song featuring renowned artist Steve McPherson highlighting plastic pollution in our water, rivers, beaches and oceans. The artist has been walking the Kent beaches collecting discarded plastic objects and transforming them into artworks.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Moderation is sexy: just ask Stryyk
If there were a time of year to talk about moderation, you might expect it to be January. The month when piousness abounds; when our feet look like they belong in a mortuary, at the end of our indulged and pallid bodies; when our bank accounts look like an evil toddler’s been playing with a calculator (‘minus one hundred gazillion pounds, Daddy!’); when we go to the doctors in the hope that something is tangibly wrong with us outside of general glibness, which you can’t treat with an antibiotic, apparently. Oh, come on doctor, can we at least try it?
Portfolio by " Ella Bowman
Alex Carlton
How startups create a successful growth plan using data
Growing your business is not rocket science. For most startups, the difference between success and failure is the difference between fumbling around in the dark and following a well-lit path towards growth. But according to Joe Procopio, no one is going to light that path for you.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
AR in the retail market: What has been achieved so far?
A lot has been written on Augmented Reality (AR). Usually, the word is thrown in with Virtual Reality (VR) as two technologies that will reshape the world going forward. While it’s true that AR has a use that goes beyond TikTok filters —there’s a lot of misinformation on the potential applications of this technology.
Portfolio by " Evelyn Johnson
10 tech startups to watch in Birmingham
With incubators and accelerators ready to nurture the local startup ecosystem, Birmingham is the second biggest city leading transformation in the UK, after London. Maddyness has selected some of these businesses.
Portfolio by " Audrey Langevin

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