Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Brands are using more imagery of women of colour
New data from iStock on corporate branding and advertising is encouraging. However, companies should not stop here.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
rands are using more imagery of women of colour
Looking for pirates, robots, and winners, a profile of Begin Capital
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we hear from Ruslan Sarkisyan, Partner, Begin Capital.
Portfolio by " Ruslan Sarkisyan
Looking for pirates, robots, and winners, a profile of Begin Capital
22 female founders, VCs and leaders share their top tips for aspiring female entrepreneurs
The twists and turns that come with the quest to become a successful female entrepreneur can be unpredictable, confusing and immense hard work, but the potential fruits of such labour keeps the drive alive.
Tools by " Kirstie Pickering
Beyond HERizons launches inaugural cohort to tackle gender investment gap
Tech-savvy gig workers fight back
Gig economy workers are increasingly turning to or developing software extensions to spotlight pay discrepancies from their employer apps. Software engineer and UberEats courier Armin Samii launched UberCheats, which calculates the shortest distance between a trip’s start and end points and compares them with Uber data. The Driver’s Seat Cooperative helps over 600 gig workers in 40 cities monitor their earnings, and the UNI Global Union’s open source WeClock gathers data on wages and working conditions. (Wired)
Portfolio by " Fred Fullerton
Tech-savvy gig workers fight back
The #MaddyFeed International Women's Day round-up
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This Monday, we look at the progress and setbacks along the way to gender equality in tech.
Tools by " Maddyness
The #MaddyFeed International Women's Day round-up
Crowdfunding now: home-cooked food delivery and your dream career
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Tools by " Maddyness
Crowdfunding now: home-cooked food delivery and your dream career
Diverse Founders Programme: Healthy fruit snack brand offers an exotic twist
WeWork has partnered with UK social enterprise Foundervine to launch its Diverse Founders Programme, supporting 100 diverse founders with workspace and support for one year. We spoke to Sam Fajemilua and Manny Fajemilua, cofounders of dried exotic fruits brand Jungle Fruits.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Diverse Founders Programme: Healthy snack brand Jungle Fruits offers an exotic twist
£72M for Bill Gates-backed biotech – and more #MaddyMoney investments in science
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Dija app’s 10-minute grocery delivery service launches in London
In a time when we’re all staying at home and utilising at-home deliveries more than ever, what better time to launch a speedy groceries delivery service?
News by " Kirstie Pickering
Dija app’s 10-minute grocery delivery service launches in London
Diverse cybersecurity solution aims to protect small business vulnerabilities
The huge number of businesses driven online in order to survive over the past 12 months has created a heightened need for efficient cybersecurity. Nadia Kadhim, CEO of Naq Cyber, has created a solution to help small businesses reduce the threat posed by hackers online.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Diverse cybersecurity solution aims to protect small business vulnerabilities
Think there’s no more room for innovation in online payments? Think again. Why 2021 will see advancements like never before
On the face of it, online payments appear to be a pretty well-solved problem. Payment pioneers such as Paypal, Adyen & Stripe have come to prominence over the past 15 years, and are so ubiquitous that they now have a combined market cap of $440B.
Opinion by " Tom Lambert
Think there’s no more room for innovation in online payments? Think again. Why 2021 will see advancements like never before
10 apps to boost your startup income
Look, even small business owners have a lot to do. There are regular working hours in the office, working hours at home, networking events, conferences, and meetings to attend. Here are the best apps that will help you get the maximum out of your busy days.
Tools by " Thomas Glare
10 apps to boost your startup income
VOICE by Maddyness: Meet Emma Sayle, founder of Killing Kittens
Our fourth guest on the VOICE by Maddyness podcast is Emma, founder of Killing Kittens. The business hosts female-orientated sex parties globally and has an online community of over 100,000 members.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
VOICE by Maddyness: Meet Emma Sayle, founder of Killing Kittens
Lockheed Martin chooses ABL rocket for launches
Aerospace giant Lockheed Martin has selected the rocket it will use to kick-start space launches from the island of Unst in Shetland. The vehicle, called the RS1, will be provided by ABL Space Systems of El Segundo, California. If everything comes together, an inaugural flight could occur next year. Lockheed is looking to stimulate the launch business in the UK to take advantage of a rapidly expanding market for small satellites.
News by " January Barnes
Lockheed Martin chooses ABL rocket for launches

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