Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Edtech Cypher paves the way for working mothers and coding kids
The demand to employ those who excel at coding continues to rise. While most of us didn't get even a taste for coding at school, Elizabeth Tweedale, CEO and founder of Cypher, wants to change that for future generations.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Working mothers and coding kids: Interview with Elizabeth Tweedale, CEO and founder of Cypher
To climb the career ladder, start saying no
If you find that you’re going nowhere fast, it might just be your own fault. The day I took control of my future was the day I started saying no. I remember it vividly, because it was scary as hell.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
elijah flores empty chairs unsplash
Assess your intrapreneurial maturity to choose the right organisational devices for your intrapreneurship program
It is difficult to build a successful intrapreneurship program, but by asking yourself two key questions, it is possible to better the odds. Véronique Bouchard, professor at emlyon business school and founder of the Institut de l’Intrapreneuriat, and Lola Virolle, head of intrapreneurship programs at makesense, share their expertise and invite you to take a test.
Portfolio by " Véronique Bouchard & Lola Virolle
Assess your intrapreneurial maturity to choose the right organisational devices for your intrapreneurship program
With restrictions lifting, here's what you need to know about the UK economy
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This Monday, we look at predictions for a 'booming' economy in the short-term, and what might come next.
Tools by " Maddyness
UK economy post-COVID
Smartphones have become people’s homes: anthropologists
Smartphones have become the place where people “live”, a book published by University College London-led anthropologists suggests. With a specific focus on older adults, the team documented smartphone use in nine countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.
Portfolio by " Nicola Watts
Smartphones have become people’s homes: anthropologists
Crowdfunding now: algae hats and insect pet food
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Tools by " Maddyness
Crowdfunding now: algae hats and insect pet food
Electronic waste arrives in Africa in the form of ‘donations’
A loophole sees rich countries sending e-waste over to the African continent. We speak to scrap dealers and upcyclers in Ghana and Zambia about what happens next, and what needs to change.
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
Electronic waste arrives in Africa in the form of ‘donations’
Gen Z launched 56,000 new companies over the past 12 months
Generation Z are the first to be brought up surrounded by modern technology. Now, they’ve taken that native approach to tech and embraced the world of business during the pandemic.
News by " Maddyness UK
Gen Z launched 56,000 new companies over the past 12 months
Fashion favourites, rent support and medtech news galore: it's MaddyMoney time
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Is 2021 the year of D2C healthcare?
Direct-to-consumer – commonly known as D2C – has gained significant momentum in health and as a fast-growing industry, presents huge business opportunities in 2021.
Opinion by " Tim Bogdan, Dr Sven Jungmann & Felix Staeritz
Is 2021 the year of D2C healthcare?
How to use content writing for brand awareness
Becoming a successful entrepreneur in a competitive environment is a challenging process. According to CBInsights, around 14% of businesses stop working due to poor marketing. Yet, that number should not scare you; instead, it should serve as a warning that not investing in marketing is a bad move.
Tools by " Donald Fomby
How to use content writing for brand awareness
Uncovering the UK’s hidden talent with Young Entrepreneurs of England
YEOEngland is on a mission to give the UK’s young talent a voice. It’s creating the go-to platform for supporting and working with young entrepreneurs.
Portfolio by " Young Entrepreneurs of England
Uncovering the UK’s hidden talent with Young Entrepreneurs of England
Marketplace unicorn valuations soar to a huge £3.53T
COVID-19 has been a significant driver of innovation and adoption across marketplaces. Marketplace unicorn valuations climbed by 70% in 2020, outpacing the entire listed tech sector.
News by " Maddyness UK
Launch Mappers announce their yearly deep dive into the european startup ecosystem
The loneliness of the long-distance runner
Starting a company is a lot like running a marathon. You can go through preparations with a trainer and get all the tips from the people who have done it before, but when it comes down to it, it’s just you and the long road ahead. It’s up to you to decide when to start sprinting so that you don’t end up depleting your energy and jeopardising your chances of crossing the finish line.
Opinion by " Michael Niddam
Venture Building and the loneliness of the long-distance runner

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