Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
How embracing anywhere can help you future-proof your business today
The world has changed irrevocably in the past 18 months. To say we’ve all adjusted might be a stretch. There’s still a distinct sense of suspended animation - as if we’re all waiting for normality to return. But, there will be no return to normality, simply an adjustment of what normality means.
Tools by " Ben Graham
10 strategies to maintain the benefits of a team working remotely
When running a business today, online presence is everything
Google is about to turn everyone’s world upside down with a major Page Experience Algorithm Update, with its much-anticipated Core Web Vitals becoming ranking signals from mid-June. This won’t actually come into full force in search rankings until the end of August—so you have a little more time to get ready, but not much!
Opinion by " Tal Lev-Ami
When running a business today, online presence is everything
Top 10 most active games investors in Europe
From the cold shores of Iceland and Finland (Mainframe, Supercell) to the bustling Bazaar's of Istanbul (Peak Games), Europe is home to the present and future of global video games. It's no secret that Europe has led the charge on global Video Game (especially mobile) development.
Tools by " RLC Ventures
Top 10 most active games investors in Europe
Take to the helm and set sail into your UK summer holiday
With self-catering accommodation in the UK selling out fast and tourist hotspots expected to be busy this summer, travellers can let their troubles float away by taking to the water and hiring a boat for an alternative peaceful way to holiday with Click&Boat.
Tools by " Maddyness UK
Take to the helm and set sail into your UK summer holiday with Click&Boat
Fixter launches UK’s first virtual mechanic diagnostic consultation
As lockdown restrictions ease, consumers are looking for convenient and modern ways to interact with industry professionals. Now, car owners can benefit from hassle-free interactions thanks to the launch of Fixter’s Virtual Mechanic Diagnostic Consultation.
News by " Abby Wallace
Fixter launches UK’s first virtual mechanic diagnostic consultation
GE Healthcare selects AI-led healthtech startups for Edison Accelerator programme
Global medical technology innovator GE Healthcare and innovation organisation Wayra UK have announced five startups for the first Edison Accelerator programme. The startups are applying AI to pressing issues in the healthcare sector.
News by " Abby Wallace
GE Healthcare selects AI-led healthtech startups for Edison Accelerator programme
Why every startup founder needs a flexible business strategy
In high school, I had a brilliant philosophy teacher called Dr. Green. He was that teacher who everyone wanted to be in his class, and for good reason. We were discussing intelligence and how you sense whether someone is intelligent. Dr Green said “the most intelligent people are the ones who change their mind”, and as always, Dr. Green was right.
Opinion by " Sachin Raoul
Why every startup founder needs a flexible business strategy
Why hiring freelancers will help your tech business grow
The gig economy is expected to go into overdrive on the back of higher employer demand, more opportunities and the potential for freelancers to earn more money. Freelancers and startups are a match made in heaven. 
Opinion by " Xenios Thrasyvoulou
Why hiring freelancers will help your tech business grow
The motorcoach makeover: Driving bus travel into the future
Buses may seem like an outdated form of travel, but they’re seeing a rebirth. The bus is still a very popular way of getting around in many geographies, especially in Europe. On an average day, more than 1.6 million people ride buses in Europe, three times that of people in the US.
Opinion by " Sean Simpson
The Motorcoach Makeover: Driving bus travel into the future
How can supercomputers save the planet?
Nvidia has announced plans to invest over $100M in its Cambridge-1 supercomputer, as it seeks favour with UK regulators for its $40B takeover of chip designer Arm. The pledge marks an increase from the previous plans of $55M for the supercomputer, which will be located at Kao Data campus in Harlow and include 80 Nvidia DGX A100 systems, totalling 400 petaflops of AI computation power, or eight petaflops of standard Linpack.
Portfolio by " Fred Fullerton
How can supercomputers save the planet?
Building the talent you need for the future post-COVID
The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on all businesses. From companies having to shift their operations online, to workforces suddenly being made remote, all organisations and workers have been affected in one way or another. And these changes have had a significant knock on effect on workforce skills.
Opinion by " Dan Tesnjak
Building the talent you need for the future post-COVID
Celebrity video messages, laundry and sustainable protein all star in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
5G technology to boost Welsh tourism and agriculture
After a tough year for business, tourism and farming, Wales will now collectively benefit from 5G technology developed by a British startup. Thanks to government funding, UtterBerry aims to revolutionise efficiency and sustainability within the sectors via 5G technology.
News by " Abby Wallace
5G technology to boost Welsh tourism and agriculture
Future VC launches in the US
Future VC, an internship programme launched by Diversity VC, has launched in the United States. On the same day the US programme was launched, Future VC’s third cohort in the UK was announced. The newest group to participate is its most diverse yet.
News by " Abby Wallace
Future VC launches in the U.S.

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