Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
The future of the office: How to maintain a sense of team in a hybrid environment
After almost a year of working from home, many of us have become attached to the flexibility that remote work offers. With the vaccine promising us new hope and a road map outlining when life will return to some sort of normal, many companies have stepped up their plan for return to the office.
Opinion by " Matt Ephgrave
The future of the office: How to maintain a sense of team in a hybrid environment
Meet the students who started businesses during COVID-19
COVID-19 has put the social and academic lives of many UK students on hold. Some are taking advantage of the flexibility that comes with online studying, and taking their first steps in the startup world.
Portfolio by " Florence Wildblood
Meet the students who started businesses during COVID-19
Hired by machine: How to pass the Turing test and get recruited
As AI systems are increasingly being used by HR to identify candidates for a wide range of job vacancies, can businesses use these AI tools effectively without bias or discrimination?
Opinion by " David Howell
An interview with Meatless Farm founder, Morten Toft Bech
Meatless Farm (or M*** F***, its provocative billboard pseudonym) makes mince, burgers and sausages that are meat-free but not taste-free. It’s one of the British brands at the forefront of plant-based innovation.
Portfolio by " Florence Wildblood
Look at financial stress to tackle mental health
Money is inextricably linked to our mental, emotional and physical health. In fact, the Office of National Statistics Opinions and Lifestyle survey has outlined that emotional wellbeing, unemployment and financial stability are the top three worries that affect people across the UK.
Opinion by " Jeppe Rindom
From Instagram page to fully-fledged media startup: meet The Know
Maddyness spoke to Lynn Anderson Clark, cofounder and CEO of The Know, about sorting fact from fiction in the Instagram era and why younger people are flocking towards solutions journalism.
Portfolio by " Florence Wildblood
From Instagram page to fully-fledged media startup: meet The Know
Diversity creates value: this applies to the VC industry too, and we are on a mission to prove it
Diversity is finally at the forefront of corporate decision-making, with discussions spanning from genuine inspirations to create a more inclusive society, to politically correct opportunism. Diversity is a defining value of Elaia: we don’t approach it as just a palette of skin colours or accents or religious beliefs, but first and foremost as a richness of opinions and thought processes necessary to challenge the status quo. As such, we try to build our team - within of course the respect of our mission and values -, with diversity as a core tenet.
Opinion by " Elaia
Elaia Team
Why startups should chase incremental revenue instead of unicorns
Windfalls are awesome, but they’re not a growth strategy. If a startup spends all its time chasing jackpots, it’ll just bleed its runway to death.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Why startups should chase incremental revenue instead of unicorns
Proptech firm Offr enters new partnerships with DocuSign and Twilio
The house buying and selling process can be long, complicated and arduous. With much of the legalities still relying on physical paperwork, Barclays-backed Offr aims to digitise the entire process.
News by " Kirstie Pickering
Proptech firm Offr to reduce property transaction times with new DocuSign and Twilio partnerships
As restrictions ease, this is how the nation feels about going back into work
Rishi Sunak rocked the boat last week when he suggested people would quit their jobs if they couldn’t go back to a physical workplace. How has the pandemic actually affected our views on work?
Opinion by " Maddyness
As restrictions ease, this is how the nation feels about going back into work
Funding collaborations and building brands: A profile of Sandbox Studios
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Jackie Fast, Managing Partner, Sandbox Studios.
Portfolio by " Jackie Fast
Funding collaborations and building brands: A profile of Sandbox Studios
What you need to know about Rishi Sunak and WFH
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we look at the latest takes on working from home – in line with Rishi’s suggestion staff might quit if they can’t go back to the office.
News by " Maddyness
What you need to know about Rishi Sunak and WFH
Festivals, mergers and COVID-19: An interview with Zack Sabban, CEO at Festicket
The impact of the global pandemic has been catastrophic for the events industry, but festival ticket marketplace Festicket has been one of the few to successfully weather the storm.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Festivals, mergers and COVID-19: An interview with Zack Sabban, CEO at Festicket
UK startup Deep Branch converts waste CO2 into animal feed
UK startup Deep Branch has raised €8m ($9.5m) to convert CO2 into animal feed to combat the deforestation caused by soya being grown for conventional feed. Deep Branch’s system feeds hydrogen and carbon into a microorganism to produce a high-value protein that can be transformed into animal feed pellets.
News by " Jamie Ludlow
UK startup Deep Branch converts waste CO2 into animal feed

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