Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
What you need to know about the UK's new tech regulator
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This Monday, we look at the UK's Digital Markets Unit and what it plans to do to tackle Big Tech's market monopoly and protect small businesses and media outlets.
News by " Maddyness
Emissions from plug-in hybrid vehicles far higher than advertised
Plug-in hybrid vehicles emit up to eight times more CO2 than carmakers claim in official test results, a study by Transport & Environment (T&E) has revealed. Hybrid cars, which use internal combustion engines but feature a rechargeable battery for shorter journeys, were described as "fake electric cars" by the Brussels-based group, and less environmentally friendly than advertised.
Decoding by " Katie Chan
Crowdfunding now: green energy, motorcycle jackets & e-bikes
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
News by " Maddyness
Smart tech or die: brick and mortar has a clear choice
In 1991, when the WWW went live to the world, eCommerce was born too. It was almost immediate. In the mid-nineties, people started ordering a wide range of products with their dial-up connections. Amazon began its journey in the same period.
Decoding by " Evelyn Johnson
NOTWICS Connecting People Black Friday/Cyber Monday edition
A special edition of NOTWICS Connecting People showcases 8 of the best startups specifically focused on AI, Deep-Tech and Blockchain Technologies. 2020 has seen them all fast become champions in their respective verticals and here, the founders present their business via video so you can experience them at your own convenience wherever you are.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Agile insurtech solutions: Interview with Simon Taylor, Founder of Get Indemnity
Maddyness spoke with Simon Taylor, the founder of Get Indemnity, the UK’s first digital insurance broker that combines the efficiencies of technology with the knowledge and experience of insurance professionals - about how they deliver the best insurance policies and customer service to businesses across the UK.
News by " Maddyness
A masterclass in the COVID-19 pivot with Sebastien Faelens
Sebastien Faelens, who at the start of this year ran a wine business, struggled deeply when pubs, bars and restaurants closed overnight due to COVID-19. His revenue dropped to zero and he eventually decided to call time on his dream. Now, he’s back - this time with digital marketing offering Xplore Digital.
Portfolio by " Sebastien Faelens
Opteran receives £2.1M to create lightweight, low cost silicon brains and other UK startup investments this week
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness
Avoid these 5 mistakes in virtual recruiting
With virtual meetups and events on the rise since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, virtual recruitment is also following suit, since more and more people are working from the comfort of their own homes.
News by " Kristin Herman
Give back to charity with your time online: Interview with Jon Seymour, co-founder of Red Dog Ads
Charities have been hit hard by COVID-19 and are finding new and innovative ways to fundraise. The usual events can obviously no longer take place and this is proving tricky for most. However, the important point to remember is that charities still need your help and to be blunt your cash. The work that they do is very important and literally changes lives. We simply cannot see charities suffer, especially in a time of crisis when they need help the most.
Portfolio by " Cleo McGee
EV charging firm sparks £1.5M investment to develop UK network
An award-winning electric vehicle charging company is set to step up the roll-out of charging points across the country after securing a £1.5M investment. Elmtronics, which is the leading independent provider of charging points, has raised the funding from the North East Venture Fund (NEVF), which is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and managed by Mercia, and the Ingenious Infrastructure Ventures EIS Service.
News by " Maddyness
How to network in a pandemic: Interview with Umesh Kumar, cofounder of Twist
Sounds impossible, right? But according to Umesh Kumar, now is actually the best time to be networking. Twist, which began in a South Kensington dining room and has now pivoted to kitchen tables around the world, wants to help you connect with new people authentically.
Portfolio by " Umesh Kumar
How the Hunger Games can help you come up with a prospecting masterplan
This week, Caroline Franczia, founder of Uppercut-First, addresses the most challenging part of developing a business: reaching out to prospects and gaining their attention to convert them. Much like the Hunger Games, successfully mastering this game requires fire and resilience, two qualities Caroline has identified in Katniss Everdeen.
Opinion by " Caroline Franczia
Rethinking the way logistics IoT data syncs with the cloud
Executive coach and Maddyness columnist Victor Snyder spoke with Janne Juhala, co-founder and CEO of Logmore, about disrupting supply chain analytics.
Decoding by " Victor Snyder

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