Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
3 discovery exercises that are a waste of time - and what to do instead
Discovery exercises are an essential tool for any startup, but without the right approach they don’t always add value to your product. James Zhao, co-founder of Thought&Function, looks at how to really get the most from this process.
Tools by " James Zhao
Wanderlust 3 discovery exercises that are a waste of time - and what to do instead
The art of letting go – of employees
Talking about parting ways is tough to say the least. Today, Caroline Franczia looks to Titanic for separation tips for leaders and entrepreneurs.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
The art of letting go – of your employees
Satellites, supplements and Starling Bank – this week's investment round-up
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Should you share your unfinished ideas in public?
I mean, someone might steal them… One of the most common questions I get as an idea educator is: “should one share unfinished ideas with the world?”. The scare of someone taking over one’s idea and making it their own can be paralysing and sometimes even stop the creator from mentioning the idea at all. When in fact, feedback and input is what most unfinished ideas need the most.
Tools by " Magdalena Bibik
Earth Day: Top 15 sustainable startups as rated by Early Metrics
To mark Earth Day, Early Metrics has released a selection of startups that are not only innovating for a more sustainable future but also have a strong growth potential. These 15 startups underwent Early Metrics’ rigorous rating process in 2020, where the quality of their team, project and market positioning was assessed. All of them were ranked among the top 30% of over 3,500 rated startups, with a score of over 70 out of 100.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Earth Day: Top 15 sustainable startups as rated by Early Metrics
You can’t sit with us: How brands can edge their way into Clubhouse
Much like places like Chiltern Firehouse, that feeling of exclusivity leaves most people curious to learn more. People want to see what all the fuss is about. Is it all that? Why can’t I just get in?
Tools by " Rida Oyebade
You can’t sit with us: How brands can edge their way into Clubhouse
TechTree partners with Tech Nation Upscale to shine a spotlight on developers
TechTree is a mentoring and community building platform for developers designed to break bias in tech. The company has collaborated with Silicon Roundabout to create conservation series Show The Code, which provides developers with a platform to discuss the projects they are working on.
News by " Kirstie Pickering
Low-code platforms are the flavour of the season – and they’re here to stay
Mistakes businesses make on the way to digitalisation
The era of digitisation revolutionises the way businesses work and keep up with their growth. Hundreds of organisations worldwide ambitiously set off and begin their digital journey. This increasingly automated, even robotised way of cooperation is seen as our near future.
Opinion by " Mary Byrd
Visitors stuck in a maze
Popcorn for the New CEO - Book Review
If you’re anything like me you have a busy lifestyle. Let’s face it being an entrepreneur is as much about perfecting your time management skills as it is about building a team, product and identifying market fit. That’s why when I heard about Popcorn for the New CEO, a startup mentorship business advice book that combined truly practical advice in a snackable and digestible content format. I had to have it.
News by " January Barnes
Companies are taking action on return-to-work anxiety
Employers are starting to play a more active role in safeguarding their employees’ wellbeing. Cate Murden, founder of PUSH, tells Maddyness what this means.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
PUSH helps companies take action on mental health
Here’s what investors will ask about your startup’s revenue plan
It seems like a requirement that every startup’s investor pitch deck includes a slide that shows revenue increasing exponentially over time. The classic definition of a “hockey stick” growth chart.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Here’s what investors will ask about your startup’s revenue plan
Hundreds of tech companies launch appeal for climate action
This Earth Day, over 200 leading tech companies are hoping to reach over 50 million people with the Time for Climate Action campaign.
News by " Maddyness
Hundreds of tech companies set to take climate action
Pitching for healthtech investment - how to do it right
In the third quarter of 2020, European healthtech startups secured $2.3B of investment, according to research by Speedinvest and Dealroom. Of the 626 digital health companies currently active across Europe, 63% were founded in the past five years. It’s a space that’s expanding and diversifying at breakneck speed.
Opinion by " Lucanus Polagnoli
test tubes healthtech
Talking innovation and company growth with Amazon Web Services
Maddyness speaks to David Roldan, Head of Startup Business Development (UK and Ireland) at AWS – Amazon’s cloud computing business.
Portfolio by " David Roldan
Talking innovation and company growth with Amazon Web Services

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