Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
The marketing department saved your business. Now it’s time to save the marketing department
In the last 18 months, more people than ever before have been on social media. From the safety of our homes we ‘met’ and connected with one another on Twitter, Facebook and Zoom. We talked online about work, life, and everything in between, we ordered from our favourite stores and our favourite food outlets, and we supported our local boutiques and delis. As the physical world ground to a halt, the digital world came into its own, and behind every brand’s Instagram account or Facebook page, there is a marketer working hard behind the scenes.
Opinion by " Gerard Murnaghan
The marketing department saved your business. Now it’s time to save the marketing department
A roundup of healthtech startups you need to watch
This year, we saw a dramatic growth in healthcare technology, digital innovation and telemedicine. Discover some UK-based healthtechs transforming the lives of professionals and patients alike across the UK.
News by " Maddyness UK
A roundup of healthtech startups you need to watch
The UK can lead by embracing automation
We are in the middle of a fourth industrial revolution. First came mechanisation, then mass production, and most recently automation. Those first steps took us from the field to the factory. Now we are in what has become known as, ‘Industry 4.0’.
Opinion by " Mads Jensen
The UK can lead by embracing automation
The way manufacturers trade needs to change: a profile of Machine Compare
We spoke to Emily Dunlop, CMO of Machine Compare, an online marketplace for the buying and selling of excess manufacturing inventory to discover how the company is driving for change in the form of accessible, affordable and sustainable supplies and ways of trading across the sector.
News by " Abby Wallace
The way manufacturers trade needs to change: An profile of Machine Compare
Late payments "cripple" small businesses; how they are resolved needs to change
LawtechUK has recently published a new study which aims to tackle the issue of late payments and poor dispute resolution infrastructure facing small businesses across the UK. The study has recommended that payment dispute resolution should be made more accessible, and has proposed a new way of making this happen. 
News by " Maddyness UK
Late payments
Your startup has competition, and you need to become their customer
Sign up for every product and service remotely like yours and start learning. In a recent issue of Teaching Startup, I answered an entrepreneur’s question about how to find customers for his startup’s minimum viable product (MVP). While the answer mostly focused on what type of customer prospect personas he should be seeking out, I also spent a little time talking about proactively infiltrating and disrupting his competitors.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Your startup has competition, and you need to become their customer
Bringing capital and operational expertise, a profile of Project A
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Uwe Horstmann, General Partner at Project A.
Portfolio by " Uwe Horstmann
Is the video gaming industry a sustainability nightmare?
Blizzard Entertainment has announced that its president, J Allen Brack, is stepping down, amid reports of a workplace culture of sexism and harassment. Parent company Activision Blizzard is being sued by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing over the allegations which the firm initially dismissed.
Opinion by " Fred Fullerton
Is the video gaming industry a sustainability nightmare?
MaddyFeed: Everything you need to know about the online food distribution boom
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we're talking about the rise in demand for online food delivery and distribution services, and just how these companies are tapping into other consumer spaces.
News by " Maddyness UK
MaddyFeed: Everything you need to know about the online food distribution boom
Governments must decarbonise their own operations to tackle climate crisis
A new report from international intelligence and advisory firm StateUp has revealed how global governments can catalyse decarbonisation efforts through green purchasing, a move needed to fully tackle the climate crisis.
News by " Abby Wallace
Governments must decarbonise their own operations to tackle climate crisis
Live gaming, tackling insomnia and reversing signs of ageing on this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Gearing up to restart Europe’s tech conference circuit
Maddyness columnist Victor Snyder, an executive leadership coach, spoke with Sumit Pal, who works in business development for Lendit Fintech, about the return of in-person business conferences.
Portfolio by " Victor Snyder
Sumit Pal
E-waste: France leads the way for the European Union
In the third part of The Repairability Report, a four-part article series from Maddyness UK and France, we look at the legislations made in France to limit e-waste and become the leader in the European Union.
Decoding by " Anne Taffin
E-waste: France leads the way for the European Union
Digital inclusion needed to drive network-wide sustainability
It is one thing to talk about sustainability, but practical solutions are needed in order to really make a difference. If we truly want to extend the life of the planet, achieve net-zero emissions and build a better country for future generations, we need to enhance the physical infrastructure around us.
Opinion by " Peter Bachmann
Digital inclusion needed to drive network-wide sustainability

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