Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
How to make a comeback after becoming a millionaire founder and losing it all
Liverpool-based entrepreneur Paul Harrison is the cofounder of homeworking travel consultancy Not Just Travel and its recruitment arm, The Travel Franchise. Here, Paul discusses the ups and downs of entrepreneurial life and gives advice for those who want to break free and work for themselves.
Opinion by " Paul Harrison
How to make a comeback after becoming a millionaire founder and losing it all
What you need to know about the Greensill lobbying scandal
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This Monday, we look into why David Cameron is in deep water.
Tools by " Maddyness
David Cameron is heavily implicated in the Greensill lobbying scandal
Scientists are getting better at predicting the age of menopause – we should talk about it at work too
Factors that could help predict a woman’s age at natural menopause have been identified in a study in the Menopause Journal. Using a comprehensive set of potential predictors, researchers determined that higher levels of oestradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone, irregular menstrual cycles and menopause symptoms all strongly indicate a woman is nearing menopause.
Portfolio by " Nicola Watts
Scientists are getting better at predicting the age of menopause – we should talk about it at work too
Crowdfunding now: buy a pint to support the music industry
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Tools by " Maddyness
Buy a pint to support the music industry
Automation abounds in the mid-April MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Maddymoney startup investment-news
‘Wear your own skin’: Leather is the new fur
Karl Lagerfeld once said that, “In a meat-eating world, wearing leather for shoes and clothes and even handbags, the discussion of fur is childish.” He was defending his use of animal skins, but (sorry Karl) his words nicely sum up a hypocrisy that fashion is finally moving away from.
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
Diverse Founders Programme: Natural wellness brand creates herbal blends tailored to specific health goals
WeWork has partnered with UK social enterprise Foundervine to launch its Diverse Founders Programme, supporting 100 diverse founders with workspace and support for one year. We spoke to Yemi Awopetu, cofounder of Herby Box.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Diverse Founders Programme: Natural wellness brand Herby Box creates herbal blends tailored to specific health goals
A little less conversation, a little more action please
It is well known that for every £1 of VC funding, female-founded businesses receive just 1p. Worse than that, for the last 20 years only 10% of venture funding has gone towards businesses that even include a woman anywhere in the founding or leadership team. Investors must show more than just good intentions if we're to realise the full potential of female-founded startups.
Opinion by " Stephen Page
A little less conversation, a little more action please
10 tips to boost event attendance with social media marketing
What makes a great event that everyone would be happy to join? Before figuring out the best ways to boost event attendance with social media marketing, let us clarify one thing straightforward. The simple truth is that no tricks will work to get the people to visit your event unless it is really worthwhile.
Tools by " Frank Hamilton
Empty Chairs
Life Ledger helps streamline post-death admin for the bereaved
Many of us are unaware of the complicated nature of informing different companies about the death of a loved one. Not only can the process be laborious, but it is emotionally draining during what is already an incredible difficult time.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Digital storage platform My Family Recovery Planhelps navigate the complexities of the death of a loved one
How to think about capitalism and climate change
Maddyness is collaborating with environmental publication Ours to Save to bring readers fresh perspectives on sustainability. Here, we explain the basics of this prevailing economic system and how it intersects with climate change.
Decoding by " Harry Kingdon
Abandoned Trolley
Introducing Zoa, software for fashion’s rental revolution
Launching imminently, this new SaaS venture from the 30-under-30 founder of Hirestreet will make it easier for brands to embrace and monetise clothing rental.
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
The 5 Korean startups that could be the next unicorns
The number of unicorn startups is steadily growing in Korea and has now hit 13. In 2020, due to the pandemic, only one startup, Socar, a car sharing startup achieved unicorn status. In Korea, the government made considerable efforts to the birth of unicorns with financial subsidiaries. Many domestic investors expected to see more unicorns this year, here are 5 Korean startups expected to be the next unicorns.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with StartupRecipe
Introducing VoiceHER, the first audio-based community for women
Women from all walks of life recognised themselves in the horrific news that emerged last month. Again, it was proven that we are far from living in an equal and safe world.
Tools by " January Barnes
Introducing VoiceHER, the first audio-based community for women

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